Chapter 15: Beach Blues

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Real World

SAO Survivor School

August 20th, 2026

"You enter the classroom and see the others"

You: Morning guys.

All of them: "They hear you and see you" Morning!!

You: "You walk up to Asuna" Morning Asuna.

Asuna: "She giggles and kisses you on the cheek" Good morning (M/n), sleep well?

You: Sure did. "You sit down and put your bag onto your right side" How are you guys doing with the Tropical Paradise Arc?

Klein: Doing good so far. Have to admit, Stitch is a pretty cool dude.

Silica: And cute too!! I wish I could have him as a pet.

Lisbeth: But don't you love Pina Silica?

Silica: I do!! Really!! But I can't resist that cute blue little guy.

You: "You giggle a bit after hearing what she said and then you turn to Lisbeth" Lis.

Lisbeth: "You catch her attention and she looks at you" Yeah?

You: Think you can help me out with something after class?

Lisbeth: Sure.

"School bell sounds and everyone goes back to their seats"

Home teacher: Alright class, take out your history books and turn to the first page of chapter seven.

You(In head): "You remember the keyblade you found yesterday back in KHO" I wonder who that keyblade belonged to...."You shake it off of your head" I can deal with that later, right now I have to focus on my studies.

With that said, you went back to your studies and listened to today's lesson.
After class.....

After class ended, you and Lisbeth decided to go to the school grounds so you can ask her about the keyblade you and the others found yesterday in Kingdom Hearts Online.

"You bring out your phone, go to your gallery, and then open the screenshot you took yesterday of the item"

You: "You give her your phone so she can see" This, is what I want to show you.

Lisbeth: "Takes a good look at the keyblade" Where did you find this?

You: Yulier and Thinker found it somewhere near the crash site of the space ship.

Lisbeth: (M/n), what you found is no ordinary keyblade.

You: Then what kind of keyblade is it?

Lisbeth: After Kingdom Hearts Online was released, Retro Future Corporation published a book on every single keyblade in the game. Curious about it, I bought myself a copy and read it ever since. "Unzips her bag, looks through her stuff, and brings out the book"

You: "You look at the title" The Keyblades Of Kingdom Hearts Online.

Lisbeth: "Opens the books and flips through the pages until she finds the keyblade you have" There. "She points to it and you see it"

You: It says here that it's name is "Old Reliable".

Lisbeth: Yup, and it also says that it belongs to a guy named Kaiyuk.

You: If the keyblade belongs to this guy, then where is he now?

Lisbeth: I don't know, says in the book that he went to Stitch's world for an important assignment and never came back.

You: I see. "You stay silent for a moment and then stand up" Thanks for helping out Lisbeth.

Lisbeth: "Stands up as well" No problem. If you need any help that's weapon-related, you know who to ask, kay?

You: "You giggle a bit" Okay.

Lisbeth: "Puts her book back in her bag, zips it, and then picks it up" Well, I should head back home now. "Starts walking away from you" See you on Monday!!

You: "You wave to her" You too!!

When Lisbeth was no longer in sight, you went back to your class room and fetched your bag before going back home.

Inside Kingdom Hearts Online

"You slice through some forest vegetation as you and the others kept walking"

Thinker: So the keyblade's name is Old Reliable and it used to belong to a guy named Kaiyuk?

You: That's what Lisbeth told me. "You slice through a bush"

Yulier: Can someone remind me again where we're going?

You: We're going to the beach.

Asuna: Umm, why are we going there (M/n)? I hope you don't plan on slacking off.

You: No, of course not. With Heartless on the loose, we don't have the luxury to relax. Besides, we need to find the world's Keyhole so we can seal it. Once we do that, the Heartless won't be able to touch this world's heart.

Asuna: Hmmm, guess you have a point there.

You: "You stop and the others stop as well"

Thinker: What is it brother?

You: "You put away your Oathkeeper" We're here.

And by here, you mean the beach. Not only that, there were lots of people there today. Some were playing volleyball, kids making sand castles, and others just relaxing under the sizzling sun to get a perfectly good tan. After looking at the beautiful scenery, you and the others moved in so you can find the world's Keyhole.

You: "You stop and turn to the others" Since this place is huge, we'll split into two groups so we can find the keyhole faster.

Thinker: Good thinking.

You: And remember, don't summon your keyblade unless for an emergency. If we're in trouble and in need of back up, just shoot a fireball in the air.

All of them: Right.

You: "You look to Asuna" Asuna, your with me.

Yulier: Guess that leaves me and Thinker then.

Thinker: Be careful guys, and we'll come back to you if we find the Keyhole.

You: "You nod to his reply" Stay safe guys.

With that said and done, you all split up and started your search for the world's Keyhole. From top to bottom, left and right, inside and out, every single one of you made sure no spot was left untouched. But as you kept searching, the Keyhole was nowhere to be found.
A few hours later(In-game).....

Asuna: "Sighs in exhaustion" We probably looked all over the place and still haven't found the Keyhole.

You: "You think for a moment" If I remember correctly, when Kida was about to give me my crystal necklace, it started to glow and float to the sky. After that, it revealed the Keyhole.

Yui: Maybe we need a special item in order to reveal the Keyhole daddy.

You: Yeah, you might be right Yui. "You turn to Asuna" Let's find Yulier and Thinker so we can look elsewhere.

Asuna: "Stands up" Okay.

Then, just before the two of you got the chance to walk back to the married couple, an unforeseeable event was gonna befall before you guys.


You: "You turn around and see a crowd of people running away from the beach" W-What's going on!?

Asuna: Why are these people running away?


You: "You look to Asuna" Heartless?

Asuna: Only one way to find out.

Agreeing to her suggestion, the three of you head for the beach so you can see what the people are running from. Once you arrived at the scene, you, Asuna, and Yui see a giant creature with four gigantic claws, two humongous eyes, and it walked on four legs. When you looked around, you saw Stitch with 2 girls beside him. Knowing that their in big trouble, you and Asuna ran towards them to so you can keep them safe from harm.

Stitch: "Looks at the creature in anger" !!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!

Lilo: Get away from us!!

Jumba(Behind the scenes): "Laughs in delight by what he's watching" Experiment 626 is no match for Experiment 297. After 297 defeats my little blue monstrosity, I will capture him and bring him to Grand Counsel Woman so evil genius can be free.

Pleakley(Behind the scenes): You bad to the bone aren't you?

Stitch: !!GRRRRRRRRRRRR!! "You and Asuna step in front of him and he notices" Hm?

You: "You and Asuna summon your keyblades" You guys alright?

Stitch: What are yousa doing here?

Asuna: We should be asking you that question.

Lilo: Wait, you know these people Stitch?

Stitch: "Turns to Lilo and Nani" Do not worry, thesea are Stitch's frens. Wesa safe now!! "He turns to you" Right?

You: Not until we beat this thing. "You look to Asuna" Ready?

Asuna: Ready as I'll ever be (M/n).



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