Chapter Eleven

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"Why are you in such a good mood today?" Teagan asks, narrowing her eyes at Imani.

Casey, Imani, and Teagan are out having lunch, as usual. They haven't really hung out since they all went to that party last week, so Imani didn't have time to tell them she was going out on a date with Jai this week—to be exact, today. It's the day of her date and she hasn't told them anything. She doesn't even know why she's excited because she feels like something is going to go wrong. She doesn't know what yet, but she can definitely think of all the worst case scenarios.

"Yeah." Casey nods her head. "Yo ass haven't stopped smiling since we sat down."

Imani is about to reply, when she sees Jai, Chad, and Cara from across the cafeteria. Her smile vanishes and her nerves quickly take over her entire body. She knew she was going to have to face Jai today, just not at the moment. It's like he's always popping up unexpectedly.

"Are you gonna answer the question?" Teagan says, then directs her gaze to what Imani is looking at, since Imani doesn't answer her. "Look, it's her boo."

"Be right back." Casey hops up and makes her way over to the trio, before Imani even has a chance to tell her to stop.

"Why does she gotta tell them to come over here?" Imani scoffs. "Maybe I don't wanna talk to them, right now."

"She's just trying to help you out." Teagan frowns. "Since you're too shy to do anything yourself."

"You're one to talk." Imani counters back and Teagan gives her a look of disbelief, which immediately makes her feel guilty. "Look I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous right now because she invited him over here and I have a date later tonight with him. I don't know what to wear or how to act or what we—"

"—Hold on, you have a date with Jai tonight and you didn't tell us? Why didn't you tell us? When did he ask you out?" Teagan crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'll tell you all about it after we leave here, they're coming over." Imani nods her towards the trio who now have food in their hands. Casey comes back to the table with a smirk on her face.

"You're welcome." She says to Imani.

"For what?" Imani scoffs.

"Bringing lover boy over here." Casey wiggles her eyebrows.

"I wanna throw a fry at you." Imani threatens her, picking up a French fry off her plate.

"Wow, I'm so scared." Casey raises her hands.

"Shhh guys," Teagan says, nodding her head towards the trio.

"Hey, guys." Cara says, plopping down on the right side of Imani.

"Hey." All three girls say to her.

Chad sits down next to his girlfriend, and Jai—coincidentally—sits down next to Imani and gives her a small smile.

"Hey." He whispers to her, as the others immediately start a conversation.

"Hi." Imani smiles.

Jai scoots his chair a tad bit closer to Imani. Their chairs are so close, their thighs are almost touching, which gives Imani chills just thinking about it. Now that she has admitted her crush on Jai to herself, it's become harder to not over analyze every single one of his actions.

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