The text

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I heard my phone go off. It was a text from Orlando pride. "A. Morgan we have decided to loan you to FC Olympique Lyonnais do you wish to accept?" I text back right away. "Yes." Leo came in the room. I kissed his neck. "I have to tell you something." I said slowly while kissing his neck. "What?" He said. "Leo I'm coming to France for a while in the soccer season." Leo smiled. "That's closer than United States." Leo said and put his arms around me. He kissed me. "I love you." He said in our kiss.
-a few months later.-
Soccer season started again but I can see Leo a lot more. We had a few weeks off so I went to see Leo. His door was opened so I went in. He wasn't anywhere I could see so I went upstairs. I heard Leo he was groaning. I went into his room and he was on his bed in distress. "L-Leo? Are you okay." He looked up at me. "Get out!" Leo screamed. "What-what's wrong?" He glared at me and got up. "I said get out!" Leo yelled a lot louder. He was scaring me. "L-leo you're scaring me. This isn't you..." I said slowly. Leo pushed me back hard. "THIS IS ME YOU FUCKING BITCH! GET OUT!!" Tears ran down my face. "You're worse than Servando ever was to me." I said leaving. I wrote a note before I left. It said call me if you want me back. If you don't I understand. I was still crying and I wanted Leo back. I loved Leo. Not what's happening to him now. I flew back to Paris and stayed in my apartment and started drinking wine in my bed. Tears streamed down my face. I called Neymar. "Hi." He said. "Hi." "What's up?" "I need some advice." "Why didn't you call Tobin?" He asked. "I needed to talk to someone close to Leo." "Agh shit what happened now?" "Look I really love him, but he's acting really mean. He started yelling at me and telling me to get out." "You don't know do you." "No what?" "Leo has to go to Argentina because his mother died." "Why didn't he tell me?" "He's probably in a lot of stress and just wants to be alone right now." "He probably hates me." I said with a sad voice.
"I doubt it he probably needs you the most right now. He just doesn't want to admit it." "I-I hope you're right." I said. Tears still running down my cheeks. "Ney I'm gonna go." "Okay bye." "Bye." I heard my phone go off a few hours later I picked it up and it was Leo. "I'm-I'm so sorry Alex." Leo said crying. I hung up. I soon fell asleep from all the wine I had. I woke up and got 20 missed messages from Leo. I also got one from Jill telling me to come back to America to train for the she believes cup. I accepted and got a flight for later today. I called Lyonnais to tell then I had to go to America for nationals. They said okay and I started packing. I was putting one of my shirts in my suitcase when I felt arms around me. "Alex..." I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. I turn around to see the one and only Lionel Messi. "What do you want." I said with tears already forming in my eyes. "I want you..." he said slowly not looking up. A tear ran down my face. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him looking straight at him. "H-how do you know?" Leo asked. "Neymar." I said. "Why. Leo I could've helped you." I said. Leo kissed me. "Please come back." He said. "I-I love you." I pulled him into a hug. "It's okay." I said to him slowly. "Alex where are you going?" He asked noticing my suitcase. "I have to go to America for nationals." I said. "Oh." He said sadness in his eyes. I kissed Leo. "I'll be back soon. I promise." I said giving Leo another kiss. "I love you." He mumbled. "I love you too." I said kissing him one more time. "Can I drive you to the airport?" Leo asked. I smiled and said yes. Leo smiled and grabbed my suitcase and my hand. We drove to the airport and Leo told me he was going to Argentina now. We got to the airport. Leo stopped the car. "Alex..." Leo said slowly. "What?" He kissed me hard. I let him. He smiled and pulled back. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asked me. I nodded. We got out of the car and we grabbed our luggage. Leo took my hand and we went inside. Leo kissed me. "See you in a few weeks right?" "Yeah." I said and gave him a quick kiss. "Goodbye Leo." I said as I let go of his hand. "I love you Alex." He said as I started to leave. "I love you too." I said slowly. And went to bored my plane.

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