Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Today, Imani has an hour and thirty minutes for a break before her classes resume. She loves days like this, when she only has two classes a day. She loves it even more when she has no classes on the weekend. Teagan and Casey aren't able to have lunch with her today. So, she will go buy a few things for herself because she has been working hard lately and she deserves it. She wants to buy an outfit for the quad block party—it is too bad she couldn't have gone with Casey. Now she has to be the judge of how she looks in an outfit and it's going to take her forever.

She wants to go to the new music store in the mall, it supposedly has vinyl records and she's been dying to get her favorite band's new vinyl that just came out. Teagan rubbed off on her with her taste in indie music. Casey, however, still refuses to listen to that 'crap' as she calls it. Imani might even buy one for Teagan because she is feeling generous.Going to the mall by yourself is never fun and after searching through at least ten stores, Imani just wants to get out of there. She found the perfect outfit at H&M, and was ready to walk out the mall, before she remembered to visit the new music store.

It's placed right across from the food court, so maybe she'll get something to bite on. All she ever does is spend money until she drops at the mall, which is why she doesn't like coming too often. She has to take the bus back to school with all these bags in her hands. Well, she's only holding two bags, but she would prefer them being in a car instead of on a bus where anyone could take them from her. She's defenseless, she'd let them take it if it meant her not getting hurt.

Imani enters the music shop, eyes lighting up at the cool looking records and instruments spread across the wall. They have band merchandise and the speakers are blaring a sick beat that Imani doesn't know of, but she really is enjoying the sound. The shop is surprisingly packed, but that is expected because it just opened. Imani doesn't know where to start first, if she should buy band merchandise or buy what she actually came here for.

"Hello, how are you today? Need help with anything?" Someone asks Imani and she swiftly turns around on the heels of her feet.

No freaking way.

Imani is surprised to see the handsome individual named Jai that she saw in her dorm room last week. She tries to not to glance up and down his figure, but the damage is already done as her eyes trail from his face to his feet—although it is very brief. Jai doesn't notice because he's smiling like an employee should.

He looks even taller in person. He is standing at a looming height and even though she is tall herself, he makes her look shorter than she is. He is wearing a black shirt, similar to all the other employees, but it doesn't have the store logo on it. The only thing on his shirt is his name tag and Imani's eyebrows furrow. She could've sworn his name was not Barrueco. Chad called him Jai in their dorm room. How'd he go from Jai to Barrueco, she'll never know. What kind of name is Barrueco anyway?

"Um, I'm looking for The Knocks newest vinyl." Imani finally speaks.

"Oh, you're a fan of The Knocks. They're pretty good." He nods his head. "If you'll just follow me, I'll show you right where it is."

Imani follows the tall, handsome being. She is internally freaking out because it is such a small world. She did not expect to see Jai—Barrueco, or whatever his name is—in the new music shop in the mall. Teagan and Casey are going to get a load of this. They are probably going to gush about the handsome young man with Imani, even though they haven't seen him yet. Imani reminds herself to remain cool and to not say anything stupid. She gets nervous around handsome guys. She doesn't know why, but her nerves are all over the place.

They stop at a section in the middle of the store where lots of vinyls are lined up. Some covers are colorful, some are black and white, and others have graffiti on them. Imani can't get over how fascinating this store is.

Wildest Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें