Chapter 42: Bitter Betrayal

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Kingdom Hearts Online

The Legacy(Nearing orbit of Treasure Planet)

September 8th, 2026

Thinker: "Sighs" I'm so bored, what will we do in the meantime?

You: We wait. Besides, we're getting close to Treasure Planet and we'll arrive by morning. In-game of course.

Asuna: "Stands up and stretches a bit" You guys won't mind if I log out for a bit right? I could use a shower about now.

You: Sure, but I suggest you lie down before you log out. Wouldn't want the crew to find out your standing up while your eyes are closed.

Yulier: I have to agree.

Asuna: Sure.

Doing what you suggested, Asuna lied down on her bed, opened her menu, and logged out for a bit to freshen up in the real world.

You: You know what's bothering me during this voyage?

Yulier: "She and Thinker look at you" What is bothering you (M/n)?

You: On every world we go to the Heartless would be there. But throughout this entire trip, we had zero encounters with the enemy.

Thinker: Isn't that a good thing?

You: Good thing yes. But a bad thing at the most.

Yulier: "Thinks for a moment and agrees with you" Yeah, I agree with you. Things have been quiet...Too quiet to be exact.

Thinker: What do you thinks going on then?

You: I don't know, but we'll get to the bottom of it.

"Loud stomach growl occurs"

Yulier: What on earth was that?

Yui: That was me, sorry. "Her stomach growls again" Guess I'm hungry.

You: Why don't we head to the galley so I can whip up something for you to eat Yui?

Yui: "Smiles upon hearing what you just said" Sure.

You: "You look to Yulier and Thinker" You guys wanna come?

Both of them: Okay.

With that said and done, you all went your way to the galley to make a yummy treat. But a tragic truth was about to befall on you and your friends there.
A few minutes later....

"You, Yui, Thinker, and Yulier go down the stairs and arrive at the galley"

Yulier: "Looks around and notices something" Huh? Where's Silver? He's usually here cooking the crew's meals.

Thinker: Maybe he's still asleep. He did take the night watch hours ago.

You: "You see a barrel move around all of a sudden" What the?

When you walked towards the barrel and looked inside of it, Jim and Morph were in there!! Playing around as the container still held a few Purps left inside.

Jim: "Catches Morph and then sees you" Morning (M/n).

You: Jim, what the heck are you doing in the Purp barrel at this time?

Jim: Why do you think? "Refers to Morph"

You: "You understand him" Oooooooh, I get it.

"Footsteps occur and you all look to the stairs and see shadows"

Thinker: That ain't good!!

You: Quick!! Everyone hide now!!

Doing what you said, you and your friends hid from whoever is coming into the galley. Once you all found a hiding place, you stayed there and kept quiet until the strangers leave the galley.

Female Alien: We're saying is, we're sick of all this waitin'.

Giant Alien: There's only a few of them left.

Male Alien: We are wanting to move!!


You(In head): Silver? What's he talking about with some of the crew?

Mr. Scroop: I say, we kill'em all now.

John Silver: "Grabs the spider by his mouth" I say what's to say!! "Grabs Scroop by his neck" Disobey my orders again like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow? YOU'LL BE JOINING HIM!! "Throws him into the barrel that Jim is in"

Yulier(Whispers): Wait, so the incident with Mr. Arrow wasn't by accident?

Thinker(Whispers): It was murder undercover.

Mr. Scroop: "Stands up and looks at Silver" Strong talk..."Reaches into the barrel"...But I know otherwise.

John Silver: You got something to say Scroop? "Jim gives Scroop a Purp"

Mr. Scroop: It's that booooy.

"Brief silence occurs and some of the crew look at Silver"

Mr. Scroop: Me thinks, ya have a soft. "Punctures the Purp with his claw" Spot for him?

John Silver: "Gets real angry" Now...Mark me, DE LOT OF YA!! I care about one thing and one thing only...Flint's Trove!!

John Silver: Ya think I'd risk it all for the sake of some, nose wiping little welp!?

Mr. Scroop: What was it now? "Oh, you got the makings of greatness in ya"....

John Silver: SHUT YOUR YAP!! I cozied up to that kid to keep him off of our scent. I ain't gone soft-


After hearing what the look out said, Silver and the rest of his buddies left the galley and went back up to see Treasure Planet. As for you and the others, you still stayed in your hiding places filled with shock and utter betrayal after hearing the truth about John Silver and the rest of the crew.

Thinker: I got a bad taste in my mouth after hearing what Silver said.

Yulier: It's called Bitter Betrayal, that's what it is.

You: "You punch one of the tables in anger" That bastard!! All that talking to Jim and helping him keep out of trouble and for what? ALL FOR THE SAKE OF SOME SHINY COINS AND GEMS!? "You knock a bucket down in full rage" When I see that cyborg punk I'm gonna-!!

Yui: Daddy? "You stop and look at Yui"

You: "You inhale and exhale" Sorry, I-I guess I snapped out for a bit there.

Thinker: What will we do now?

Jim: "Comes out of the barrel along with Morph" We warn the captain and doc.

You: Yeah.

Without hesitation, you all were about to leave the galley when Silver appeared right in front of you guys!!

John Silver: Jimbo? "Looks to the crew and makes his way to where you guys are" Playing games? Are we?

Jim: "He and the rest of you back up a bit" Yeah...Yeah, we're playing games.

John Silver: Oh, I see...Well I was, never much good at games. "Quietly equips his gun" Always hated to lose.

Jim: Umm..."Grabs a dining knife behind him" ME TOO!! "Stabs his cybernetic leg"

John Silver: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! "Gas comes out of the metal leg"

You: LET'S GO!!

While struggled with his now injured leg, you and the others run for it to the state room where Captain Amelia and Delbert are currently at.

John Silver: "Crawls up the stairs" Right-o!! "Enhances his cybernetic eye and sees you guys" Blast it all!!

John Silver: "Stands up and whistles, catching the crew's attention" CHANGING PLAN LADS!! "Equips his sword" WE MOVE NOW!!

After hearing what the cybernetic pirate said, the crew cheered as they prepared themselves to take over the ship by killing you and the rest of your friends so that nothing can stand in their way.

John Silver: Strike our colors, Mister Onus!!

Mr. Onus: Me pleasure captain!! "Lowers the normal flag"

"Normal flagged is changed with traditional pirate flag"
Back to you and the others....

Captain Amelia: "Opens her weapon closet" Pirates on my ship? I'd see they all hang!! "Gives Delbert a gun" Doctor, familiar with these?

Delbert: Oh, I have seen uh, well I read- "Gun fires and nearly hit Amelia" Uh no, no I am not.

Captain Amelia: "Sighs"

Morph: "Looks at the map and is amazed by it" Ooooooh, ah!!

Captain Amelia: "Pirates begin to break through the door" Mister Hawkins!! "Gets his attention" Defend this with your life. "Throws it to him, but Morph catches it"

Jim: MORPH!! GIVE ME THAT!! "Grabs the map from Morph and puts it in his pocket"

Thinker: I hate to be the breaker of bad news but...WHERE DO WE GO!? WE'RE STUCK IN THIS ROOM AND PIRATES ARE ABOUT TO GET IN HERE!!

You: "You look to the floor and an idea pops into your head" Just give me a sec. "You summon Oblivion"

"Pirates continue to break through the sealed door"

John Silver: "Steps in" YOUR TAKIN ALL DAY ABOUT IT!! "Equips his gun and points it at the door"

"Explosion occurs and the pirates manage to break into the state room"

John Silver: "Looks around and sees the whole giant hole you made on the floor" STOP THEM!! "Grabs one of his men and throws him into the hole"

You, Jim, Amelia, Delbert, Thinker, Yulier, and Yui kept running and running throgh the inners of the ship until you made it to where the little ships are at. Some of the pirates followed you, but Amelia managed to close the door on them and sealed it with her gun.

You: "You get Yui into the ship" There you go.

Yui: WAIT!! "Looks at you" What about mommy!?

Yulier: "She, you , and Thinker remember" Oh no.

You: Don't worry!! "You run towards the door" I'll go get-

Just as you were about to open the door, it exploded right in front of you and sent you flying into the other small ship. Once the door was closed, the pirates began to fire on Captain Amelia and the others to prevent them from escaping.

Captain Amelia: "Fires at the pirates" CHEW ON THIS YA PASSED FILLED BOILS!! "Takes cover"

"Delbert fires at an object above and makes the aliens fall off the ship"

Captain Amelia: "Looks at him" Did you actually aim for that?

Delbert: You know, actually I did!! "He and Amelia take cover"

"John Silver pulls a switch and doors begin to close"

Captain Amelia: "Notices this" AH BLAST IT!! "Looks at the metal cable and then looks at Delbert" Doctor when I saw *now*, shoot the forward cable, I'll take this one. "Points to the back cable"

Jim: MORPH!! HERE!! MORPH!! "Lad continues to chase the blob and Silver notices this"

John Silver: Morph!! "Catches his attention" Morphy come here. "Whistles to him"

Jim: Morph, Morph!! "Catches Morph's attention" Bring it here, Morph come here.

John Silver: Come here boy!! "Morph looks at him" Come to your dad!! Come on Morph!! "Morph is real confused by all this"

Jim: Morph? MORPH!!

John Silver: Morphy!!

Jim and Silver: "Morph dives into some rope" MORPH!! "Silver collapses onto the floor"

Even if with an injured leg, Silver managed to make his way towards where the map is, but Jim got it just before he did. The lad run and the cyborg was about to shoot him, but oddly decided not to, allowing the young lad to escape.

Captain Amelia: "Jim jumps off of the platform" NOW!!

After saying this, Amelia and Delbert shot the metal cables and freed their vessel, just before the door below them closed shut. As for you, you managed to recover from the explosion earlier and jumped into the ship as well before it exited the Legacy.

Delbert: "Sees Jim on the edge of the boat" JIM!! "Helps him get on"

Captain Amelia: "Unfurls the sail and activates the boat's systems" Parameters met!! Hydraulics engaged!! "Steers the ship away from the Legacy"

(Back on the Legacy)

Alien Pirate: "Has sights on you and the others" That's it!! Come to papa!!

John Silver: HOLD YOUR FIRE!! "Tries to stop the cannon" WE'LL LOSE THE MAP!! "Weapon fires"

Delbert: "Sees incoming cannon round headed their way" CAPTAIN!! LASER BALL AT TWELVE O'CLOCK!!

But it was too late. By the time Amelia tried to steer the ship away, the laser projectile made contact with the ship's engine and destroyed it in an instant. Because of this, you all began to plummet towards the surface of Treasure Planet and crash landed hard. After that, it was all silent.

Jim: "He and you lift the ship off of you" Ow.

Delbert: Fixes his glasses and stands up" Oh my goodness, that was more fun than ever want to have again.

Thinker: You can say that again doc. "Helps Yulier up"

You: "You walk up to Yui and help her up" You alright Yui?

Yui: Yeah, I'm fine.

Captain Amelia: "Laughs a bit and then stands up" That's not one of my...gossamer landings..."Suddenly collapses onto the ground"

Delbert: CAPTAIN!! "He and Yulier come to her aid"

Yulier: Are you alright?

Captain Amelia: "Stands up" Oh don't fuss. "Nearly fell, but Delbert stopped her form doing so" It's like bruising. That's all, a cup of tea and I'll be right as rain. "Fixes herself"

Captain Amelia: "Looks at Delbert" Mister Hawkins. "Tries to fix her eyesight and looks in the right direction" The map if you please?

Doing what the captain said, Jim pulled the map out of his pocket and when it suddenly started to float into the air, the orb turned out to be Morph!!

Jim: Morph!? "Looks around and then back to the blob" MORPH!! WHERE'S THE MAP!?

"Tells him that it's back on the ship"


You: THAT'S IT!! "You summon Oathkeeper" COME HERE YOU LITTLE FREAK!! "You begin to try hitting morph with your keyblade"

Captain Amelia: "Looks at the sky" staple that blob and get low. "You all look at the sky" We've got company.

"Brief silence occurs and Amelia turns to you all"

Captain Amelia: We need a more defensible position. "Picks up Delbert's pistol nd gives it to Jim" Mister Hawkins, scout ahead.

Jim: "Takes the weapon and looks at her" Aye captain.

Delbert: "Catches Amelia before she fell to the ground again in pain" Steady!! Steady!! "Lowers her gently" Now, let's have a look at that.

You: "You look to Yulier and Thinker" Me and Yui will go with Jim as back up. Thikn you two can help fix up the captain?

Thinker: We'll try our best.

Yulier: You four just be careful out there okay?

You and Yui: We will.

With that said and done, you and Yui followed Jim while Thinker and Yulier helped Delbert patch up Amelia's wound. As you kept walking, one thing was in your head...Asuna.
Back on the Legacy...

"Asuna logs back into the game and sits up from her bed"

Asuna: "Inhales and then exhales" That bath is just what the doctor ordered. "Looks around and notices that you and the others are there" Guys? Where are you?

John Silver: "Points his gun at her back and Asuna stays still" Morning madame. "Asuna slowly turns around and faces him" Had a good sleep?

Asuna(In head): This just had to happen while I was in the bath huh?  

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