Chapter Eighteen: It's Happened Once And It Will Happen Again

Start from the beginning

"Mel, you okay?"

My eyes flutter as I'm brought back from my personal world of thoughts.

"What? Sorry." I stutter out.

"Besides the one dream with the little girl in the yellow dress, the creepy song, and your grave, what creepy dreams have you had?"

I don't turn to look at him. The dreams lazily hover over me, the memory clear and vivid.

"The second dream was probably the creepiest. I was back in the field sitting in, or better yet, on my grave, but on a beam in the center of a cliff, brutal waves crashing against the rocks below me, threatening to swallow me whole."

"Sounds pleasant." he comments sarcastically.

"Oh, it gets better. They become flames that burst up around me, next to me, yet I don't burn. The second date changes to June 7th, 2051-"

"2051? Damn, that's way in the future."

"I know," my voice is quiet.

"You sure that was the date?"

I nod. "Trust me, it's burned into my mind, even if I wanted to, I couldn't forget it."

"Alright, go on."

I nod. "The fire made a wall between me and the grave stone. I seemed to revolve in a circle, a small black circle in the center. Next thing I know, I'm staring at a red eyes, yet I'm not there, like -- I'm watching behind an unseen source, make sense?"

He nods, guiding the bug around another corner.

"The view widens and soon I'm staring at Mark, shirtless and --"

"Why is he shirtless?" he interrupts on instinct. "Sorry, that was my impulse."

"It's fine, and I don't know. Can I continue?"


"Thank you." I turn back to my window. "As I was saying, shirtless and sweaty. His eyes were like flames, red, bright, and burning me almost. I could almost see a mix of emotions, I'll try to remember them all, but I may miss a few. Jealousy, courage," one by one, I list off the emotions I saw within those bright, burning eyes. "Fear, pain, emptiness, remorse, sloth, hope, motivation, vengeance, exhaustion, uncertainty, hopelessness, and determination." I pause, "Oh, and love."


"I know, but I'm positive that there was love there."

"Alright, if you're certain."

"I am." I sigh. "Then the image revolves around and I see me, but not me."

"What?" he sounds unconvinced.

"My eyes were red, and in them I saw souls."

"Souls, as in peoples spirits?"

I nod, "But then they vanished, only leaving one curled up and crying in the back." I pause as that single image floats in my mind. "It was me, and I had stopped trying to get back."

We're silent for a moment.

"Then I woke." I turn to him, and although his eyes are on the road I can tell he know what it means.

"Amane, when two soul that are part of the same body fight for control over the mind, huh?"

I nod. "The third dreams was more so of a vision, two voices in my head arguing with one another. Now that we've had our little vocab lesson, I know they were my souls."

"AH, and I'm assuming there's a fourth."

I nod. "There is. It starts off where I'm falling through my memories with the girl's lullaby in the background. I stood at the end, surrounded by black. The song comes from all around me, faint yet audible. Then off in the distance glows a weak gold light, and in it is the little girl. She starts off slow, but then her speed quickens, skipping to me. That's when I start to get scared. At a foot away she disappears, and I'm trapped in the dark, still I hear her song. Abruptly comes an ascending scale on strings, drowning out her haunting tune, and there she is, standing in front of me with her blood bathed teeth and black eyes."

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