Chapter 34: Complications with an Emperor

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"Squirt noises occur"

You: "You dodge Slimy's acidic slime and you take a whiff of it's smell" AW!! DISGUSTING!! You really need to lay off the beans dude!!

But after saying that, it only angered the monster and kept shooting slime at you. You tried your best to make sure you dodged the slime the Heartless released and so far, you were doing well. But you know very well that dodging like this won't help you win, so you went in for the attack. Once the monster was open, you launched three giant fireballs at the bug and this stunned him really good. After that you, ran towards him and prepared to slash at it.

You: "You readied Oblivion" TAKE THIS!! "You slash at Slimy, but your strike bounced off of it's shell" WHAT!?

Slimy: "Recovers and looks at you" ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAR!!

You: Uh oh!! "You dodge an incoming slime attack from Slimy" WOAH!! "You land afterwards" Have to be honest, that's one hard shell.

With that said and done, you continued to fight the Heartless while dodging it's deadly slime. You tried everything to damage the monster, fire, ice, lightning, every single attack you know of, but it's sturdy shell is too strong.

You: "You breath heavily" It's no use, that Heartless' shell is too strong for ordinary attacks to penetrate. I need to find it's weakness.

"You dodge more slime attacks and then you figured it out"

You: Wait a minute. "You look at Slimy's belly" That's it!! If I can turn this thing over, I can deal some serious damage to it's belly.

With that said and done, you ran straight for the giant pill bug. Slimy tried it's best to shoot you down with it's slime, but you were just too fast for it to get a lock on you. Once you were close to the Heartless, you launched a huge Firaga attack on it and the blast was so powerful that Slimy tumbled to his back. After that, the Heartless struggled to get back up again, but the task was too difficult due to his ginormous size. With Slimy now vulnerable, you began your assault. You made sure every single attack counted and as you kept fighting, the faster the Heartless' health bar decreased. In fact, the belly was so soft and squishy that in a matter of seconds, you already finished the first and second health gauges and Slimy is down to his last.

SLimy: "His eyes turn red and begins to vibrate vigorously"

You: That doesn't feel good. "You jump off and run to cover"

Then, out of the blue, Slimy took a difference appearance as his newest and terrifying emerged from his old body. The Heartless' new form was the combination between a mantis, a wasp, and a beetle and this thing can surely give kids nightmares for a whole month. Once Slimy got his sights on you, he flew off the ground and began to charge right for you. Upon seeing this, you started to run for your life to avoid whatever attack the bug had in stored.

You: "You stop, turn around, and charged up Oblivion for an attack" EAT THIS!!

You then launched a Ragnarok attack at Slimy in hopes of dealing critical damage on him, but he dodged it and prepared to attack you. But when he was close enough, he fell right into your trap.

You: "Grin appears on your face" Fell for it.

You then thrust Oathkeeper at the Heartless and released another Ragnarok attack on the creature. Cause of this, the attack literally impaled Slimy and a few seconds later, he collapsed onto the ground disintegrated into nothingness when his last health bar dropped to zero.

You: "You put away your keyblades" Heartless bastard."Icon appears in front of you"



With the boss now defeated, you then walked back to the front of the restaurant to meet up with the others.

You: "You see Asuna and the others up ahead" Hey guys!!

Asuna: "They look to the right and see you" There you are!! Where have you been?

You: I ran into some Heartless trouble along the way, but I'm fine now. Where's Pacha and Kuzco?

"Pacha comes out of the diner's doors with Kuzco and then go to you guys"

Thinker: Well, you got the answer you wanted.

Kuzco: What are you doing!? "Pacha drops him"

Pacha: Look, There's two people in there looking for you.

Kuzco: Huh?

Pacha: A big guy and a skinny old woman.

Kuzco: Wait, is this woman scary beyond all reason?

Pacha: Oh yeah.

Kuzco: It's Yzma and Kronk!! "Wipes away his disguise makeup" I'm saved!!

Pacha: Trust me, their not here to save you.

You: You know who those two are!?

Kuzco: Course I do, Yzma's my advisor while Kronk's her servant.

Pacha: Trust me, their not here to save you.

Kuzco: They came to bring me back to the palace. "Looks at Pacha" Thanks a lot, you've been great. I'll take everything from here. "Pacha stops him"

Pacha: No no no, you don't understand their trying to kill you!!

Kuzco: Kill me? Their whole world revolves around me.

Pacha: "Grabs him" I can't let you!!

Kuzco: What!? Wh- "Realizes something" Oh, oh I get it.

Pacha: What?

Kuzco: You don't want to take me back to the palace, you want me to stay stranded out here!! Forever!!

Pacha: No!!

Kuzco: It's all been an act and I almost fell for it.

Yulier: "Looks to her husband" What's going on here?

Thinker: I don't know, but I think we should listen more.

Pacha: Would you just listen-

Kuzco: No!! You listen to me, all you care about is your stupid hilltop!!

Pacha: What?

Kuzco: You don't care about me, so get out of here!! Go!!

Pacha: But-

Kuzco: Go on!! Get out of here!!

Pacha: "Gets real irritated and makes a decision" FINE!!

After that conversation, Pacha turned around and left you all in irritation and anger.

Kuzco: HMPH!! Serves him right. "Turns around and sees you all angry at him" What?

Thinker: Not cool man, not cool.

Kuzco: What? What did I do?

You: Don't you realize it? You just made Pacha decide to leave us because of your ignorance and distrust towards him!!

Kuzco: So what? He never wanted me to go back to the palace in the first place.

You: Oh yeah? Then prove it.

