마흔하나 (maheunhana)

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"Hello, everyone!" Soonyoung said brightly as he walked into his dressing room. His staff greeted him back kindly before returning to their conversations. Soonyoung walked up to Jisoo, who was waiting next to a rack of clothing, and frowned.

"Seokmin isn't here?" Soonyoung checked, and Jisoo shook his head. Soonyoung sighed. "This guy is never early, I swear. Where is he?"

"I called Jeonghan a while back to check where they were, and it sounded like he was in a café. I bet the two of them are still on their way now," Jisoo said, rolling his eyes. He grabbed some clothes off of the rack and handed them to Soonyoung. "Here. Go get changed into these while we wait."

"Alright, I will. Thanks, Jisoo-hyung!" Soonyoung smiled and took the outfit from his stylist. He started walking to the changing room before abruptly turning back to Jisoo. "Hey, are any of the other guys here yet?"

"Yeah, they came a little while before you did. They decided to go to the restroom before rehearsal," Jisoo answered.

"Ah, I see," Soonyoung hummed. "I'll go get changed then!"

"Okay. Eunji will get started on your makeup when you're done," Jisoo responded. "Oh, hey, some of the other staff members and I are getting snacks. Do you want anything?"

"Uh, are you getting them from the vending machines?" Soonyoung asked. Jisoo nodded. "Just a chocolate bar, please."

"Got it, one chocolate bar," Jisoo repeated. "Go get dressed now so we can finish doing your makeup and hair sooner."

"Yes sir!"

"Man, I'm tired," Soonyoung complained, sinking into an empty chair in front of the mirrors. "Where's the rest of my chocolate bar?"

"It's behind you," Seungcheol informed him, not looking up from his phone for a second, Soonyoung spun his chair around and beamed.

"Thanks, Seungcheol-hyung!"

"Soonyoung-hyung, won't you share some of your chocolate with me?" Minghao smiled sweetly. Soonyoung shook his head.

"It's mine."

"Aw, c'mon, just one piece," Minghao begged.

"I never share my chocolate with anyone," Soonyoung told him.

"One teeny-tiny bite?"


"Seungcheol-ah, there's a guy outside that says he wants to come in and see Soonyoung," Eunji said as she walked into the room. Seungcheol frowned.

"Alright. I'll go see who it is," Seungcheol announced before stepping out of the room. A few moments later, he reopened the door with a smile as he led the man who was waiting outside in. Soonyoung bolted upright.

"Jihoon-ah!" Soonyoung exclaimed. "What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to tell you and Seokmin that your performance looked really cool," Jihoon replied. He smiled at them. "Good job."

"This is the first time you've ever told me that about one of my performances...you're just saying that because it's your song, aren't you?!" Seokmin asked accusingly. Soonyoung gasped.

"That's part of it. Thanks for not ruining my song, guys," Jihoon said, grinning playfully. "I also wanted to come see Soonyoung though."

"See me?" Soonyoung questioned as his cheeks heated up. Jihoon nodded.

"I thought you'd look like a disgusting, sweaty mess after your performance. I was right," Jihoon told Soonyoung, and Soonyoung scowled. He broke off a piece of his chocolate bar and threw it at Jihoon.

"Hey! Why did you do that?! I could've eaten that piece of chocolate!" Minghao huffed.

"No you couldn't have," Soonyoung replied. "I wouldn't have given it to you in the first place."

"See how stingy Soonyoung is, Jihoon-ah? Can you believe him? He won't give his friend any of his chocolate, even though his friend asked politely!" Jun exclaimed.

"I'm not stingy!" Soonyoung protested.

"Shame on you, Soonyoung. You're okay with taking other people's food, but you won't share your own? How rude," Jihoon said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm not mean though!" Soonyoung responded defensively.

"Sure you aren't."

"I'm not!" Soonyoung repeated.

"Then give me some of your chocolate bar, Soonyoung-hyung," Minghao interrupted. He smiled innocently. "Please." Soonyoung glared at Minghao and tossed a piece of chocolate at his face, scowling when Minghao caught it in his mouth.

"But it wasn't very nice of you to just throw it at me like that, you know. I could've gotten hurt." Minghao pouted.

"He just keeps proving how rude he is," Jihoon sighed.

"I'm not rude!" Soonyoung exclaimed loudly. He turned towards his manager. "Aren't you supposed to tell them to stop being mean to me, Seungcheol-hyung?!"

"Probably, but since they're right, I'm not gonna." Seungcheol shrugged.


A/N: ily guys i'm so sorry this was late smh i rly thought i was gonna finish it on time last night like i was determined and then...i fell asleep in the middle of writing this. rip. sorry if it wasn't that good D: idk let me know what you thought of this chapter! linked song is "diamond" by f(x) bc y'all know that i love them more than life itself. :( i hope that sm will give them a comeback soon bc they rly deserve one. it's been too long.

anyways as always ty guys so much for the support! i can't believe that this story already has over 9k reads and 1k votes Ö thanks fr you guys. y'all are the best. alright well have a great rest of your day! may or may not (probably won't) update next week bc i have another conference from thursday to saturday (i had one last week from thursday to saturday too which is why i didn't update last week) so idk if i'll update. we'll see i guess. okay well that's it guys! thank you guys sm again! bye! <3

p.s. here's a live performance of "diamond" by f(x) bc the dance is great. i rly love it. enjoy!

palpitations | s.k. + j.l. (soonhoon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora