"Can we forget about the past for one minute. My best friend just broke up with the love of his life and my ex-best friend is drowning herself in tears." [Leon]

"I just don't understand why you care." [Vilu]

"Because first you tell Fran that you want to break up with him. Then when Fede does it to you, you act like what happened was terrible." [Leon]

"You were the one to tell Fede.? And why, Leon? Why?" [Vilu]

"Because he is my best friend. He didn't deserve to be blindsided after everything he did for you." [Leon]

"You don't know anything about my relationship with Federico." [Vilu]

"No? I know that he loves you and then you wanted to end the relationship after the fact he tells you how he feels." [Leon]

"You say that as if I am heartless." [Vilu]

"Can you convince me otherwise?" [Leon]

"Look the reason why I was going to break up with Fede is because I can't love him the way he loves me. I didn't want him for any of this to happen, ok! When he told me that he loves me, I knew in that second I couldn't say it back. It would have been a lot worse for me to lie to him. And I know everything that he has done for me and I am very grateful. I just wish I could have prevented this from happening." [Vilu]

"How about not dating him in the first place?" [Leon]

"You just don't get it. Being with Fede helped me!" [Vilu]

"What do you mean?" [Leon]

"He helped me forget about someone I liked and made me feel that there was hope for me to fall in love with someone else. I would liked to have fallen in love with Fede more than anyone knows. The fact is that I can't because I love someone else." [Vilu]

"Who?" [Leon]

"It doesn't matter who. He doesn't even know that I exist." [Vilu]

"I'm sure that's not true." [Leon]

"Oh yea. The person I can't get over is you Leon!" [Vilu]

"But you said that.." [Leon]

"I said that because I know how you think of me. I was trying to save myself from the pain, but the truth is everyday I am hurting over you. Seeing you together with Roxy everyday it kills me. And I know that if anything you only see me as a friend. Now less than that." [Vilu]

"That is not true." [Leon]

"Oh No?" [Vilu]

"No. everyday I think about you and who far we've gotten to be. I miss talking to you and I miss being around you. I can't stop thinking about the time we sang that song together. But I don't know if what I feel is love." [Leon]

"I can't wait a lifetime for uncertainties." [Vilu]

It takes him a few minutes to say something back.

"I'll tell Fede that you two should talk. And I'm sorry... For everything." [Leon]

He leaves me alone. Don't know if that will be for just today, the week, or forever. All I want right now is to dig myself a hole an burry myself in it.

That night I sat on my roof reading my mother's diary, and writing in mine.

Dear Diary,

I know what my heart says, my heart's truest desire. I can't be ok until I am with the one I want to be with. But today was the day where I've found out that hoping that day will come is waiting for the impossible. I know Leon feels the same connection that I do, but will it be worth it? Will he be worth the wait? If there were to be a shooting star tonight, I'd wish for my mom to be here to hug me right now.

Right From The Start {Book 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora