서른여덟 (seoreunyeodeol)

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"I'm starting to think that you might have a crush on Soonyoung," Jihoon said, plopping into the seat next to Seokmin. "You're always watching him on TV." Seokmin waved his hand dismissively.

"Nah, I don't have a crush on him anymore," Seokmin replied. Jihoon's eyes widened.

"Anymore?" Jihoon repeated. "So you did have a crush on him at one point?"

"Didn't everyone?" Seokmin retorted. "Don't worry, it was just for a small amount of time. I only liked him for a week. Besides, it was one of those admiration crushes, you know? You don't actually like them, but you acknowledge how cool they are and that they'd be perfect to date."

"I guess I understand," Jihoon admitted, turning his attention back to the TV. He rolled his eyes when Soonyoung pulled a finger heart out of his pocket. "Never mind, I take it back. That was revolting. He's not cool at all. I don't see how anyone could like him. I'm gonna go bleach my eyes out."

"Oh, shut up. You're not fooling anyone, you know," Seokmin responded.

"What did you just say to me, you punk?!" Jihoon grabbed a pillow and raised it threateningly. Seokmin jumped off of the couch and ran to the other side of the room, grinning at Jihoon.

"I told you to shut up," Seokmin repeated, sticking his tongue out at Jihoon. Jihoon threw his pillow at Seokmin, who laughed as it hit him in the stomach. Jihoon picked up another pillow and got ready to throw it, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door. He glared at Seokmin playfully.

"We'll finish this later," Jihoon promised, tossing the pillow back onto the couch and walking towards the door. He looked through the peephole.

"Who is it?" Seokmin asked, coming up behind Jihoon.

"I can't tell, they're covering their face," Jihoon responded, stepping back to let Seokmin look. Seokmin gave Jihoon his pillow and placed his hands around the peephole, squinting as he peered through it.

"He looked up. Oh, it's Soonyoung-hyung!" Seokmin beamed and moved to open the door. Jihoon smirked mischievously and raised his pillow.

"Hey Soonyou–ow!" Jihoon cut Seokmin off by striking him on the head with the pillow. He grinned and glanced at the door, jumping in surprise.

"What the hell? You're not Jisoo," Jihoon said.

"Were you expecting him?" Seokmin asked.

"Didn't you just say that Shua-hyung was at the door?" Jihoon checked.

"No, I clearly said Soonyoung-hyung," Seokmin replied. He smirked. "Looks like our Jihoonie is getting old, huh? You're already losing your hearing. Should I start calling you grandpa?"

"Don't even start, you little brat," Jihoon retorted defensively.

"Seokmin-ah, can you tell your grandfather to let me in already?" Soonyoung interrupted. "It isn't polite to force your guest to wait outside instead of welcoming them in."

"Goodbye," Jihoon responded as he began to shut the door.

"Wait, no! You can't just leave me out here! What if someone recognizes me?!" Soonyoung protested, jamming his foot between the door and the doorway. Jihoon hummed.

"What will you give me in return?" Jihoon asked. Soonyoung shrugged his backpack off of one shoulder and rummaged through one of the pockets. Jihoon watched him curiously.

"Ah, found it!" Soonyoung proclaimed triumphantly, pulling his hand back out of his bag. Jihoon scowled as Soonyoung made a finger heart with his empty hand. "My heart."

"Bye," Jihoon repeated as he closed the door again. He was suddenly hit on the back of his head, and even though it wasn't a painful attack, Jihoon's hands flew his head in shock.

"Karma," Seokmin told Jihoon, grinning widely. He reached past Jihoon and reopened the door. "Come in, Soonyoung-hyung."

"Thanks. At least someone in this house has manners," Soonyoung said teasingly as he walked in. Jihoon pouted and rubbed the back of his head, following the other two back to the couch.

"So what brings you here?" Seokmin asked as he sat down in the armchair, forcing Jihoon to sit next to Soonyoung on the couch. Soonyoung picked up his bag and looked through it again, pulling out a hat and a face mask this time.

"I had to return these," Soonyoung replied. He offered the items to Jihoon. "Here."

"Thanks," Jihoon responded, taking them and setting them on the table.

"Well, that was all I came here for," Soonyoung told the other two. He closed his bag and stood up. "Thanks again for letting me borrow those, Jihoon-ssi. I'll take my leave now. See you guys soon."

"Wait," Jihoon blurted out. He scratched his neck awkwardly. "Uh, if you haven't eaten yet, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Really?!" Soonyoung exclaimed. He frowned. "Ah, I forgot. I can't. I already have plans. Sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry about it! It was just a suggestion anyways," Jihoon replied as the three men started to walk towards the door.

"Sorry again," Soonyoung repeated, smiling apologetically. "I'll get going then. Bye, guys."

"Bye, Soonyoung-hyung," Seokmin responded.

"Drive safely," Jihoon said, closing the door after he saw Soonyoung get on the elevator safely. He sighed.

"So what was that you were saying earlier? You didn't understand how anyone could have a crush on Soonyoung?" Seokmin teased. His eyes widened. "Wait, no, Jihoon-hyung, I'm sorry, I was wrong, please put down the pillo–ow!"

A/N: sorry this was late...no excuses other than having a meeting after school yesterday...hope that the length of this chapter made up for it though? how was it? i started writing it yesterday night but i couldn't finish it so i just left it and decided to finish writing it today. hope you enjoyed it! comment and tell me what you thought of this chapter pls!

linked song is "1.2.3 (원투쓰)" by 비아이지 aka B.I.G (Boys in Groove) my favs! i hope minpyo gets better soon :( my poor angel my purest son i hope he's doing okay i love him so much. please support this song and b.i.g's comeback! don't let these talented boys flop! @ heedo you asshole give gunmin a high five smh what a monster i can't believe him i don't know him i'm breaking up with him heedo who? hey also can j-hoon get more lines? his voice is beautiful and perfect and he's a MAIN VOCAL but he had less time than benji in this song?? hmm i'm about to fight

anyways that's it for this update! i hope that you enjoyed it! again pls let me know what you thought! as always ty guys so much for the continuous support bc it really makes me super duper happy so tysm ily guys have an amazing rest of your day! see y'all next week (hopefully on time)! thanks again! y'all are the best! bye! <3 <3 <3

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