"Awkward silence occurs"

You: That's what I thought. "You sigh in disappointment"

Asuna: What should we do now?

You: Let him go.

Kuzco: "Looks at you in confusion" Excuse me?

You: You heard me, you can go back to this Yzma and Kronk you mentioned a few minutes back. Once you realize the truth, one of the things you'll feel will be regret.

Kuzco: We'll see about that.

Determined to prove you and Pacha wrong, Kuzco went to the front entrance of the diner where Yzma and Kronk had just recently came from.

Yzma: "Groans in anger" This entire mess is all your fault.

Kronk: What did I do?

Yzma: "Looks at him in irritation" If you hadn't mixed up those poisons, Kuzco would be dead now!! There'll be no more diversions until we track down that llama and KILL HIM!!

Kronk: I said I was sorry, can't just let it go, Even if it wasn't your birthday. "Kuzcoo comes out of hiding and looks at the two"

Yzma: "Takes off her hat and enters her tent" Kuzco must be eliminated. "Kronk gives her presents and picks up the tent" The empire will finally be rid of that useless slug!!

Kronk: Well you do have a point, but I don't think they care about him now that they think he's gone, do they?

After hearing this terrible discovery, Kuzco walked back to you and the others in sadness and as you said before, regret.

You: Well?

Kuzco: You...You were right about them.

You: I told you so.

Kuzco: So what will we do now?

You: Since Pacha is no longer with us, it looks like the task of bringing you back to the palace is brought to us now.

Yulier: Yeah, doesn't look like we have much of a choice either.

Thinker: "Looks at the sky" If we're going, it's best we go now. Looks like it's gonna pour soon.

With that said and done, you, Asuna, Yulier, Thinker, Yui, and Kuzco left Mudka's Meat Hut and went on your way to the palace. Along the journey, Kuzco felt guilty of not believing Pacha about the truth of his royal advisor and her true intentions.
Later that day(In-game)

"Thunder crashes in the background as the rain pours across the land"

You: "You gather some firewood and light it to make a fire" Looks like it's really pouring out there.

Asuna: "Squeezes her hair to get the excess water out" Sure is.

Yulier: If I'm right, it should be clear skies tomorrow. After that, it's just a few minute walk back to the palace.

Thinker: "Looks at his wife" How do you know that?

Yulier: Pacha told me the way.

Yui: "Sits down as you keep yourself warm" Daddy.

You: Yes Yui?

Yui: Do you hate Kuzco now after what he did to Pacha?

"Silence occurs after hearing her say this"

You: "You look at the young lass" What made you think of that Yui?

Yui: Back at the diner, you looked really angry at him after his argument with Pacha.

You: I don't hate him Yui, but I did hate what he did towards him. There's a big difference.

Yui: Oh, okay.

Asuna: "Stretches a bit" I think that's enough diving for one day. "Looks to Yulier and Thinker" Wanna log out and call it a session?

Yulier: Sure.

Asuna: "She looks at you" Wanna log out too (M/n)?

You: I will, there's just one more thing left to do. You guys just go on ahead.

Thinker: If you say so brother.

With that said and done, Asuna and the others logged out one by one until it was you and Yui left in the game. Once they were gone, you walked out of the cave you were in and went towards Kuzco who was lying in the rain still feeling guilty for what happened.

Kuzco: "You walk up to him and he sees you" What is it?

You: You coming? or what?

Kuzco: Just leave me be, a person like me doesn't deserve to be in a warm cave after what I did.

You: "You sigh" You know that if you stay in weather like this for too long, you'll eventually get sick. If that happens, you won't be able to go back home and turn back to normal.

Kuzco: "Looks at you"

You: Come on, on your feet. There's plenty of room where we're going.

Doing what you asked, Kuzco stood up and followed you to the cave you and Yui are currently in. Upon arrival, the emperor shook all of the water he was covered in and went towards the fire to keep himself warm.

"You and Kuzco sit down and put your hands towards the fire"

Yui: I wonder what Pacha's doing right now.

Kuzco: He's probably with his family by now. It's what he wanted before he met me.

You: "You sigh and then look at him" What is this about a hilltop?

Kuzco: "You catch his attention and he looks at you" What?

You: While you and Pacha were arguing, I heard you say something about a hilltop. What was it about?

Kuzco: Before I became a llama, I planned on tearing down his village so I can have my dream home built there as my birthday gift.

You(In head): Sheesh, now that's one sure fire way to be hated by many.

You: Your an emperor right?

Kuzco: Course I am, why?

You: Let me tell you something Kuzco. "You clear your throat" Having all the power to rule over people and do whatever you please sounds like fun, but that isn't the way an emperor is supposed to be.

Kuzco: O-kay, then what is an emperor supposed to be like.

You: An emperor must care for his people's needs, in doing this you gain their trust and respect. An emperor must be wise in the decisions he makes, both with the public and with government. And most of all, an emperor must be selfless, meaning he cares for others than himself.

Kuzco: "Sighs" I'm not any of those things. Maybe Yzma will do a better job of being in charge than me.

You: That's not true.

Kuzco: "Looks at you in confusion" Huh?

You: Yzma maybe your royal advisor, but I can tell that she doesn't intend to lead the kingdom to a brighter future. You can still do what's right Kuzco, it's not too late to change.

Kuzco: Really?

You: "You nod to his reply" But first, we'll need to go to the palace and get you back to normal before you start changing your ways.

Kuzco: Okay.

You: "You pat him on the shoulder" Cheer up, things will be better soon.

Yui(In head): "Looks at you with a proud smile" That's my daddy.

With this said and done, you saved your game and when Kuzco fell asleep, you logged out of KHO and called it a session.  

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