Guilty Love

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I felt a peck on my neck. Then one on my mouth. I heard Leo's sexy voice and accent in my ear. "Al wake up..." I opened my eyes to see Leo's naked body and our clothes from last night on the floor. "Shit?... What time is it?" "7:30 why?" Sadness in his eyes knowing what was coming next. I sat up on the bed. I start putting on my dress. Leo got out of the covers, revealing his hot, naked, body. He sat down, crossed his legs and leaned his head on my shoulder. He kissed it slowly. I turned my body to face his. Leo laid me down slowly and put his bare body on my clothed one. He scooted down slowly to my chest and put his head in between my boobs. I put my hand down in his hair and ruffled it. "Don't leave me Alex." "Leo I-" my phone rang. "Servando." "What?" "Its Servando don't say shit!" He kissed me and nodded as a yes. I answered. "Hello?" "Alex! Thank god you're okay where are you?!" "I'm at Tobin's. I was drunk, so Tobin brought me to her place and I selpt on her couch." "Oh okay I'll pick you up." "No it's okay, Leo's gonna drop me off." "Okay, see you soon babe, love you." " love you too bye. " I hung up. Leo held me closer. "It's okay Leo." He kissed me. "I love you Alex." "I love you too Leo." I felt him slowly get hard. "No Leo. Come on let's go." Leo moaned. I picked up his boxers off the floor and put them over his erected dick. I dressed him up the rest of the way except for   his jacket and tie. He got the rest of his clothes. "Let's go Alex." He through the rest of his suit in the car. I put my hair tie around my wrist and waited for Leo in the front seat. I put my seatbelt on then Leo got into the car and did the same. He still looked pissed. "Leo are you okay?" "I don't want to talk about it right now Alex." We got to a red light. I unbuckled my seatbelt. I leaned over and kissed him hard but slowly. He put his hand on the back of my neck and pushed me towards him for more. I saw him getting hard so I put my hand on his thigh. And moaned into my mouth. "Wait let me go park." He said. I nodded and got off him. He rubbed himself to keep himself hard. I hear something and look to my right. "Leo truck!" "What?" I saw the rig hit us. Then I blacked out.

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