Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

By the end of the night, the group has danced to the live reggae music and won stuffed animals—minus Chad, which resulted in a very upset Cara. Imani is satisfied, considering she won a round of the 'knocking down the pins' game against Jai and got to rub it in his face. The night has been very eventful, but she is tired and wants to go to sleep in her not-so comfortable twin bed in her box-sized dorm room.

"So, you beat me." Jai exclaims, clapping his hands together. "I guess I owe you ten dollars."

"You really don't have to give me ten dollars." Imani shakes her head, holding the stuffed animal she won under her arms.

"We had a deal." Jai chuckles. "A bet is a bet, I keep to my word." He digs into his back pocket to fish out his wallet, then he pulls out a ten dollar bill and hands it over to Imani.

She doesn't want to take his money from him because it's really not a big deal. However, he seems persistent on not taking the money back, so she grabs the ten dollar bill and puts it in her back pocket.

"Well, this little competition was fun." Imani says with a laugh, nodding towards the stuffed animal. "But I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Already? Imani, I didn't know you were a lame, it's only nine o'clock." Jai jokes.

"It doesn't seem like it." Imani shrugs her shoulders. She looks around for Cara and the other girls, but she doesn't see them in the massive crowd of people. The crowd seems to have multiplied since two hours ago.

"You're right." He nods his head after a moment of silence and she furrows her eyebrows. "This little competition was fun."

"Yeah." Imani nods her head. She feels incredibly stupid for not saying anything else after that.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around?" Jai says. "Nice meeting you—officially."

"Yeah, you too." Imani chuckles and waves at him before she walks off in search of her roommate or two friends.

She's relieved when she sees Cara by the concession stand buying a drink because she is freezing and she is ready to go home. She just wants to tell Cara that she is heading out early. She doesn't have to tell Teagan and Casey, but she'll send them a text when she makes it into her dorm room.

"Hey, Imani." Cara smirks when Imani approaches her. "How was your little date with Jai?"

"It wasn't a date." Imani scoffs. "I don't even know the guy—or like him."

"So, you're telling me you've been hanging out with him this whole night and haven't found out a single thing about him?" Cara narrows her eyes.

"He likes Fall Out Boy?" Imani says, but she's unsure of herself, so it sounds more like a question.

"What the hell did you guys talk about, then?" Cara flails her arms in the air.

"Nothing really, we just played games and listened to the band." Imani shrugs her shoulders.

"That's all you did with him!?" Cara raises her eyebrows. "He's hot."

"Okay." Imani drags out the word.

"You're crazy, that was your opportunity to get to know the guy."

"I don't want to get to know him. How many times do I have to tell y'all that!?"

"You're saying that now, but I bet you'll be all over him soon. I saw the way you were acting at The Joint, you were so nervous."

"It was cold!" Imani says.

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