Chapter 44: The Loot of a Thousand Worlds

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After minutes of traversing through the secret path B.E.N showed you guys, you, Jim, Thinker, Morph, and B.E.N finally arrived at the pirates camp. Currently the scum bags are asleep, but it's best you use this to your advantage before they find out your there.

B.E.N: "Suddenly comes up to you guys" So what's the plan?

Jim: SSH!! BEN!! QUIET!! "Immediately covers his mouth and the pirates continue to sleep"

You: "You wipe some sweat off of your head" That, was close.

Jim: "looks at you all" Okay here it is: We sneak back to the Legacy, disable the laser cannons, and bring back the map.

B.E.N: That's a good plan, I like that plan. The only thing I'm wondering is, how do we get there?

Jim: "Lets go of Ben and points to the answer" On that.

Morph: "Looks at the little ship" Oooh.

You: Nice thinking my friend, nice thinking.

Thinker: Well, now that we know how to get there, let's move.

Agreeing to what he said, you all quietly aboard the vessel and flew out of the planet towards the Legacy.
The Legacy

"You all arrive at the ship"

You: "You and Thinker look around the deck and go first" Coast is clear.

B.E.N: "He, Jim, and Morph come aboard but-" ADAAAAH!! "Falls onto the floor"

Jim: B.E.N!! SSH!!

B.E.N: Sorry!! Sorry, sorry.

You: "You look around to see if anyone heard it" Whew, we haven't been spotted yet.

You all then snuck your way to the stairway that leads to the inner workings of the ship. One path led to the docking bay where the map is while the other lead to the ship's systems room.

Jim: Okay, I'll get the map, you wait here-

B.E.N: "Salutes" Okay Jimmy!! Neutralize all laser cannons, SIR!! "Accidentally hits Morph and leaves you guys"

Jim: "Looks at him as he went away from you guys" NO!! B.E.N!! DON'T!!

You: Let him be, you did say so yourself to disable the ship's weapons right?

Jim: Yeah, but I was hoping to do that after we get the map.

Thinker: Well, there's no going back now. If we screw up, who knows what the pirates have in store for the intruders here.

You: "You look at Jim" You go get the map, me and Thinker will stay here as look outs.

After nodding to your suggestion, Jim went to the docking bay to retrieve the map while you and Thinker stayed behind to keep watch. As for B.E.N, he has just arrived at the ship's systems room. From there, he thought it would be easy, but he's about to be proven wrong.

B.E.N: "Arrives at the room and enters it" Disable a few laser cannons, what is the big deal? All we gotta do is find the one little wire. "Opens the system's panel and gasps upon seeing thousands of wiring in it" Oh mama.
Back to you and Thinker.....

You: "You remember" Wait, Asuna might be here!!

Thinker: "Remembers after hearing what you just said" That's right!! We didn't have time to get her earlier, so it's possible the pirates kept her prisoner here.

You: I'll go to the brig and get her out, you stay here.

Thinker: Gotcha.

"Loud alarm occurs and catches your attention"

B.E.N: Bad B.E.N!! Bad!! Okay, fixing. "Puts back the alarm wiring"

Thinker: "Looks at you" GO!! GO!!

Doing what Thinker said, you went up the stairs fast and ran towards the brig when a familiar face appeared right in front of you.

Mr. Scroop: "Readies his claws" Cabin boy.

You: "You equip Oathkeeper and Oblivion" Time to settle things once and for all.


After the text disappeared, you and Scroop ran towards each other and commenced your battle. The spider pirate did land a few blows on you, but thanks to your armor, they were just ticklish than painful. Using this to your advantage, you went all out on the evil bastard. Swing after swing, attack after attack, you weren't stopping until he's taken down.

Jim: "He and Morph run up to Thinker" Where's (M/n)?

Thinker: He's fighting one of the pirates up on the deck.

Jim: ALONE!?

Thinker: Don't worry about it, he can handle this. The battle should be easy as long as nothing surprising happens.

(Back to B.E.N)

B.E.N: This has gotta be cannons. "Takes out the wire and everything starts to float" Maybe not!!

Thanks to B.E.N, he accidentally shut off the ship's artificial gravity system and you and the others, including Scroop, began to float off of the ship. You tried to activate your Oblivion's vehicle transformation, but it doesn't seem to work!! As for Scroop, he managed to stop himself from floating any further by grabbing onto one of the masts and you soon find yourself desperately holding onto the pirate flag, but this left you wide open. Seeing an opportunity to finish you off, Scroop climbed his way up to you to cut the flag's rope.

Mr. Scroop: Yes. "Starts to cut the rope" Do say hello to Mister Arrow.

