Chapter 30: Crisis in New Orleans

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"Steamboat horn sounds"

Captain: Boarding New Orleans!! ALL ASHORE!!

After a little ride on the steamboat, you and the others finally arrived at New Orleans. Once the ship stopped, you and the rest of the passengers, including Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker, got off the boat.

You: Well, we're here.

Asuna: "Looks around and is amazed" This place looks amazing!! I've never seen anything like it before.

Thinker: "Looks at Yulier" I think I know where we should go on our anniversary.

Yulier: "Giggles" Me too honey.

Louis: "He and Ray get off the ship and walk up to you and the gang" Hey guys.

You: Hey Louis, how did it go with playing with the other musicians?

Louis: It was everything I ever dreamed of man. If you were there, the music that was playing would be memorable.

You: I'd love to hear the music Louis, but right now we need to focus on our main objective and get our frog friends back to normal.

Asuna: "Looks around to find the waitress and prince" Where's Tiana and Naveen?

Ray: I don't know, I thought she and Naveen were with you guys.

Yulier: You think they went ahead of us?

You: "You think for a moment" It's possible, but if they did, the two should've told us before they left the ship.

Thinker: Something very fishy is going on here.

You: Me too. "You look to and Louis" Louis, you'll go with Yulier and Thinker to Mardi Gras to see if Naveen and Tiana are there.

Louis: You got it.

You: "You look to Asuna" You, Ray, and I will search around the city to find them.

Asuna: "Nods to your suggestion" Okay.

Yulier: Alright, let's get cooking. We only have until midnight to get Tia and Naveen back to normal.

Agreeing to her reply, you, Asuna, and Ray went around town while Louis, Yulier, and Thinker went to Mardi Gras to see if the two frogs were there.

Somewhere in New Orleans, the nefarious Dr. Facilier's minions have managed to capture both Naveen and Tiana back on the ship. Right now their at the New Orlean's Cemetery waiting for the Hooded figure so they can finish their deal. The frogs tried everything they could to escape, but it proved useless against the shadow man's powers.

Tiana: "Struggles to be free of captivity" LET GO OF ME!! "Minion holds her tight"

Naveen: "Looks at Facilier" Let Tiana go!! It's me you want, not her!!

Dr. Facilier: "Looks at the frog prince" Newsflash little froggy, things have changed since the last time we met. A new friend of mine has asked for Tia here and if I succeed, he'll help me take over New Orleans.

Naveen: T-Take over? What are you trying to do?

Dr. Facilier: I'd love to tell you, but unfortunately it's top secret. "Looks at his minions" Put the prince in the box and keep the other here. Our new friend should arrive soon.

Doing what their master asked of them, one of the shadows placed Naveen inside a box and locked it tight. After that, Dr. Facilier picked it up and took it along with him as he went to Mardi Gras to finish phase one of his plan: Killing Big Daddy La Bouff.
Back at the city.....

Back to Yulier and Thinker, they and Louis have finally arrived at Mardi Gras. Sure they've been to parties before, but this one was a festivity that they've never seen before. There was a parade and everyone in it performed amazing tricks while wearing neat costumes of animals and other characters. Yulier and Thinker looked around to see if they can find Tiana and Naveen, but so far, they haven't spotted them yet.

Thinker: "Looks under a car and then looks to Yulier" Any luck?

Yulier: Nope, I didn't find any of them.

Thinker: Where could they be? At this rate midnight will come and they'll miss their chance to being human again.

Yulier: I know. We just have to keep looking around until we find them.

Pastor: Dearly beloved. "This catches Yulier and Thinker's attention" We are gathered here today to celebrate the union, of this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

Thinker: A wedding during a parade, that's new.

Yulier(In head): Where could Tiana and Naveen be? We practically looked everywhere around the parade and hadn't found them yet.

Pastor: If any of you, believe that this man and woman should not be together. Speak now, or forever hold your piece.

Yulier(In head): "Feels something strange" What was that feeling? It felt like something terrible is gonna happen.

Naveen(Inside box): "Bangs on the box" ME!! ME!! I OBJECT!! "Spits his tongue out"

Pastor: Do you, Prince Naveen, take Charlotte, to be your wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

Lawrence(Fake Naveen): I do.

Yulier: "Looks at the wedding float and sees Naveen's tongue" Wait, is that a frogs tongue? "Realizes something" Naveen!? What's he doing over there-

Before she could finish what she's was gonna say, Yulier saw Dr. Facilier holding a doll version of Big Daddy and saw him get ready to puncture the heart with a sewing pin. Upon seeing this, she realized that what the evil doctor was about to do was an assassination!! So without hesitation, Yulier ran towarsd the building where Facilier was while Thinker didn't notice.

Pastor: And do you Charlotte, take Prince Naveen to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?

Lottie: Oh, I do.

Dr. Facilier: "Prepares to kill Big Daddy" Good night Big Daddy. Once your out of the picture, all of New Orleans will be mine.

"Yulier runs into the room, summons her keyblade, and knocks the Big Daddy doll out of Facilier's hand"

Dr. Facilier: WHAT THE!? "Yulier points her keyblade at the doctor"

Yulier: Identify yourself villain scum!!

But before her question could be answered, a group of Heartless suddenly appeared and began to attack everyone in the parade. Disrupting the wedding ceremony before it could finish in the process.

Dr. Facilier: WHAT!? Why are there are Heartless here!? I didn't do that!!

Yulier: HEY!! I'm not finished with you yet.

Dr. Facilier: "Looks at her" I'd love to chat with you a little longer little lady. "Takes out some pink powder" But I'm needed elsewhere.

And with that said and done, the doctor threw the powder down hard and when the smoke settled, he was gone!! She wanted to go after him, but as the Heartless attacked the citizens of New Orleans, she new that the people had to go first before the bad guy. So she left the building and joined Thinker in the defense of New Orleans from the deadly Heartless.
New Orlean's cemetery



"Silence still occurs"

Asuna: "Sighs in disappointment" We've been searching for the past thirty minutes and we still didn't find them.

You: Don't worry, we will find those two. We just have to try harder.

"Facilier's shadow henchman pass by you two and they catch your attention"

You: What were those things!?

Asuna: I don't know, but they spell trouble.

You: Let's go.

You and Asuna then followed the shadows tow here they go and when you stopped at a dead end, Tiana was with them!!

Tiana: "Sees you and Asuna" GUYS!!

You and Asuna: TIANA!! "You run towards her but-"

Dr. Facilier: "Appears out of the blue and you two stop" Sorry kids, but this frog ain't going nowhere.

You: "You and Asuna summon your keyblades" Let her go this instant!!

Dr. Facilier: "Laughs after hearing what you said" Do you actually think I'll do what you say? I have powers far greater than yours combined. "Summons some Heartless around you and Asuna"

Asuna: This isn't good, there's too many for us to deal with.

You: Regardless, we can't let that guy getaway with Tiana.

Asuna: YEah, let's show these guys what we're made of.

You: "You look at her with a grin" That's my girl.

Without hesitation, you and Asuna ran towards the Heartless and engaged them immediately. Swing after swing, attack after attack, you made sure not one of the enemy was left untouched. Dr. Facilier was impressed by your sheer will power to fight, but more and more Heartless just kept coming. Soon, you and your girl were outnumbered.

Asuna: "Slices a Heartless in half" THAT ALL YOU GOT!! "Gets punched in the face and tumbles to the ground"

You: "You turn to her" ASUNA!! "You run towards the lass and help her up" You alright?

Asuna: Yeah, just a scratch. I'll be fine.

Dr. Facilier: "Laughs at the sight of your battle" Give up!! There's too many Heartless for you two to deal with. In a matter of minutes, you'll be goners.

Tiana: NO!!

Yui: "Flies out of your pocket in rage and transforms to her normal" I don't think so. "Walks towards the Heartless"



But no matter what you told her, she just completely ignored it. Once she was up close to the enemy, she did something you and your girlfriend never expected......

Yui: BLIZZAGA!! "Instantly freezes all the Heartless around you guys"

Tiana: What?

Dr. Facilier: "Looks at Yui in full terror" I-Impossible!!

Asuna: "Looks at what Yui is holding in her hand" Wait, is that what I think it is?

You: There's no doubt about it. She's holding a keyblade.

"Yui spins her keyblade around and her outfit changes as well"

Yui: Come on mommy, daddy. We got a friend to save.

You: "You help Asuna up and give back her keyblade" Couldn't agree with you more Yui. "You and Asuna run to her side and take your battle positions"

Dr. Facilier: If it's a fight you want. "His shadow minions appear behind him" Then it's a fight you'll get!!

You: Yui, how did you get a keyblade?

Yui: I'll explain the best I can, but right now we mus focus on the battle.

Asuna: Right.

Yui: I've always been sitting in the sidelines, watching you guys fight. But now that I'm a Keyblade Wielder, I can finally fight alongside you both.

You: Let's show this guy who's boss girls.

Asuna and Yui: Right!!  

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