Chapter 16: Beach Blues Pt.2

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"Asuna dodges an incoming attack from Shortstuff"

Asuna: This thing is really getting on my nerves right now.

You: Yeah, I know that feeling Asuna. "You dodge another attack from Shortstuff and launch a fireball straight at his face"

Yui: Mommy, daddy, we need to get Stitch and the others to safety before we focus on the boss.

You: Yeah, almost forgot about that. "You run to Stitch, Lilo, and Nani" Come on you guys, we're getting out of here.

Agreeing to your suggestion, you all started running away from Shortstuff to escape, but when the ginormous alien saw this, he chased after you. Every single one of you tried to run as fast as you can, but Experiment 297's size makes him faster than all of you combined. Soon, you all arrived in town and when everyone there saw the alien, some of them ran away while others stayed inside the buildings.

You: "You and Asuna turn around, face Shortstuff, and summon your keyblades" You rgonna regret trying to hurt Stitch and his friends.

Stitch: "Starts to walk towards you and Asuna"

Lilo: "Notices this" Stitch!! What are you doing!? Get back here!!

Stitch: "Stops between you and Asuna" GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

You: "You look to your right and see Stitch" What are you doing here!? It's too dangerous!!

Stitch: NAGA!! Mesa help frens fight!!

Asuna: Should we let him?

You: "You look to Stitch" Know a thing or two about fighting?

Stitch: "Nods to your question"

You: "You shrug and look back to Shortstuff" Alright, just make sure not to get killed alright?

Stitch: "Nods to your question" MEEGA NADA QUISTA!!

After Stitch said this, you three ran towards Shortstuff and engaged him once you got close enough. When the giant alien saw this, he tried his best to land a hit on one of you, but your small size and speed gave you the head advantage. Attack after attack, you were dealing some serious damage on a creature that can sink a boat with one blow. As you three kept attacking Shortstuff, you saw it's first health bar hit zero.

You: Come on guys!! "You block an incoming attack from Shortstuff" If we keep going, victory is ours!!

Stitch: Ih!!

Asuna: Roger that (M/n)!! "Hits Shortstuff in the face and makes him fall onto a building"

"Shortstuff's second healthbar drastically goes into the yellow"

You: WOOHOO!! That's my girl!!

Asuna: "Swings her keyblade around in pride" I still got it.

After that attack, Shortstuff stood up from the rubble and looked at you three in full-on rage. Once the experiment was up again, he tried to hit one of you with his giant claws, though this proved useless due to your size and speed again. While dodging the alien's attacks, you saw an opening and went in for the attack. You jumped to the top of one of the buildings, charged up your keyblades, and point them right at Shortstuff.

You: RAGNAROK!! "You launch a beam of pure energy right at the experiment and deals heavy damage"

"Second health bar empties"

Asuna: "Looks at you" Nice one (M/n)!!

You: Thanks, but the battle isn't over just yet!!

Stitch: "He and Asuna look to Shortstuff as he stands up from the ground" GRRRRRRRRRRR!!

Asuna: "You jump off the building and land next to her" What do you suggest we do?

"Silence occurs as you think of an idea to defeat Shortstuff"

You: "An idea pops into your head" Got it!!

Asuna: What is it?

You: "You look to Stitch" Think you can make that thing stay in one spot Stitch?

Stitch: Ih.

You: "You ready Oathkeeper and Oblivion" Let's finish this guys.

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