You: I don't think so bug brain. "You use the flag to help you get to the mast"

Mr. Scroop: "Sees this" Huh? "Jumps at you in desperation"

You: This is for Mister Arrow!!

In mid air, you landed on Scroop and used him as a boost to get closer to the ship. When he reached the flag, he looked below and saw you grabbing onto the mast. By that time, it was too late for the pirate and soon drifted in the endless abyss of space. Never to be seen or heard from again.

B.E.N(In system's room): BACK YOU GO YA NAUGHTY PLUG!! "Plugs back the artificial gravity wire and is back online"

You: "You fall onto the ground hard" One word, Ow.

Thinker: (M/N)!! "You stand up and look at him and the others below" You alright brother?

You: Yeah. Couple of scratches on my armor, but good. "Icon appears on your view"



B.E.N: "Walks up to Jim, Morph, and Thinker" Laser cannons disconnected Captain Jimmy sir!! Gee, that wasn't so tough.

Thinker: Why are you covered in so many wires B.E.N?

B.E.N: It's a long story.

Jim: "Looks at the map and then looks at you guys" We got what we came for, let's go back.

Doing what he said, you and your friends went back to the ship you stole earlier and flew back to Treasure Planet to tell the others the great news.

"Jim, Morph and B.E.N go up first and then Jim runs up to Delbert"

Jim: Doc!! Doc wake up!! I got the map.

John Silver: "Grabs the map from him as he comes out of the shadows" Fine work, Jimbo. Fine work indeed.

By the time he and Morph realized the pirate's presence, it was too late. They already took Delbert, Captain Amelia, Yui, and Yulier hostage and there were too many of them to fight too!! Jim and Morph tried to run away, but some of Silver's men kept him from doing so. Our blob of fun tried to free Jim, but it proved useless.

You: B.E.N? What's going on up there? "You and Thinker try to go up, but B.E.N tells you to stop by hand gestures"

John Silver(Above): Your just like me Jimbo, ya hate to lose.

You: "A fist forms on your right hand upon hearing Silver's voice" That half machine bastard!! "You summon your keyblades and prepare to go up but-"

Thinker: Don't. "Thinker stops you" If Silver's there, then so are his men. Even if we try to fight our way out of this, they'll kill the others.

Asuna(Above): HEY!! Leave my daughter alone!!

You: "You hear her voice" Asuna!! She's up there with them!!

Thinker: That's good to hear, but what will we do now? We can't go up there.

You: "You look at Thinker" Let's go back to Silver's camp site. We can go there.

Agreeing to your suggestion, you and Thinker ran back to the pirate's camp while they look at the map's directions to the treasure, courtesy of Jim. It took some time, but you and Thinker finally arrived at your destination.

You: "You come up first and you hide upon seeing the pirates"

Thinker: "Comes up" What's going on?

You: "You cover his mouth" SSH!! "You slowly remove your hand from his mouth and he comes up"

"Sound of the mini ship's engine occurs and you both watch as it takes off with the others"

Thinker: Looks like their headed for the treasure.

You: "You and Thinker summon your keyblades" Ready for action my friend?

Thinker: "You both transform your keyblades into their vehicle forms" Yes I am.

You: "You both hop onto your vehicles" Let's ride. "Vessels engines roar to life"

As Silver and his men, along with Asuna and the others, they all follow the green light the map left for them to follow. As for you and Thinker, you followed them by flying while also keeping a low profile to avoid getting caught. Once you saw the ship stop, you and Thinker fly to the ground and continue on foot.

You: "You and Thinker get off of your vehicles and turn them back to your keyblades" I'll go and follow Silver, you try and free Delbert and the others.

Thinker: Copy that, good luck.

You: Same with you.

With that said and done, you follow Silver, Jim, and the others as they head to where the treasure is supposed to be at. As for you, you stayed back as possible to avoid getting caught and when you and the others saw where the map led you, there was nothing!! Nothing but a cliff!!

Mr. Turnbuckle: Where is it!?

Onus: I see nothing!! One great big stink of nothing!!

John Silver: "Looks at Jim as the map goes dormant" What's going on Jimbo?

Jim: "Tries to reactivate the map" I don't know I...I-I can't get it open!!

Female Alien: We should never have trusted this boy!! "Pushes Jim"

John Silver: "Jim sees something on the ground" I suggest you get that gizmo up and running again. And fast!! "Wipes the mold away and sees a slot that can fit the map"

Then, just before Silver's men attempted to throw Jim off the cliff, the lad inserted the map into the slot and green lights started to flow beneath the ground. After that, a holographic orb with every single location in the cosmos appeared and then, a huge triangular shaped door appeared with a nebula in it.

