Chapter 14: Tale of the Lost Master

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Stitch: Ven, isa me remember?

You: Look my little blue friend, my name is not Ven. From the looks of it, you thought I was someone you know.

Stitch: If you not Ven, then where is Ven?

You: If I did know someone by that name, I would've told you already. Sorry.

Stitch: "Ears droop down in disappointment"

Yui: Awww, he's sad mommy. "Looks at Asuna" Can I go and comfort him?

Asuna: Are you sure about that Yui? I don't want you to get seriously hurt.

Yui: It's okay mommy, he's not dangerous.

Asuna: "Surprised after hearing what she said" H-How do you know?

Yui: Let's just say I judge someone by how they are in the inside than on the outside.

With that said and done, Yui flew off of Asuna's shoulder and transformed into her normal size. When she did this, her outfit had a more hawaiian touch to it while having a beautiful white flower on her hair. Without hesitation, she walked towards Stitch while also being careful of what the blue creature will do.

Yui: "Crouches to his level and looks at him" Hello.

Stitch: "Yui catches his attention and he looks at her" Hm?

You: This is my daughter, Yui. It's okay, she won't hurt you. She's really nice.

Stitch: "Looks at her in curiosity" Yoo-i....nice per-son?

Yui: "Nods to his reply" That's right.

Stitch: Yoo-i, fren?

Yui: That's right, friend.

Asuna: "You stand up and she walks to your side" Looks like our little girl has made a new friend.

You: Yup, sure looks like it.

Stitch: "Brings out a star-shaped like object and shows it to you three"

You: What is that? I've never seen anything like it before.

Stitch: Fren-ship...Cir-cle.

Asuna: Friendship Circle? What does that mean?

Lilo: Stitch!! "You all hear her call out Stitch's name" Stitch where are you? Nani's gonna get mad at us if we don't go home now.

You: "Stitch turns to you, Asuna, and Yui" Looks like your needed elsewhere. "You crouch to his level" By the way, my name is (First Name).

Asuna: "Crouches to Stitch's level too" And I'm Asuna.

Stitch: (M/n) and As-oo, na.

Asuna: "Giggles after listening to what he just said" Don't worry. "Gently pets his head" You'll get it right with a little practice.

Lilo: Stiiiiitch!!

Stitch: "Turns to where Lilo is" COMIIIING!!

After looking at you three one last time, he walked away from the crash site and went back to Lilo. Once he the little blue dude was out of sight, one question was still boggling in your head: Why did he call you Ven?

"Yulier and Thinker emerge from the bushes and you see them"

You: How did the recon go?

Yulier: Went well. Not only did we get a good look around the place, we also found this.

The lass opened her menu, went into her inventory, touched the item she wanted to bring out, and a keyblade appeared before you all. When you, Asuna, and Yui saw this, you never expected to find a keyblade lying around in another world!!

You: I-It's a keyblade.

Asuna: Where did you find this?

Thinker: We found it under some rocks not too far from the ship here. If I'm correct, it appears we weren't the only Keyblade Wielders to arrive on this world.

Yulier: Only question is, who did this belong to?

You: "You look at the keyblade very carefully" Judging by it's appearance, it must've been abandoned for a very long time.

Asuna: Yeah, I can tell by the dirt around it and the rust.

Thinker: What do you think we should do with it?

You: May I? "Yulier gives you the old keyblade" After school tomorrow, I'll ask Lisbeth to take a look at it. Ever since she laid eyes on a keyblade for the first time, she was gaga over it and countless others. "You screenshot a picture of the keyblade"

Asuna: I think that's a great idea (M/n).

You: "You stretch for a bit" Well, we should log out now, it's probably night time back in the real world. "You open your menu and save your game's data"

Yulier: "She and Thinker open their game menus" Good night. "Presses the log out button and logs out"

Thinker: See you two tomorrow. "Logs out as well"

You: "You look to Asuna and kiss her on the cheek" See you tomorrow Asuna.

Asuna: "Giggles" You too (M/n). "Presses the log out button and leaves the game"

Once the others left the game, you too logged out as well.
Back in the real world.....

"You slowly open your eyes and you see the ceiling of your room"

You: "You sit up straight and take off your Amusphere" Hmmmm.

Stitch(Flashback): "Looks at you" Ven?

You: "You pick up your phone and open your browser" I have to know why Stitch called me Ven.

You then typed in "Kingdom Hearts Ven" into the search bar and once you pressed enter, it turns out to be the name of a character in one of the game's previous titles. Once you tapped onto the first link, the page had everything you needed to know about this Ven fellow.

You: "You read what the page said and you were surprised by what it showed you" So this guy's name is Ventus and is one of the Keyblade Wielders in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. But what I want to know is why Stitch mistakened me for him.

With that said and done, you continued reading what the page said and when you came to the part where it explained what happened to him in the end, you were both shocked and horrified about Ventus' fate in the game. The boy did stop his former master, but at a price.

You: "You look to the ceiling" So Ventus is currently in a deep sleep after he lost his heart in the final act. Not only that, he DID know Stitch before the little guy accidentally jump to hyperspace. "You put your phone on the table" And that was the last time Stitch EVER saw him.

You: "You sigh in disappointment" If the little guy ever found out, I can't imagine how horrified he'll look.
Back inside Kingdom Hearts Online.....

"Stitch looks at the clear night sky and then looks at his hand-made Wayfinder"

Stitch: Ven, mesa hoping to see you soon, fren.

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