Chapter 32: The Groove is on!!

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Kingdom of the Sun Arc  

Real World

Dicey Cafe

September 4th, 2026

Agil: "Pours some iced tea into your cup" So, Yui's now apart of your party huh?

You: Yup, after she received a keyblade of her own, I couldn't just say no to that. "Agil gives you your glass and you take a sip"

Asuna: What about you Agil? How are you and your party doing?

Agil: My party and I just completed the fourth level yesterday as a matter of fact.

Asuna: That's great news.

You: Four down, and only three more to go until we complete the campaign.

Agil: That's true, but the higher the level, the harder the difficulty will be.

You: That's true.

Agil: "Looks at his watch" Well, I better close shop now. I promised my friends that we'd play the next arc this afternoon.

Asuna: "Looks at you" Same goes with us too.

You: Yeah. "You and Asuna stand up and pick up your bags" Thanks for the refreshments Agil. "You and your girl walk towards the front door to go back home"

Agil: Don't mention it, and good luck on the next arc.

You: "You look at him" You too man. "You and Asuna leave the cafe and head home"

(Inside Kingdom Hearts Online)

Upon arriving back home, you changed into your home clothes, put away your stuff, put on your Amusphere and logged into KHO to play with Asuna, Yulier, Yui, and Thinker like you always do.

"You and the gang arrive at your newest destination"

Thinker: Alright, we've arrived at our new world, let's see what it has in store for us.

Asuna: "Looks around" All I see is jungle.

You: "You look up ahead and see something at the a hill's side" Over there. "You point to it and the others see it"

Yulier: What is that?

Yui: Looks like a building of some sort.

You: Let's go towards it and check it out.

Agreeing to your suggestion, you all flew towards the strange building ahead. But then-

?????: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! "You all immediately stop mid air"

Thinker: What was that?

Yulier: "Looks at the ground and sees what's going on" BELOW US!! "You all look at the ground"

Right below you guys were a man and a mammal running away from what appear to be jaguars. But upon further examination, it turns out those Jaguars are actually-

Asuna: Heartless!!

Yui: "Looks at you" Let's go in and stop those monsters.

You: I agree Yui. "You look at the others" Let's move in and say hello to our old foes.

All of them: Right.

With that said and done, you all drove your keyblade vehicles towards the ground and pursued the Heartless to prevent them from harming the man and the mammal.
Back at the ground.....

Back at the ground, the man and mammal continued to run away from the Heartless Jaguars as fast as they could until they stumbled upon a couple of rocks blocking their route. With nowhere else to go, the black monsters closed in on their prey. From there, they thought this was it until you and the others came in and stopped the Heartless from getting any closer.

You: "You and the others summon your keyblades and you look to the man" You alright?

????: Yeah, I'm fine.

You: Just sit back sir, me and my friends will take care of this situation. "You take your battle position"

Yulier: This will be a piece of cake. Even if a Heartless has different looks and abilities, doesn't mean their all the same.

Yui: That maybe true, but that doesn't mean we can't underestimate them.

You: LET'S GET 'EM!!

After that, you and the Heartless Jaguars ran towards each other and the two of you engaged when you two were close enough. These kind of Heartless are fast, but that doesn't mean they can escape their inevitability. One by one, the enemies numbers started to drop. One Heartless Jaguar nearly got you, you just suffered a scratch to your armor. After that failed attempt, you fused Oathkeeper and Oblivion into Two Become One and did a extremely strong Zantentsuken afterwards, killing it instantly.

Heartless Jaguar: "Looks at his remaining comrades" ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAR!! "They all turn around and run away in retreat"

Thinker: That's right!! Run away like the cowards you are ya monster scum!!

Asuna: "You all put away your keyblades" Well, this counts as our first encounter with the Heartless on this world.

You: Yeah. "You look to Yui and pet her head" You did well Yui. With the right training and time, you might one day be a great fighter like me and Asuna.

Yui: Really?

You: Yup.

Yui: "Smiles after hearing you say this" I'll try my best daddy!!

Yulier: "Turns to the man and then walks towards him" We haven't properly introduced ourselves. My name is Yulier, what's yours?

Pacha: Pacha, nice to meet you. "Yulier shakes hands with him"

You: "You stand up and walk towards Yulier and Pacha" Can you explain why you and your mammal friend were being chased by Heartless?

Pacha: Uh, what are Heartless?

Yulier: Their monsters with black bodies and yellow eyes and sometimes they come in many shapes, sizes and designs. Their only intention is to consume the heart of a person.

Pacha: I see. Well, me and Kuzco we're just strolling along the path when those Heartless you mentioned just appeared out of nowhere and chased us.

You: "Kuzco"? Who's that?

Pacha: He's my llama.

Yulier: Your llama?

Pacha: "Nods to her reply and looks to his friend" Hey Kuzco, come here and meet some new friends of mine.

Doing what the village man said, Kuzco walked towards you and Yulier and did the one thing that made him, him.

Kuzco: What's up?

You: "You and Yulier get spooked a little after hearing him say that" Y-Your llama just talked.

Kuzco: Uh, course I can talk. Why shouldn't I?

Yulier: Because llama's don't talk.

Kuzco: "Thinks for a moment" Makes sense.

Pacha: Kuzco here is actually the emperor of our kingdom and I'm bringing him back to the palace so we can find a way to change him back to normal.

You: "You realize something" Wait, he's an emperor?

Pacha: He really is, don't let his current appearance deceive you.

You: If you say so.

Yulier: Question, how did you become a llama?

Kuzco: "Shrugs" I don't know. A few days back I had dinner with a few associates of mine and then, everything went black. After that, I woke up at mister village man here's home and found out that I turned into this.

Yulier: I see.

You: Mind if we tag along?

Pacha: Are you sure? We wouldn't want you to let us be a burden to whatever your doing right now.

You: It's fine. Besides, who knows when the Heartless will decide to attack you guys.

Kuzco: "He and Pacha think for a sec" Well he does have a point.

Pacha: "Makes a decision" Why not? "Shakes hands with you" I'm Pacha.

You: (First Name) (Last Name), looks like we'll be traveling together for awhile.

Kuzco: Now that we've introduced ourselves. "Turns to the big rocks blocking the path" How are we gonna get through these rocks?

You: "You summon Oathkeeper and Oblivion" I got this, you guys might want to step back a bit for this.

Pacha, Kuzco, and Yulier did what you asked and you charged up your keyblades to do an attack strong enough to destroy all the rocks and clear the path. Once your weapons were fully charged, you used Ragnarok and once the beams of light made contact with the rocks, the objects exploded into a million pieces and this cleared the path in the process.

You: "You put away your keyblades and look to the others" Alright gang, let's get a move on. "You begin to walk and Asuna, Yui, and Thinker follow you"

Pacha: "He and Kuzco are shocked by what they saw and he looks at Yulier" H-How did he do that?

Yulier: "Looks at Pacha" I don't know, he just does what he does sometimes. "Follows you and the others"

Kuzco: If his friends can do what he did, I think I just found some new guards.

With that said and done, Kuzco and Pacha followed you and the others as you all walked to your next location. You weren't sure what will happen, but that didn't bother you at all.

A few minutes later....

????: So your saying that if I help you destroy these enemies of yours, you'll help me become emperor in return?

Hooded figure: That is correct.

????: "Thinks for a moment" How am I sure you won't back down on your offer?

Hooded figure: I won't. As long as you don't fail in the task of course.

????: HA!! Fail? Why would I fail in a simple task like that? I'll make sure your friends will be executed.

Hooded figure: Good. "Turns around" But heed my words, do not underestimate them. Yzma.

Yzma: I'll be sure to heed them, stranger.

Hooded figure: "Dark portal appears in front of him" Have a nice day. "He enters the portal and it disappears afterwards"

Kronk: "Walks up to Yzma" Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?

Yzma: Nothing important Kronk. I just had a little talk with a new friend of mine.

Kronk: Oh, sounds nice. "Sees a fly, it lands on his head, and he prepares to kill it" I got this. "Misses him and hits himself in the process" I'm okay.

Yzma: "Face palms in disappointment" Why did I even hire this idiot as my henchman?  

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