The next day.

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I woke up next to Leo. I looked up at the time . 10:30 everyone's at practice but me. I kissed Leo. "Wake up Leo." I mumbled. He groaned, then turned to face me. "What time is it babe?" "Don't call me babe you sound like Servando." I laughed. "Alex." He said. I put my head on Leo's chest. He put his arm around me. "Al?" "What?" "I'm sorry you can't go to practice today." "It's fine Leo." Leo kissed me. "I have to leave in 2 days." He said. "Well at least we have those 2 days." I said. He nodded. "Alex." "What." I mumbled. "You know we won't see each other in a while?" "I know, but will face time and stuff." "Alex I don't play the same without you." "I know I saw a game a few weeks ago and you guys did a pretty bad job." He nodded.
*a few weeks later*
Leo skyped me. "Hey Leo." I said. He looked at me different. "Are you okay?" I said worried about my boyfriend. "Alex, this isn't working." He blurted out. "What?" I said with tears in my eyes. "Look, this long distance relationship with us isn't working. "Leo I-I-" "don't say anything. Please." I hung up. I called Servando. "Ser-Servando." "Alex?" "Servando he broke up with me." "Alex, come over." "Okay." I got to Servando's. he brought me into a hug. "Are you okay baby?" He said. I shook my head no. He kissed me hard. I kissed him back tears still running down my face. "I love you Alex." Servando whispered. He kissed me. "I don't want to loose to again." He said and kissed my forehead.

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