Mommy duty (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"I don't matter only the twins."

Mark scooted closer to me. "Not true, happy mom. Happy babies."

I let a chuckle slip through my lips. "You're so cheesy." I playfully shoved him.

"You love to abuse me, I think."

I nodded. "You'd think correctly. What did you bring to feed me with?"

"Speaking of cheese, cheesy pasta."

The twins heard the sound of food. Tegan began to whine. I'm beginning to recognize the sounds of a soft discomfort cry before I got the screaming. I jumped to my feet, but Mark is quicker than me. He swooped her up and placed her in my arms. She wasn't that far only a foot or so.

"Thanks," I stated as I took her from him.

I made sure to check her diaper. She is still dry. After that I held her in my arms and rocked her a bit. All the baby books said to make sure she's actually hungry first. I'm not supposed to just put a bottle in her mouth every time that she screams. I try to soothe her and give her some attention. I could hardly believe Tegan and baby Logan were nearly two weeks old. It was still unreal that I gave birth to the miracle of life.

Tegan quieted after awhile. She felt my presence, my scent, and knew she was safe. "I'll get started on dinner," Mark told me.

I nodded to him. All the while, I played with Tegan. She didn't give me much only watched me with her eyes. I couldn't wait until the amazing baby noises and then speaking or playing with toys. All of this excitement with raising a child, I just couldn't wait. MIchelle told me to take it slow because this precious time will fly by. I plan to savor every moment.

Around the time, Tegan calmed and her eyes began to shut again, I lied her down and baby Logan awoke. I knew he was hungry right away. The sound of his cry made my breast begin churning out the milk. I'd heard of this happening and it's been happening to me for the last week. My body knew when my baby needed to feed.

I brought Logan over and unstrapped my nursing bra. I set him up in my arm and helped him latch onto my breast. I wanted him to eat his full. I remembered freaking out so much at the beginning of this week because both of the babies had lost weight. I could see it. I phoned the doctor and they told me it was normal and they'd gain it all back, to make sure the babies ate every couple hours and to wake them if they don't eat after four hours.

Luckily, my twins make sure to get up for their feedings. I burped Logan after his feeding, but I didn't have the towel in the right place and some of it spilled onto my dark top. I cleaned up what I could then took Logan upstairs with me. I lied him in his crib while I changed into another top. I brought him back downstairs and put him in the bassinet.

Mark was done with dinner then. I was able to get through half of my dinner before Tegan was actually ready for her feeding.

"Mommy duty," Mark joked.

I nodded and rushed over to her. "Momma's here," I told my crying angel. I picked her up, seeing her chubby cheeks growing rosy. I set her up against my other breast so that she could feed.

"I'll clean up." Mark said.

"You don't have to," I told him.

"I want to," he stated.

I smiled at his kindness. I turned back to Tegan. Her gray eyes looking up into mine. Her small dark curls on her head. I hadn't gotten around to dressing them today. Both her and Logan only wore onesies with some little word. Tegans white onesie said Princess with a purple and pink crown.

Somehow during her burping she managed to use the bathroom. I hated to change her so early, but I did. My babies did not like waste on them at all. They screamed the second they used the bathroom. I figured this would help in a couple years when it came time to potty train.

I put her back in her bassinet and dropped the diaper in a separate bag and dropped it in the trash so it wouldn't stink up the downstairs. I sat back on the stairs with Mark beside me. We both collapsed down exhausted. I looked over at him.

"Thanks for dinner. It was really delicious. I'm glad you made extras."

He nodded. "I wanted to do something nice for you. You deserved it."

"Why," I asked.

"You're a  new mom taking care of two children alone."

"Yeah, everyone has been so nice by helping me out. I suppose I owe you another thanks for telling me to let them in. I even have parents now. I don't even know how I will ever repay you for this."

Mark slid all the way over until there was no room between the two of us. "You could...go on a date with me."

My eyes widened. I was struck speechless. "Too complicated, you and Logan already trip over each other. I don't want to cause anymore friction."

"Do you like him?" Mark asked. "Bella, given that you like Logan, I would not pursue you any further."

Oh. Did I like Logan? Logan is married. He did separate from Vanessa. Logan is free. So, why were the words lodged in my throat?

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