Chapter 7: Comrades

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  A few hours after you and your friends saved Kida and her comrades from falling to the Heartless, she took you to the palace so her father can speak with you. It was a long walk, but it wasn't bad when you all got to do some sightseeing while on the way. Soon, you all finally arrived at your destination and proceeded to enter the palace.

"Palace doors open and you all enter the building"

You: "You whistle in amazement" Nice digs.

Asuna: "Looks to the front and sees a elderly man in blue robes" Is that him?

Thinker: There's no doubt about it, that has to be the head honcho of Atlantis.

"You all stop in front of the king and Kida bows in respect"

Kida(Speaks in foreign language): Greetings your highness, I've returned unharmed.

King Kashekim(Speaks in foreign language): "Sees you and the others" Kida, you know the law. All outsiders are to be killed to keep our city safe.

Kida(Speaks in foreign language): But father, these are no ordinary strangers. While my men and I were scouting the area, we were attacked by monsters we've never seen before. The combat was fierce and for a moment there, we thought we wouldn't make it. "Turns to you and the others" Until these people came and saved our lives.

King Kashekim(Speaks in foreign language): "Looks at you all again" Even if, I will not allow them to leave after knowing our city's existence.

You: What did he say Yui?

Yui: It was hard to understand, but it looks like the king doesn't want us here.

Thinker: Then let's show him why we should stay here.

Without hesitation, you all summoned your keyblades and present them to Kida's father. Upon seeing the weapons, King Kashekim immediately knew what they were and who you are too.

King Kashekim: "Picks up his staff and stands up from his throne" Who are you?

You: I'm (First Name) (Last Name). "You look to Asuna" This is Asuna.

Asuna: "Waves to the king" Hi.

You: "You look to Thinker" This is Thinker.

Thinker: Hello.

You: "You look to Yulier" And this is Yulier.

Yulier: Your majesty, on behalf of my friends, let me say that it is an honor to be welcomed to your city.

King Kashekim: The honor is mine. What I do like to know, is why Keyblade Wielders are here.

You: W-Wait, you know who we are?

King Kashekim: "Nods to your question" I know everything about your kind, thanks to my old friend. Master Yin Sid.

Thinker: "You all are shocked after hearing what he said" He knows Yin Sid!?

Yulier: Wow, never knew gramp's had friends.

Asuna: Back onto subject, the monster's that attacked your daughter were Heartless.

King Kashekim: Heartless?

You: Yes. Creatures that want nothing more than to shroud worlds into darkness.

Yulier: And that's why we're here. Your friend, Yin Sid, sent us here because the Heartless are planning on covering your world in darkness.

Thinker: And if they succeed, everything here will be gone forever.

"Kida and her father look at each other and Kashekim makes a decision"

King Kashekim: Very well. Do what you must, but after you finish what you are doing here, leave. "Looks to his daughter" Kida, show our guests where they'll be staying in the meantime.

Kida: "Nods to his orders"

You: "You and the others bow in respect" Thank you your majesty, we won't let you down.

With that said and done, you, Asuna, Yulier, Thinker, and Kida left the palace.

Thinker: Have to be honest, the king didn't look happy when he saw us.

You: Yeah, it's like he has a grudge on us or something.

Asuna: "Walks to Kida's side and this catches her attention" Can I ask you something Kida?

Kida: Of course.

Asuna: How did your city end up here? I mean, isn't this place supposed to be thriving?

Kida: "Sighs" Long ago, we were a great civilization. But like all empires, our rule had to end at some point. It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis, so they befell upon us great destruction. The last thing I remembered about that moment is that it was dark and....people shouting and running. "You all stop to hear more" But then, a bright light, in the sky, appeared above us. My father said it led my mother to it, never saw her again after that.

You: Sorry about your loss Kida, I know how it feels when you lose someone close to you.

Kida: Thank you (M/n), I appreciate your concern.

Thinker: "Realizes something" Wait a minute, you said that you were there when the whole empire fall thing happened right?

Kida: Yes.

Thinker: If that's true, then you would be five, thirty...."Counts with his fingers" Hundred, years old!!

Kida: So?

Thinker: "Looks at her with a confused look on his face and then gives up" N-Never mind.

"You all continue walking"

You: That was weird and scary at the same time.

Yui: You could say that again daddy.
Later that day.....(In game)

"You all arrive at your destination"

Kida: Here we are, this is where you all will be staying.

Thinker: "Looks at it and whistles in amazement" Nice, me like it.

You: "You and Asuna turn to Kida while Yulier and Thinker head inside the house" Thank you for your hospitality Kida, we really appreciate it.

Kida: "Giggles" I should be thanking you for saving my life. If you need anything, just look for me at the palace, okay?

You: Sure. "Kida turns around and heads for the palace"

Asuna: Kida!! "Catches her attention and the young maiden turns to Asuna" Would you like to come with us when we go around the city?

Kida: Really?

Asuna: Yeah. After all, we don't know our way around here.

Kida: "Smiles" I'd love to.

Asuna: Great.

After this, Kida turned around and went back home to the palace. Then, an icon appeared before you and Asuna and this is what's written:

!!Princess Kidagakash Nedakh has joined your party!!

You: What does this mean?

Yui: Oh yeah!! I forgot about this feature.

Asuna: "Looks to her daughter" What do you mean Yui?

Yui: Back in the other Kingdom Hearts games, there's always a Disney character that will be a party member.

You: Really? Wow, didn't know that.

Asuna: It's probably getting dark back in real life. "Looks to you" Wanna save and log out?

You: "You nod to her suggestion" Sure, we can continue another time.

Asuna: Great. I'll go tell Yulier and Thinker then.

You: Okay. "Asuna goes into the house while you opened your menu and saved your game"
Somewhere in Atlantis.....

Hooded Figure: It appears we have some unfortunate guests here as well.

????: So it was seem thanks to your minions reporting this to me.

Hooded Figure: They don't know your involvement yet, so I suggest you keep it that way until you succeed in your mission.

????: I know, I know. "Turns to the hooded man" And you better make sure you keep your end of the deal pal.

Hooded Figure: I will, as long as you give us what we want.  

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