Chapter Twenty

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"Do you like it?" Jai asks.

"It's sexy." Imani nods her head, staring at the new piercing on Jai's bottom lip. "When did you get it?"

"A couple of hours ago." He says, staring in the mirror, then turns to look at her. "So, you think it's sexy, huh?"

"Yeah, that's what I said." She suddenly becomes shy and looks down at the ground.

"Well," Jai says sexily, stepping closer to her, "I think you're sexy."

He stands in front of her with his bare chest and basketball shorts on. Imani can't stop staring at his defined muscles, no matter how hard she tries to. He places his hands on her hips and softly pushes her back into the wall, which causes her to gasp rather quickly. She places both hands on his toned chest, staring up at his eyes.

"Thank you." She whispers, pecking his lips—lightly, so she won't irritate his new piercing.

"Imani, I—" he starts to say, but he stops himself.

"You what?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Nothing, never mind." He smiles.

"You can't just start to say somethin' and then not say it anymore." She narrows her eyes and laughs. "I hate when people do that."

"Sorry." He laughs.

A comfortable silence washes over them, with nothing but the soft hum of the heat kicking on. Jai wraps his arms completely around Imani's waist and hugs her close, as if she is going to run away. Without saying anything—still wrapped in each other's embrace—Jai walks to his bedroom and lays down on the bed. Imani is sprawled on top of him and she adjusts her head on his chest to be more comfortable. He keeps one arm wrapped around her waist and uses the other to pull the cover over them. Days like this, Jai doesn't care if him and Imani are only cuddling, it feels right.

"Thanksgiving break is coming up." He mumbles.

"Mhm, I know. I can't wait." She says, her hums vibrating on his chest.

"So, what are you doing?" He asks. He wants to spend Thanksgiving break with her, but he doesn't want to be clingy. So, if she has plans, then he won't be a burden.

"I was thinking about flying back home for the week to spend Thanksgiving with the fam." She says. "What 'bout you?"

He doesn't want her to leave; he'll be lonely.

"Just spending Thanksgiving with my uncle. Other than that, I'm completely free." He hints.

"Come with me, then." She looks up at his face. "I think it's about time my family met my boyfriend anyway."

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't wanna be a burden or anything." He raises his eyebrows.

Imani cannot fathom why Jai seems to think he will be a burden. Her life is more uplifting now that she has Jai in it. It was never bad before, but it was boring, and now she has a wonderful boyfriend who makes her laugh and smile. Jai can never be a burden. If anything, Jai is a spontaneous being and mystery tangled up into one. He is an overall amazing person and nothing like anyone she has ever had the pleasure of encountering before. The beautiful boy, inside and out, has no idea just how special he is to her. She knows that her family will take a liking to him quickly, just as much as she did.

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