Chapter 32

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My eyes opened. I saw Leo sleeping next to me. I smiled remembering what happened. I looked over on the other bed where Tobin sleeps and I saw Ney next to her. I turned back to Leo. "Leo." I whispered into his ear. He eyes opened slowly. "Al?" I nodded and gave him a kiss. He got on top of me and put his head on my chest. "Leo... how did you know about Servando?" I asked slowly. Leo looked at me. "I remember." He said kissing my neck. He got up revealing his body. He pulled his boxers on and threw my actual shirt at me. "I'm gonna need that back later he mumbled gesturing at his shirt I was wearing. I got off my bed and went to the bathroom. I got changed and did other stuff including makeup. When I came out Leo was dressed and I suggested we go to breakfast so Ney and Tobin could sleep. Leo agreed and we walked downstairs to the lobby. We got into my car and went to a place I knew. We had breakfast and got back into my car. I started driving. "Where are we going?" Leo asked. "You're going to meet my sisters." I said looking at him. "What?! Do they know you're with me? Cause last time they knew, you were with Servando." "It's okay it'll be fine." I said touching Leo's hand. He held on to it and smiled. We went on the highway and got to my hometown of diamond bar. We got to my house and I let us in with my key and was instantly greeted by my childhood dog. I smiled and pet her. So cute. I grabbed Leo's hand. "Jeri? Jeni?" I asked as I walked around my house. Jeri came in. "Alex!" She said hugging me. Leo was nervous and gripped my hand. "Um jeri, this is my boyfriend Leo." "Oh nice to meet you." She said putting her hand out for him to shake. "Hey." He said taking her hand. "Jeni's got her own place now. It's just me and the dog now." I shrugged. "It's okay at least you're not broke." I said giving her a small smile. She nodded. "You guys want a snack or something?" "Agh no it's okay we just wanted to stop by. I have to go to practice." I said slowly. "Oh okay." She said. "I'll see ya Jeri." I said as I hugged her. Leo shook her hand. And we went back to the car.

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