Chapter Twenty-One

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"You know we don't have to go to this party if you don't want to. We can just go somewhere and hang. I know partying isn't your thing." Jai says with an arm draped around Imani's shoulder.

"We're already here, aren't we?" Imani points to the fraternity house. "Might as well stay."

Imani doesn't mind going to the party as long as Jai is with her. Even though Teagan and Casey, and Cara and Chad will be here, she feels safer with Jai accompanying her. Initially, she wasn't going to persuade Jai to come, but her friends wanted her to come out and have a good time and so that's exactly what she was going to do—except with her man. Imani feels self conscious looking at all the other ladies. They're dressed in booty shorts and showing way too much cleavage for it to be nearing winter. Imani's wearing a white shirt and jeans rolled up at the ankle with her white Converse. She has a sweater on too; it's a bit itchy, but at least it's keeping her warm.

"I guess so."

"Seems like you don't wanna go in." Imani says as she opens the door—she finds it strange for it to be open willingly for anyone to come in. "Do they even bother locking the door?"

"Mostly not." He says as they walk through.

The party is already in full swing. The couple are engulfed in a mass of humid air as soon as they enter the frat house. There are girls dancing intimately on guys everywhere and there are guys playing beer pong. 

"I'm gonna text everybody and see where they're at." Imani gets out her phone and sends a text to the group message that consisted of her three friends.

"I don't like how everybody is looking at us like we're not just two regular people." He says into her ear, hoping to blare out the loud music. "They act like they've never seen an interracial couple before."

"I get those looks even if I'm not with a white person." She shrugs her shoulders. "And Casey said they're in the game room. Where is it because I've never been here before?"

"And you think I have? I'm new to this place too." He chuckles. "Let's go find it."

And so the two roam around the large fraternity house, passing drunk bodies with alcohol dripping out of their pores. Smelling a person with alcohol on their skin is never fun; it's very displeasing to the nose. It doesn't take the couple long to find the game room, where a hockey and pool table is set in the center.

"Casey, Teagan!" Imani waves at them. She grabs Jai's hand and tugs him along.

"Where's Cara and Chad?" Imani asks once she reaches her friends.

"Upstairs probably hooking up." Casey snickers.

"Oh." Imani says, clearing her throat.

"Yeah, it's what college kids do." Casey nods her head, eyeing Jai. Jai pretends like he didn't hear her and turns his head away.

"So, what do you guys wanna do? Wanna play a game of beer pong? Wanna get high?" Casey raises her eyebrows.

Something has changed in Imani's friend. She doesn't remember Casey being anything like this at all. She almost finds it irritating how straight forward and carefree Casey is being right now. She wants to tell Casey that maybe she shouldn't smoke or drink, but she knows she's not the boss of her. She is just trying to be a good friend. Then, she has to remember that they just started talking again too.

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