Chapter Seventeen

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"So, I've been thinking for a while . . . what are we?" Imani asks with a gleam in her eye.

No, no, no. That won't work. I sound too needy, she thinks to herself. 

Imani groans and walks away from the mirror. She honestly does not know how to remotely bring up the topic of her and Jai becoming official. They have gone out on a reasonable amount of dates and Imani's never had a man to call hers, so she doesn't know how the dating scene actually works. If they keep going out on dates, does that make them official, or does he need to ask her to be his girlfriend? She doesn't know anything for the life of her and it has been grilling her ever since she started thinking about. The idea is like a fly that keeps buzzing around her ear, and no matter how many times she tries to swat it away and forget about it, it keeps coming back to annoy her.

Jai and Imani are going out tonight again. Jai said something about going bowling and then he has a surprise for her after. Being the oblivious, young adult she is, she thinks he's going to make it official but she honestly doesn't know what to think. What kind of surprise can he have for her anyway? She hasn't told him she wanted anything, so she's really confused as to why he has a surprise for her. Some girls may find surprises romantic and cute, but Imani hates surprises. She won't know how to dress, or what to do. She really likes Jai, but sometimes he leaves her confused as hell and she doesn't like that.

"Are you still in here talking to yourself?" Cara walks out of the bathroom fully dressed for the day.

"I wasn't talking to myself." Imani scoffs. "I was rehearsing how to say something. There's a difference."

"No, not really," Cara chuckles, "if you're rehearsing in the mirror, you're still talking to yourself."

"Whatever." Imani sighs in defeat. She's overwhelmed with her emotions.

"What's wrong?" Cara asks worriedly. "Anything I can help you with?"

"Not unless you know how to figure out Jai." Imani rolls her eyes.

"Awe, trouble in paradise." Cara raises her eyebrows, nodding her head.

"No, everything's good." Imani shakes her head. "It's just too good and I'm afraid to ask him if we're official yet. We've been on a lot of dates and I don't even know if we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Just talk to him about it." Cara shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh wow, 'anything I can help you with'." Imani scoffs. "You're not helping me with anything. How did you and Chad become official?"

"Funny story," Cara chuckles, "we were at a party and we were slumped. He got on his knees and everything. Held my hand and slurred his words, but he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. Someone recorded the whole thing and showed it to us while we were sober. We realized we had feelings for each other, and so he took me out on a real date. But he never asked me to be his girlfriend over again, so we still tell people how he asked me to be his girlfriend in the first place."

"That's not funny." Imani frowns. "It's kinda sad. I don't wanna get drunk to confess my feelings!"

"I'm not saying you have to." Cara laughs and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm just saying, that's how he did it. You did ask me, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting that."

"Why don't you ask Casey and Teagan?"

"Casey's still not talking to me." Imani says sadly, then raises her eyebrows. "But as for Teagan—I didn't even think about asking her. I mean, I already know how Sebastian asked her out."

"Sebastian's her boyfriend's name?" Cara scrunches her nose. "What were his parents thinking? He must be some kind of rich boy that's super smart."

Imani laughs because that is practically what Sebastian is. Well, his family isn't buried in money, but they are well off and he is very intelligent—at least that's what she knows from what Teagan has told her.

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