Chapter Twelve

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"Okay, you just came into the room with a huge smile on your face! What happened?" Teagan asks as soon as Imani enters the dorm room.

"Please don't tell me you let him hit." Casey says.

"Oh my gosh, no!" Imani shoots her best friend a look.

"Well, something had to happen. Look how happy you are." Cara chuckles.

"Okay guys," Imani plops down on her bed and takes off her sweater because the dorm room is quite toasty, "we kissed! I can't believe we kissed! His lips are so soft, oh my gosh."

All of the girls shriek and squeal with excitement because they are genuinely excited for Imani, except for Casey. She just looks at Imani. All of the girls know that Imani has never really had a boyfriend before. She has never experienced things a girl should have experienced before they  go to college—like their first kiss. They are happy for Imani because this is the best mood they've seen her in since the start of college. Imani can't place her finger on why she is getting bad vibes from Casey, though. 

"What!?" All the girls say at the same time.

"Yeah." Imani says, biting her lip. "I can't even explain how it felt. I think I like him, like a lot. He's so cool and down to earth, and I just wanna get to know him even more."

"Mmm, interesting. You claimed up and down that you weren't that into him." Casey says.

"We just went on one date." Imani says in a low tone. "I got to know him better."

If she didn't know any better, Imani would say that Casey is a tad bit jealous. She has been making so many rude and sly remarks lately. It is too many to count on one hand. 

"You probably have him whipped." Teagan says to Imani and walks over to Imani's desk to collect her items. "I'd love to stay and hang out, but I really have some work to do. It'll never get done if I don't do it tonight."

"You're going to do homework at twelve something in the morning?" Cara raises her eyebrows.

"Yes." Teagan nods her head. "This won't be he first time I have pulled an all nighter to finish work. That's what college does to you."

"Forget that." Casey laughs. "I procrastinate until I can't procrastinate anymore."

"That's why you're such a bad student now." Teagan laughs and turns to Imani. "Before I go, where did he take you, cuz it is pretty late."

"He took me to a freaking Twenty One Pilots concert!" Imani says excitingly.

"Oh my gosh, are you for real!?" Teagan asks. "I wanted to go so bad, but I never got the time to buy tickets."

"Yeah girl, it was lit." Imani nods her head.

"I bet it was, you're lucky." Teagan smiles and walks to the door. "Well, I'm off. I'll see you guys tomorrow at work."

"Bye twiggy, don't get kidnapped, cuz I ain't calling you in as a missing person when you do." Casey jokes.

"Whatever, big head." Teagan rolls her eyes and leaves the dorm room.

Imani and Cara stare at Casey, expecting her to follow behind Teagan because she and Teagan live in the same dorm building.

"What?" Casey furrows her eyebrows.

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