열다섯 (yeoldaseot)

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"Thanks for paying for the pizza, Jihoo-I mean Woozi! You're the best!" Soonyoung cheered, giving Jihoon two thumbs up. Jihoon scowled back at him.

"Woozi? What does that mean?" Seokmin questioned.

"It means, like, dizzy or something. In English, that is. Do you wanna hear the story behind it?" Soonyoung grinned mischievously.

"If you tell him, you're not getting any dinner tonight," Jihoon threatened.

"Jihoon-hyung," Seokmin whined.

"Aw, c'mon. It's just Seokmin. He's probably done a lot worse," Soonyoung pointed out.

"So? It's still embarrassing," Jihoon frowned.

"You're so mean," Seokmin pouted. "I'll just have to tell Soonyoung a bunch of stories from when we were kids, I guess. Remember the dog incident?"

"I will hurt you in your sleep," Jihoon said.

"So, Soonyoung, when Jihoon and I were kids, we went to our parents' friend's house, and Jihoon–"

"I accidentally hit on him when I was drunk, okay, Seokmin? Now he won't stop calling me that annoying nickname. If you join in, I will tell Jisoo your embarrassing childhood stories," Jihoon interrupted.

"Not gonna lie, you two really seem like actual siblings," Soonyoung chuckled. "It's cute."

"Soonyoung, if you don't want to die, I suggest that you never call Jihoon cute again," Seokmin shivered.

"Hey, Lee Jihoon! Did you know that you're very cu–hey!" Soonyoung coughed and keeled over as Jihoon punched him in the stomach.

"Shut up," Jihoon gritted out.

"I told you not to do it," Seokmin shrugged. "I want the first slice of pizza!"

"Why would you get it? You're the youngest first. If anything, I should get it since I'm the oldest," Soonyoung scoffed, reaching for a slice of pizza. He felt a sudden sharp sting on his hand, and he stared incredulously at Jihoon.

"You two are forgetting who paid for this pizza. I should get the first slice. I'm the one who spent all of my money on it. You guys should be thankful I'm even letting you have some," Jihoon scoffed.

"I'm older than you too, Woozi. I deserve the first slice," Soonyoung smirked, his eyes steely.

"No, I deserve it," Jihoon glared back at him.

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."



"You don't."

"I do."

"This is delicious!" Seokmin cut them off with a muffled voice, a slice of pizza hanging out of his mouth.

Soonyoung and Jihoon glanced at him in surprise, and then they looked at the pizza box. Just as they had expected, a slice of pizza was missing from the pizza. Jihoon and Soonyoung glared intimidatingly at Seokmin, though the younger boy was oblivious to their death stares as he happily munched on his slice of pizza.

Suddenly, Soonyoung realized how close he and Jihoon were standing. The pair had unconsciously gotten closer while they were arguing, and at this point, if Soonyoung just leaned forward a little bit, their bodies would be pressed against one another's. He blushed brightly and shuffled past Jihoon to escape before Jihoon could notice anything.

Unfortunately, fate was not on Soonyoung's side, and as Soonyoung attempted to move away from his crush, his ankle caught onto Jihoon's, and the pair fell backwards, onto the table. Soonyoung pushed himself up with his arms immediately, hovering over Jihoon nervously. He swallowed as he noticed that he was pinning Jihoon down. Jihoon stared back up at Soonyoung. The air felt tense.

"Please don't deflower our dining table while I'm still in the room," Seokmin sighed, and Soonyoung quickly pushed himself away from Jihoon with a blush.

"You little brat. How dare you take the first slice of pizza?" Soonyoung asked, pulling Seokmin's ear harshly.

"I'd say that I'm sorry, but I'm really not," Seokmin said, stuffing the remains of the slice's crust into his mouth. "Thith i weally good."

"Asshole," Soonyoung muttered. "You can't have any more pizza until I'm done with my first slice."

"Sure, sure, whatever," Seokmin agreed, grinning at his phone giddily. Soonyoung sighed awkwardly and glanced at Jihoon, who was glaring at his feet angrily. Why was having feelings for Lee Jihoon so hard?

A/N: sorry for this late (and shitty) update but my day has been too busy and so was yesterday so I didn't have time to write. I still have a lot of homework to do kms. hope that you guys somehow enjoyed this though. sorry again.

linked song is "아니야 (No Oh Oh)" by CLC bc they're talented queens, and I love them and this song a lot. especially the lyrics like wow. tbh it's so hard to have a bias in this group. anyways, ty guys so much for supporting this story. have a great rest of your day! you guys are great! bye! ily!

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