아홉 (ahop)

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"Hello?" Soonyoung asked in a hoarse voice, answering his phone sleepily.

"Were you asleep? Soonyoung, it's already 11 A.M.! You have filming soon, remember? You're gonna be late!" Seungcheol reprimanded strictly. Soonyoung sighed.

"I know, I know. I was just taking a nap. I'll just put my clothes on and brush my hair, okay?" Soonyoung replied as he got out of bed lazily. Good thing he decided to shower after breakfast earlier.

"Be out of your apartment in 15 minutes. Jeonghan and I are headed over there now," Seungcheol told him.

"You aren't here yet? Tsk, tsk, hyung. Looks like your old age is finally catching up to you," Soonyoung teased.

"Shut up before I make you do that advertisement you didn't want to do."

"Hyung, I can't do that advertisement because I'm deathly allergic to their product, remember?"

"Even more reason for me to make you do it."

"Hey!" Soonyoung gasped

"10 more minutes, Soonyoung. Time's ticking," Soonyoung could hear Seungcheol's smirk over the phone.

"Fine, fine, I got it. I'm hanging up now. Bye," Soonyoung sighed dramatically, ending the call. He checked his clock. "Shit!"

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Soonyoung squealed. Seokmin winced.

"Ow, my ears! Can you talk normally?!" Seokmin complained.

"No can do, sunshine," Soonyoung beamed.

"I am pretty excited though. DK and Hoshi's 'Showtime' series! We should go to the amusement park like EXID and INFINITE-sunbaenims did. Whoever screams more has to buy the other funnel cake," Seokmin grinned.

"Seokmin, you realize that you'd probably be the one who would scream more, right?" Jisoo sighed as he walked over to the pair. He handed Seokmin some clothes. "Wear this."

"Hey, I would not!" Seokmin protested, grabbing the outfit angrily.

"Really? We've been to an amusement park together before. You didn't stop screaming until you were off of the ride," Jisoo told him flatly.

"What a wimp!" Soonyoung laughed teasingly. Jisoo turned to glare at him too.

"Soonyoung, you were there too. You screamed before the ride had even started," Jisoo said. It was Seokmin's turn to laugh at him.

"Who's the wimp now?" Seokmin smirked.

"What I'm trying to say is that you guys are both cowards when it comes to scary things. Your fans will probably find it cute though, so don't worry. Lots of them already know anyways," Jisoo finished.

"Bet's still on though, right Soonyoung?" Seokmin grinned.

"Of course! You better bring enough money to pay for me if we do it," Soonyoung challenged.

"Idiots," Jisoo sighed, walking away.

"Wait, Jisoo, no! I need your help to get changed!" Seokmin yelped, running after the older boy.

"It's literally just a t-shirt and jeans!" Soonyoung heard Jisoo exclaim. Soonyoung laughed at his friend's misfortune. Good thing he wasn't like that.

A/N: mmm ok Soonyoung you're totally not creepy. sorry this sucked. your fav guitar-wielding producer will be in the next chapter :) hope this wasn't too bad. bye guys have a nice day! tysm for reading and voting and commenting and such. it means a lot to me. linked song is "She Is (좋아)" by Jonghyun.

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