스물둘 (seumuldul)

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Jihoon tapped his fingers on the side of the steering wheel in time with the music playing on the radio as he waited for the signal to turn green. He was humming along to the song quietly when all of a sudden, his phone started ringing loudly, playing one of Seokmin's songs as the ringtone. Jihoon accepted the call and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" Jihoon answered.

"Jihoon-hyung! You picked up!" Seokmin replied, sounding slightly nervous.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?" Jihoon asked suspiciously.

"W-Well, aren't you out with your friends right now?" Seokmin responded.

"I was, but I'm on my way home now. Why'd you call?" Jihoon said.

"Would you believe me if I told you that it was because I missed you?" Seokmin chuckled awkwardly.

"Did you click on the wrong contact? This is Jihoon, not Jisoo," Jihoon retorted. "What happened?"

"I...Soonyoung got drunk and came over to our apartment. He's been crying for like five minutes straight now. I've tried everything, but I can't get him to stop crying," Seokmin panicked.

"Alright. I'm just a minute away from home. I'll try and get him to stop crying too." Jihoon sighed.

"Thanks so much, Jihoon-hyung! I'm really concerned. He won't talk to me at all, and he seemed really sick and upset when he came here," Seokmin said worriedly.

"Okay, let me just park my car and I'll be home. Can you check if we have any strawberry ice cream? Maybe that'll cheer him up. He needs to drink water too, so get him a glass of water and give it to him," Jihoon commanded.

"I already checked earlier, but we don't have any. I'll give him some water though. See you soon! Thanks again," Seokmin replied.

"Yeah, no problem. I'm hanging up now," Jihoon responded.

Jihoon ended the call as he walked into his apartment building. He tapped his foot impatiently while he waited for the elevator to arrive, rushing into it and mashing the button to close the doors until they finally shut. He pressed the button for his floor and ran out of the elevator immediately after it stopped at his floor.

Jihoon fumbled with his keys as he tried to open the door to his apartment, and when he finally succeeded, he hastily closed and locked the door behind him before going towards the living room. He looked around in concern, sighing with relief when he saw that the apartment didn't seem to be stained by blood or liquor. He walked towards Soonyoung and kneeled next to him.

"He won't respond to me," Seokmin fretted. "Please talk to him, Jihoon-hyung."

"Soonyoung? Are you awake?" Jihoon asked, tapping Soonyoung with a finger.

"Woozi? Is that you?" Soonyoung slurred. He grabbed Jihoon's face and pulled his cheeks our, stretching them painfully. "Aw, look at you. What a cutie! No wonder all the ladies love you."

"Seokmin told me you were crying. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jihoon prodded.

"Hmm...'m fine now that you're here," Soonyoung said, grinning toothily. He frowned suddenly. "Sorry. I shouldn't be."

"What do you mean?" Jihoon replied. He shook his head. "Never mind, never mind. Can you just drink some water for me, Soonyoung-ah?"

"Don't wanna," Soonyoung mumbled, pushing the cup of water Seokmin offered him away.

"C'mon, please? It's good for you. It'll make you feel better," Jihoon told Soonyoung persuasively.

"Will it make me feel happy?" Soonyoung questioned.

"Drink it and find out," Jihoon responded. Soonyoung hesitated, but he finally took the glass from Seokmin, downing it all in one gulp. He pouted.

"I still feel sad," Soonyoung whined.

"Why do you feel sad, Soonyoung?" Jihoon asked.

"I'm lonely."

"Why are you lonely?"

"All my friends are either dating the person they like, or the person they like likes them back. For me though, the one I like is dating someone else. I want to be in a happy relationship with someone too. Why doesn't anyone ever want to date me?" Soonyoung whispered the last sentence, tears pooling up in the corners of his eyes.

"Soonyoung-ah..." Seokmin was tearing up too.

"Am I really that annoying? Is that why no one likes me?" Soonyoung continued sadly.

"What do you mean? I like you. You may be annoying, but it suits you. It's part of your personality! You shouldn't be upset about it. Besides, you're not that bad," Jihoon replied, trying to comfort Soonyoung.

"Really?" Soonyoung's eyes sparkled hopefully. Jihoon nodded.

"The next time you feel like this, don't start drinking. Just come over here. Seokmin and I will watch shitty movies and eat unhealthy snacks with you until you start to feel better, okay? We're your friends. We'll always be here for you, so let us help you. Got it?" Jihoon said. Soonyoung nodded happily. "Great. Drink some more water and get some rest then. It must've been a tiring day for you."

"Thank you guys." Soonyoung gave Seokmin and Jihoon a watery smile. Seokmin hugged Soonyoung tightly, wiping his wet face against Soonuoung's shirt.

"You're my best friend. I'm not going to be annoyed if you spill all your problems to me, okay? You're like family to me. I don't want you to ever be sad," Seokmin confessed, sniffling loudly.

"Love you too, Seokmin," Soonyoung teased. Seokmin rolled his eyes and pushed Soonyoung away.

"You reek of alcohol. Go wash your face and get some sleep," Seokmin commanded.

"Excuse me? Aren't you the youngest person here? Don't tell me what to do," Soonyoung said, scoffing, but he walked towards the restroom anyways, coming out a few minutes later with a few droplets of water still sliding down his face.

"You can sleep in my room, so go. Get some sleep," Jihoon told Soonyoung. Soonyoung smiled softly at Jihoon.

"Thanks, Jihoon."

"It's no problem. As long as you're not feeling sad anymore."

A/N: ok this is probably complete shit and tbh I totally forgot to update this and I'm so sorry that's my bad I suck I'm sorry please tell me your HONEST opinion on this don't bs and tell me it was good tell me the truth bc I don't feel too good about this I'm so sorry guys this is gonna sound like a bunch of excuses but it's honestly true man I had so much hw and still do and I'm sorry again aghhh

anyways as always tysm for reading this shitty story and for all of the support bc it means so much to me guys. linked song is "타올라" by B.I.G. aka "Taola" bc it's such a catchy song and I love it so much and please give them some love bc they're great I love omg ok moving on tysm again guys! I hope that all of you have had/will continue to have an amazing day! love you guys! see you next week! bye! thanks and sorry again!

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