Chapter 28: Friends over money

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A few hours(In-game) has passed since you, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker met Tiana and the others and as of now, your getting close to Mama Odie's hut. It's only a couple more walks away, so all of you should manage. If there are no Heartless interruptions of any sort along the way.

Ray: "Turns around and looks at all of you" Come on yall!! We're almost there!!

You: "You stop and wipe some sweat off of your head" Whew!! For a lightning bug he's pretty fast.

Asuna: You okay with walking a little longer? We can stop to rest if you'd like.

You: Nah, I'll be fine. It's the terrain that's making me tired. Since we've never encountered this biome back in ALO, it takes time to get used to.

Asuna: You do have a point.

You: "You stretch for a bit and look at Asuna" Come on, we don't want to get lost here now would we?

Asuna: "Giggles" Of course not.

After that, you and Asuna continued walking so you don't lose sight of the others.

"Tiana and Naveen go through a bush, but when Louis tried to go through it, he got pricked instead"

Louis: AAAAH!! Prickle bush just got me!! GATOR DOWN!! "Collapses onto the ground panicking" GATOR DOOOOWN!!

Thinker: "He and Yulier sweatdrop when they saw this happening" Seriously? He's panicking over a simple thorn?

You: "You and Asuna rush over after hearing Louis' scream" What's going on?

Asuna: Is it Heartless?

Yulier: Nope, it was just Louis screaming in pain after getting pricked by a prickle bush.

You: "You and Asuna sweatdrop upon hearing this" Don't tell me this is true.

Thinker: I'm afraid so.

Ray: Why don't yall follow Tiana and Naveen while I take care of dis?

You: You sure about that Ray?

Ray: Don't worry, dis lightning bug got tricks up his sleeves.

Asuna: Okay. Once your done with helping Louis, follow our tracks okay?

Ray: Sure can do.

You: Stay safe you guys.

After that, you and your friends continued walking while Ray stayed and helped Louis with his not-so-big problem.

Louis: THE DARKNESS!! "Gasps" IT'S CLOSING IN!! I'M SO COLD!! "Starts to shiver"

Ray: Will you hold still ya big baby.


Ray: I ain't touched it yet.

"Three men come out of the bushes"

Reggie: "Sees Naveen and Tiana" Oh, take a look at them two jumpers. "Rubs his hands in delight" I can taste them frog legs already.

Darnell: "Immediately stands up and spooks Reggie" AND THEY TASTE REAL GOOD WITH THE SAUCE PICAT RIGHT PA?

Reggie: Will you be quiet!! "Grabs his club and hits him with it"

Darnell: Ow.

Two Fingers: "Tells Reggie and Darnell to knock it off so they can focus on catching Tiana and Naveen"

Reggie: My thoughts exactly Two Fingers. "Laughs a bit" It's time to catch us some frogs. "Wheezes and laughs"

Darnell: "Reggie grabs his shirt and drags him down" OOF!!

Somewhere not too far from where they were, the hunters were totally unaware that they were being watched by three Heartless who worked under Dr. Facilier.

Dr. Facilier(In Heartless' heads): Posses those hunters as a means to boost your power and capture those frogs alive!!


After receiving their orders, the Heartless moved in and pursued the hunters and the prince and waitress.
Back to you and the others.....

"Thinker slices through some bayou vegetation as you all kept walking"

You: "You stop and look around" Hmmm.

Asuna: "She stops and notices your change of expression" (M/n), what's wrong?

You: Remember when I told you about that feeling in me that something bad is gonna happen?

Asuna: Yeah, why?

You: Well, it's acting up and I'm not liking it.

Thinker: You sure it's not your hunger that's causing this feeling?

You: No, those are two different things Thinker.

"Powerful gunshot sounds and catches your attention"

Yulier: What was that!?

Thinker: Almost sounded like a cannon.

Asuna: Come on!! We got to go towards it to make sure Naveen and Tiana are okay.

You, Thinker, and Yulier: Right.

Agreeing to her suggestion, you all ran towards the source of the loud sound and once you arrived, you saw three humanoid-like Heartless holding both Tiana and Naveen!! When one of the monsters saw you, it pointed it's massive gun at you and fired. Luckily though, you all dodged it before it could do any damage at all on you.

Yulier: "She and Thinker summon their keyblades" What kind of Heartless are those!?

Asuna: I don't know. "Summons her keyblade" But their a lot stronger than the ones we usually deal with.

Thinker: What's the game plan (M/n)?

You: Since this is the enemy, we'll destroy them. But now that they have our friends as hostages. "You summon Oathkeeper and Oblivion" We have to make sure their not harmed by us.

All of them: Roger.

You: "You point Oathkeeper at the monsters" ATTACK!!

After hearing your call to attack, you and your friends charged at the three humanoid Heartless' and engaged them once you were close to them. While you fought the beasts, you and Asuna managed to get Tiana and Naveen free from captivity and the two rushed to safety while the rest is done by you and the others. The Heartless fought real good, but their massive sizes give them a disadvantage when it comes to speed.

"You and Yulier dodge an incoming club attack by the fat humanoid Heartless"

You: You should've done more gym classes fatso!! "You and Yulier charge your keyblades for a long range attack"

Yulier: "You both point your keyblades at the Heartless" TASTE THIS!!

