Copa America

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Today I was on my way to face the Argentina women's national team. In Argentina. I knew Leo was there and was planing on visiting him.
My team got on our bus. I sat on the bus next to Tobin. "Hey." I said. "Hi." She replied. Allie tuned around and started to talk to us about the upcoming game. We talked to her as well until Jill came on and gave us a talk about the game and good sportsmanship. We soon got to the airport am boarded our plane. We soon got to Argentina and practiced with our rivals. I understood a little of what they were saying cause of Leo, but some of them spoke English which helped. "Are you going to see Leo?" Tobin asked me. I nodded. "Were close to his hometown and he told me where he lived, so probably." "I wish I could see Neymar." Just then arms went around Tobin. She jumped. Then looked behind her. "Neymar!" She screamed and hugged him. I smiled. I knew he was coming for Tobin. And to hang out with Leo. Neymar kissed Tobin. She put her head on his chest. "Tobin!" I heard Jill say. "Get back to practicing." She said. Tobin nodded still smiling because of Neymar. "Neymar sit and watch us." Said Tobin. He nodded. And sat down. After practice I asked Neymar where Leo to make sure I was right he told me what I knew. I Waited till 11:30 then went to Leo's. I got the spare key where Neymar said it would be. I unlocked Leo's door and went inside I went to where I assumed where his room would be, and as I thought he was sleeping. I got on his bed with him, then hovered myself over him. "Leo..." I whispered. Leo shook his head. "Don't believe it, it's just a dream..." he said. "Leo it's not a dream. "I said as I kissed him. He opened his eyes and looked at me in the darkness, straining to see me. I gave him another kiss. "Alex?" "Yeah..." he stroked my cheek. "Were were you?" He asked with a smile. Leo kissed me again. "I love you. "He said. "I love you too." I said as I slicked back his hair. He slid my headband off. I smiled. I put him under me. And sat on his thighs. He played with my jersey and took out
my hair tie at the same time. I kissed him again. I touched his face. I felt his little stubble on his face. "I like your stubble." I mumbled to Leo. "Thanks." He said. I put my head on the wall next to him. "Leo I want to go to sleep." He nodded. He laid down on the bed and brought me with him. "Night Leo." "Night Al." Leo said.
-my game-
It was a tie game 1-1, the time was at 90 minutes and 2 minutes of extra time. 1:24. Tobin passed the ball to Press. She passed it to Carli, who ran toward the goal, then at the last minute passed it to me. I slammed it into the back of the net. I got a goal. After I celebrate with the girls, I go to Leo and kiss him. He was surprised, but kissed me back. He smirked. Luckily he was wearing a hoodie sunglasses and a hat. Which means people could think he was Servando and not Leo. And they did. After the game Carli and Hope came up to me. "We know that wasn't Servando Alex." Carli said. Hope nodded in agreement. "How did you know?" "We saw that it was Lionel Messi." Hope said. "Did anyone else see?" I asked. "No and we won't tell anyone else cause you're our friend." Carli said. Hope again nodded. "Promise?" "We promise." Hope said. Carli nodded.

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