John Silver: All have mercy.

Jim: The Lagoon Nebula?

John Silver: But that's...halfway across the galaxy.

Jim: "Looks at the holographic orb" A big door. "Presses a location" Opening and closing. "Chooses another"

Jim: "Looks at the holographic orb again" Let's see...Kynipus..."Sees a location he knows" Montressor Spaceport. "Presses it and door shows the port"

Jim: So that's how Flint did it. He used this...Portal to...Roam the universe, stealing treasure!!

John Silver: "Takes Jim's place and starts pressing random worlds" But where did he stash it all!! "Keeps looking through each world" Where's, that, blasted, treasure!?

B.E.N: Treasure? TREASURE!! It's...buried in the!!

Jim: "Buried in the centroid of the mechanism". "Thinks for a moment" What if...the whole planet IS the mechanism!! And the treasure is buried in the center of this planet!!

"Silver's men begin to dig, but are unable to due to the ground being hard metal"


Jim: "Steps in" Just, open the right door. "Presses on Treasure Planet"

After doing this, the portal opened a gateway to the core of the planet. After doing this, Jim and the others went through and when the coast is clear, you ran after them and went through as well. Once you were all there, what you saw right in front of you was something you've never seen before. Right there, was the famous treasure of Captain Flint, The loot of a thousand worlds.

You: "You run up to Jim and he and Morph notice" Sorry I'm late.

Jim: Don't worry, you didn't miss the party.

You: "You look at all the treasure" Well, we found the treasure. Only question is, how are we supposed to get this back to the Legacy?

B.E.N: This is all seeming...very familiar..."Jim looks at his right and sees a ship"...I-I can't remember why.

Jim: Guys, come on. "You all follow Jim" We're getting out of here and we're not leaving empty handed.

B.E.N: Jimmy!! JIMMY!!

John Silver: "Looks at all the treasure before him" A lifetime of searching..."Grabs some of the gold and jewelry"...But at long last...I, can, TOUCH IT!!

(Back to you and the others)

"You, Jim, and Morph aboard the ship"

B.E.N: You know what's strange? I can't tell you how frustrated this is Jimmy cause the-there's something..."You and Jim help B.E.N up"...nagging at the back of my mind. "Sees something" WAAAH!! "Falls on the deck"

You and Jim: "You both see what B.E.N saw" Captain Flint!?

B.E.N: "Gets up" In the flesh!! Well, s-sort of. Except for skin, organs, or-or anything that resembles flesh.

Jim: "You and Jim go towards the remains of Captain Flint" What happened to him?

You: He might've been so obsessed with his treasure that he decided to stay here and never go back. As a result of that, he died right here.

Jim: "Sees an object he's seen in the past and he pries it out of the piles of gold" (M/n). "Catches your attention" Does this remind you of something?

When you looked at what the lad was holding, it turned out to be a-

You: Keyblade? "Jim throws it to you and you catch it" How did something like this end up with Flint?

Jim: Maybe he's a keyblade wielder.

You: Could be possible, but a keyblade ONLY accepts someone worthy enough to wield it. Plus, by the looks of this one, it seems to have been modified.

Jim: Is that even possible?

You: Don't know. "You open your inventory and put it away for safe keeping" But I'm gonna look into it after this whole thing is over.

B.E.N: Y-You know it's kinda odd because I know that there was...something HORRIBLE Flint didn't want anyone else to know but...I-I just can't remember what it was."Jim sees something in Flint's hand and he pries it out of there" OH A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO LOSE!! "Jim looks at the back of B.E.N's head and realizes something as the bot cried"

Jim: B.E.N, I think I just found your mind!! "Grabs the robots head" Hold still.


Then, the wires inserted themselves into the part and B.E.N's eyes were changed from green to blue.

B.E.N: Hello. You know Jimmy, I-I was just thinking. "Realizes something" I was just...Think!! It's all coming back!! ALL MY MEMORIES!! RIGHT UP UNTIL FLINT PULLED MY MEMORY CIRCUIT SO I CAN NEVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT HIS BOOBY TRAP!!

You: "Disrupted record player occurs in the background" What?

"Explosions occur and catch you and everyone elses attention"

B.E.N: Speaking of which.

Then, out of the blue, the walls around the planet's core began to explode and shake the whole place at the same time.

B.E.N: Flint wanted to make sure nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged his whole planet to blow, HIGHER THAN A CALYPSIAN KITE!! "Laser falls out of place and crashes into the core"

You: This...could be a problem.  

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