Chapter Fourteen

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"Imani." Jai whispers, kneeling on the side of the bed.

Jai and Imani fell asleep on the couch last night. Jai woke up in the middle of the night and carried her to his bedroom to put her in the bed. He tucked her in and went back in the living room to sleep on the couch. He was being a pure gentleman. 

He wasn't used to being this nice to someone. His last relationship was toxic; he didn't know how to properly care for his ex-girlfriend and she definitely didn't know how to care for him either.

He didn't know if she had class early in the morning, in the afternoon, or if she didn't have any at all today. He decided to wake her up anyway, just in case.

"Hey, Imani." Jai whispers again, lightly shaking her arm. When Imani doesn't budge, he chuckles to himself and plants a kiss on her cheek. She's so adorable when she's sleeping and if it were up to him, they'd lie in bed together all day, but he needs to go to class around noon.

He sighs and stands up to pull the covers off of her. The cool air and lack of cover over her body causes her eyes to blink open. She looks at him oddly, as if she doesn't know who he is. She's just actually thinking about how'd she end up in his bed.

"Before you say anything," Jai laughs and holds up a hand, "I put you in my bed because I didn't want you to be uncomfortable on the couch. And don't worry, I slept on the couch. In case you're keen on boundaries."

"Oh." Imani nods her head and quickly closes her mouth. She looks at Jai and he's all dressed up for the day, while she hasn't even brushed her teeth yet.

"Oh? You can't speak now?" Jai raises his eyebrows, chuckling.

"No, I can talk. It's just that I have to brush my teeth." Imani says, turning her head to the side.

"Imani, you can face me when you talk." He laughs. "I don't care about morning breath. But that morning breath shit is dead when you try to kiss me."

Imani laughs loudly. "Give me a toothbrush, then."

"Why, you wanna kiss me?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"I want some fresh breath, is what I want." She waves him off.

"Follow me." He holds out his hand. She gives him a puzzled look, but takes his hand, nonetheless. They're only going to another place in the apartment, so they don't need to hold hands, but she likes how affectionate he's being.

"Alright." He says and lets go of her hand as soon as they're in the bathroom. He squats down and gets a new toothbrush from the cabinet. He stands up and hands the toothbrush to her. "I was just gonna save it for when I needed to throw my old one out, but you can have it."

"Thanks." She nods her head.

"And if you wanna take a shower, I can get you some extra clothes. You'll just have to wait until yours get out the washer." He says.

"Yeah, I'll take a shower. What time is it?"

"It's seven oh five." He looks at his watch. "Do you have to go to class?"

"Yep, I have one class today, and I have to finish homework for my other classes."

"I have class at twelve." He frowns. "I kinda just wanna be lazy with you all day."

Imani smiles down at the ground, becoming insecure with Jai's gaze on her. Jai knows Imani is shy; he's come to figure that out. He also knows that she doesn't believe the compliments he gives her because she always smiles down at the ground. Jai can't wait to make it official with her; he'll make her see what he sees. She's beautiful, inside and out, so she should believe it herself.

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