You: RAGNAROK!! "Your keyblades fire massive amounts of energy at the Heartless"

Fat Heartless: "Deals great damage" ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAR!! "Collapses to the ground and faints"

You: One down. "You two turn to the others" Two more to go.

Back to Asuna and Thinker, they were dealing with the short Heartless. The small beast was no pushover as it kept attacking them without stopping for a breath. As our two heroes kept dodging, they saw an opportunity to attack and took it by launching fire and lightning attacks on it.

Small Heartless: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAR!! "Takes a knee after those attacks"

Thinker: Asuna, take it on full force. I'll give you a boost to add more power to your attacks.

Asuna: Okay. "Grabs onto his keyblade and he begins to spin her around"

Thinker: BON VOYAGE!!

With that said, Asuna let go of Earthshaker and flew towards the Small Heartless with great speed. Once she was up close, she did as many attacks as she could do deal as much damage as possible. After a few more strikes, she stepped back and watched it the monster collapse onto the ground unconscious.

You: "You and Yulier run up to the two" Nice work you guys.

Asuna: Thanks.

Yulier: "Looks to the last Heartless" Let's take down the last one together.

Thinker: You said it honey.

You: Avoid it's gun as possible. If that thing points it's wepaon at you, your probably done for.

All of them: Right.

With that said and done, you all charged towards the weapon-wielding Heartless to finish the job. As all of you kept running, the Heartless used it's massive gun to try and gun you down. With every shot it fired, each round had enough force to make a giant crater on the ground instantly. Once you were close enough, you and Asuna attacked it's legs and stomach while Yulier and Thinker took the top. Swing after swing, slash after slash, you didn't stop until the monster was done for. The Heartless tried to shoot you, but you and your friends were just too fast for it. After one last attack, the Heartless collapsed onto the ground defeated and you all stopped attacking.

You: "You and the others put away your keyblades" Easy as pie.

Thinker: Even if they were different, their all the same in the inside.

Asuna: "Walks towards Naveen and Tiana as the two come out of hiding" Are you two alright?

Tiana: Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for the save/

Asuna: No problem.

Naveen: So. "Looks at the unconscious Heartless" What'll we do with those things?

You: Don't worry about the monsters, they'll disappear soon enough.

Thinker: Come on, let's keep moving so we can meet up with Ray and Louis up ahead.

Yulier: Sounds like a good idea.

With that said and done, you all walked away from the area so you can meet up with Ray and Louis to continue your journey towards Mama Odie's hut. Once you were all gone, the Heartless that possessed the hunters disintegrated into nothingness and left their bodies. After that, they went back to their normal selves and remembered nothing taht transpired the past few minutes.

Reggie: What happened? "Puts his hand on his head" And why does my head ache so bad?

Darnell: I don't know. "Shakes his head" I can't remember anything, do you Two Fingers?

Two Fingers: "Shooks his head in no"

Reggie: Wait, where them frogs at? "Looks around" GOSH DARN IT!! WE LOST THEM!!

Darnell: Don't blame me.

After a few minutes of walking, you and the others see Louis and Ray up ahead. Upon seeing them, you ran towards the gator and lightning bug to regroup with them.

Louis: You guys alright?

You: Yup. Ran into a little trouble, but good.

Asuna: How long until we get there Ray?

Ray: We're getting real close, but this part of town ain't safe during this time.

Yulier: So we'll have to go there when it's daytime.

You: Sounds like it.

Naveen: I could use a rest. After encountering monsters during this trip, I can't imagine handling another one.

Tiana: I agree.

Asuna: Then we'll set up camp here. And in the morning, we'll go straight for Mama Odie's.

Thinker: Me and Louis will go fetch some firewood. "He and Louis leave to get some wood"

Tiana: "Looks to Asuna" Do you know how to cook?

Asuna: I do, why ask?

Tiana: Would you like to help me prepare dinner for us all?

Asuna: Sure. "She follows Tiana to some wild vegetables so they can get what they need"

You: I guess we'll just wait here and rest up a bit.

Naveen: Yup. "You and Naveen sit down"

You: So, are you really a prince Naveen?

Naveen: Course I am, I come from a lustrous family line who lives far from this place.

You: I see.

Naveen: How about you?

You: "You look at him" Me?

Naveen: Yeah, where do you and your friends come from and why are you here?

You: Well for starters, my friends and I are from Japan. For the second question, you could say we're needed here to take care of some problems.

Naveen: Do those monsters you guys fight the problems?

You: Yeah, sort of.

"Akward silence occurs"

Naveen: "Stretches a little bit" I can't wait to be rich again and go back to the life I always like.

You: Are you sure being rich is all you want to be Naveen?

Naveen: Course, why?

You: There are more things to be than just being rich you know. Sure it's great to have loads of money, but that doesn't buy you happiness.

Naveen: If that's the case, then what gives you happiness?

You: "You look at him" Being with the ones you care about. That's what gives me happiness.

Naveen: "Thinks for a moment" I never thought about that before.

You: Well. "You stand up and stretch a bit" I better go and check on the girls, yell if there's any trouble okay?

Naveen: Okay.

With that said and done, you left camp to check up on Tiana and Asuna.

Naveen: "Being with the ones I care about".....  

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