서른넷 (seoreunnet)

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"Hey, Jihoon-ah. Wake up. We're almost there," a gentle voice whispered into Jihoon's ear. Jihoon shivered and buried his face into his pillow. Pillow? No, this was much tougher than his pillow. It was warm though. He snuggled in deeper to whatever he was sleeping on.

"J-Jihoon..." the voice stuttered.

"Huh?" Jihoon mumbled, opening one eye. His eyes widened as he stared at the black fabric in front of him. That was definitely someone's crotch. He sat up quickly and looked to his right. Soonyoung was smiling awkwardly at him and rubbing his neck.

"Uh, sorry about that," Jihoon apologized. He glanced around. They were...in a bus? Ah, right. They were going to the amusement park. He looked out the window as the bus came to a slow stop.

"Come on," Soonyoung said, grabbing Jihoon's hand and pulling him out of the seats. Jihoon stumbled out of the bus with Soonyoung, and as he rubbed his eyes, he felt an arm drape around his back.

"Alright! We're here!" Seokmin cheered, dragging Jihoon towards the entrance. "Let's go in!"

"I shouldn't have agreed to this," Jihoon muttered as they bought their tickets and entered. Hansol gave him a pitying look.

"Look, cotton candy!" Seungkwan shouted. He grabbed Hansol's arm and ran towards the stall. "Let's go get some!"

"Ooh, good idea!" Seokmin agreed, running after the pair with Soonyoung right behind him. Jihoon sighed and followed his friends at a slower pace, looking around as he walked towards them. He noticed that there were quite a few couples. Probably for the fireworks, he thought.

"Jihoon-ah, do you want some?" Soonyoung asked as Jihoon approached the group. He held out his stick of cotton candy, and Jihoon took a small piece off of it, popping it into his mouth.

"Thanks," Jihoon replied, savoring the sugary treat melting in his mouth. It was really good. Seokmin started laughing suddenly.

"Soonyoung-hyung," Seokmin said between laughs. "You have cotton candy all over your face. You look like an idiot!"

"It's better to look like one than to actually be one," Soonyoung retorted playfully. He grabbed a few napkins from the stall and wiped his mouth with them. "Am I good now?"

"No, there's still a lot on your face. It's on your cheeks. How did it even get there?" Seungkwan wondered. Jihoon grinned as Soonyoung wiped his cheeks furiously.

"Better now?"

"Nah, still got some over here," Jihoon spoke up, joining in on the teasing. He pointed to the corner of Soonyoung's mouth.

"It's, like, this huge clump," Hansol added. Soonyoung rubbed his lips.

"Is it good now?"

"No, you've still got some," Seungkwan told him with a smirk, and Seokmin buried his face in Hansol's shoulder, shaking with laughter. Soonyoung scowled.

"There's nothing on my face, is there?" Soonyoung realized.

"I can't believe that it took you that long to realize it," Seokmin chuckled.

"It's because Jihoon said I had something on my face too! I trusted him." Soonyoung pouted and turned to Jihoon. "I can't believe that you betrayed me like that."

"Sorry." Jihoon grinned at Soonyoung. The older boy cleared his throat and looked away.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go on some rides already," Soonyoung said.

"Alright." Jihoon clapped his hands together. "Which of you idiots are brave enough to go on the ride that lifts people in the air and spins them with me?"

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm good," Seungkwan replied.

"I'd also rather not. Sorry, Jihoon-sunbae," Hansol apologized awkwardly.

"You already know my answer. A thousand times no. I won't do it," Seokmin refused, shaking his head. Jihoon sighed.

"So I'm going on my own then? Alright," Jihoon responded.

"Wait, I'll go with you!" Soonyoung exclaimed. The others looked at him in shock. Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows. Wasn't Soonyoung extremely afraid of those types of amusement park rides?

"Soonyoung, you're as scared of those rides as I am," Seokmin pointed out.

"W-Well, maybe my fear has gotten better! I won't know until I try it, right? I'll go with you, Jihoon-ah," Soonyoung repeated.

"Uh...alright then," Jihoon agreed. "Then, the two of us are going to go that way towards the ride. Meet here in an hour? That should be enough time for one or two rides, right?"

"Sounds good! We can go to the bumper cars after meeting back up," Hansol suggested excitedly.

"Okay. See you guys then," Soonyoung said. He waved at the rest of their group before he and Jihoon started heading towards the ride that Jihoon wanted to go on. As the pair walked towards the ride, Jihoon looked at Soonyoung worriedly. Soonyoung already looked pale. Was he going to be okay?

A/N: how was this??? please tell me what you thought!!! linked song is "Cham Cham" by the Meet Bros. ft. Monali Thakur from the Hindi film "Baaghi" bc I've been meaning to watch it and I'm finally gonna watch it tonight but I decided that I had to write this chapter first.

tbh this song is probably an aunty song (is that a thing I mean a song that aunties would like if you're Indian you get what I mean right doesn't it sound like it) but it's still really catchy??? I like it a lot idk. it's good. I really like listening to Hindi music it's fun especially when I catch a few words every now and then that I understand like in "Subha Hone Na De" and such

anyways I'm off to go watch the movie now!!! I'm ready for the tears. again pls tell me what you thought of this chapter!!! I hope that all of you have had/will continue to have an amazing day!!! ily guys!!! as always tysm for the support bc it means so much to me!!! see y'all next week!!! bye!!! ty again!!! <3

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