Chapter 19: Ohana means family.....

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"Asuna uses Curaga on you and your instantly healed"

You: Thanks Asuna.

Asuna: Are there any others places on your body that still hurt?

You: Nah, I'm fine. Besides, I don't want to drain anymore of your energy after my little play time with the Heartless.

Thinker: What exactly happened though (M/n)?

You: Me and Yui were on our way to Stitch's house to visit them when I suddenly saw the little guy being chased by some fat four eyed man. I wasn't sure of why he'd go after him, but it looks like Stitch is worth a lot. I was gonna go in and help, but the Heartless got in my way and I had no other choice but to fight them.

Yulier: What happened next?

You: After killing some of the Heartless, I was caught off guard by one of them, got hurled through the kitchen window, and landed next to Stitch. When we both saw the fat guy, I grabbed his plasma gun and passed it to the little blue so he can finish him, but the fatty clogged it's hole with a carrot. Cause of that, the weapon started to over heat and eventually exploded.

Yui: Then, where's Stitch?

You: I don't know. "You stand up" But sitting around won't answer that. "Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker stand up" Let's move, we still got some work to finish.

All of them: "They nod to your reply" Right.

With that said and done, you and your friends searched the area for Stitch and hopefully Lilo.

Thinker: "Looks behind some bushes" Stitch? "Doesn't find him and leaves"

Asuna: "Looks under some rocks" Stitch, are you there? "Doesn't see him and looks elsewhere"

Yulier: "Sighs" We've been searching for almost an hour now and we still can't find him.

Yui: Do you really think he survived the explosion you mentioned?

You: Stitch is tougher than he looks. I sensed great strength in him when we first met.

"Strange sound occurs and catches your attention"

Thinker: You guys hear that?

Yulier: Yeah, sounds like an engine starting up. But the question is, where is it coming from?

Nani: NO!! STOP!!

You: "You all look to your right" That way.

Knowing where to go, you and your friends ran towards the sound of Nani's voice and once you arrived, you all saw a giant ship preparing to take off!! With Lilo and Stitch on it!!

Asuna: Lilo!! Stitch!!

Thinker: We have to help them.

You: Stop that ship before it takes off with them!!

Without hesitation, you and the others ran towards the ship before it takes to the sky. While you guys were running, Stitch managed to squeeze his way out of the glass capsule and was about to bust Lilo out when the ship's engine roared to life and flew away, making the little guy fall off.

Nani: "Watches as the ship flies away" Lilo.....

Thinker: "Kicks the dirt in anger" DARN IT!! WE WERE SO CLOSE!!

Yulier: What should we do now? Whoever is driving that ship has Lilo now!!

Asuna: I-I-I don't know.

You: "You turn to Stitch and you walk up to him" Stitch?

Stitch: "Recovers and looks at you" Hi (M/n).

You: "You look at him" You look...different. Why do you have four arms, two antennas, and spikes coming off of your back?

Stitch: "Sighs" I- "Gets hit by Nani"

Nani: Okay, talk. I know you had something to do with this, so where's Lilo?

"Stitch doesn't respond after the sudden strike"

Nani: Talk!! I know you can.

Stitch: "Sighs in surrender, looks at her, and then stands up" Okay, okay.

Nani: "Nani screams and then hits him again"

You: "You and the others sweatdrop when you saw this happen" Wow, nice swing.

Nani: "Walks up to Stitch" Where's, Lilo?

Stitch: "Sighs again and looks at her" Lilo-

"Random plasma shot hits Stitch and then Jumba comes in and handcuffs him"

Jumba: HaHa!! Now, all your boshing is up.

Pleakley: "Shows him his badge" Your under arrest!! Read him his rights.

Jumba: Listen carefully. "Starts to beat him up"

Asuna: "Helps up Nani after that unforeseen attack" You alright?

Nani: Yes, I'm fine.

Pleakley: "Talks into his phone" Hello, Galactic Command? Experiment 626, is in custody. We'll wait right here. "Ends his call and you point Oblivion right at him"

You: Make a move, and I brake your face.

Jumba: "Continues to beat up Stitch until Yulier and Thinker stop him" Huh?

Yulier: Put our friend down, now.

Thinker: Unless your up for a butt whooping you'll never forget.

Jumba: And why would evil genius listen to you?

Thinker: "Pokes Jumba's stomach with his keyblade" Don't underestimate a Keyblade Wielder fatso.

Nani: "Slowly walks up to Jumba and Pleakley and they notice this" Where's Lilo?

Jumba: Who? "Pleakley hits his arm and he looks at him in irritation" What?

Nani: "They look at her" Lilo...My sister.

Jumba: Uh, sorry, we do not know anyone by this, uh...

Nani: Lilo!! She's a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes and she hangs around with that THING!! "Points at Stitch and he gets frightened by this"

"Moment of silence occurs"

Jumba: "Sighs in surrender" We know her.

Nani: Bring, her, back.

Pleakley: Oh we can't do that, nuh uh. "Nani looks at him" That'll be misuse of galactic resources.

Jumba: See, problem is, we're just here for him. "Shows Stitch to Nani"

Nani: So she's gone?

Pleakley: Well, look at the bright side. You won't have to yell at anyone anymore. "Does a pity laugh"

Struck by this shocking information, Nani collapses to the ground in tears, knowing that her only family left is gone forever. Feeling guilty about this, Jumba and Pleakley decided to leave with Stitch, but Yulier and Thinker prevented them from doing that. Asuna tried to ease the sad older sibling, but it doesn't seem to work. Seeing how devastated Nani is, Stitch decided to walk up to her to cheer the lass up.

Stitch: "Looks at Nani" Ohana.

Nani: "Stops crying and looks at him in confusion" Huh?

Jumba: Hey!! "Picks Stitch up to stop him" Get away from her.

Nani: No!! "Pulls Stitch out of Jumba's grasp and puts him back on the ground" What did you say?

Stitch: Ohana, means family. Family, means....

Stitch and Nani: Nobody.

Nani: Gets left behind.

Stitch: Or forgotten, yeah.

You: "You walk up to Stitch, crouch to his level, and he looks at you" You know what we have to do now.

Stitch: "Nods" Ih. "Looks to Jumba" Hey, gibbo gi gabbi.

Jumba: WHAAAAAAT!? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you, just like that!? JUUUUST LIKE THAAT!?

Stitch: Ih.

"Stays silent for a few seconds"

Jumba: Fine. "Brings out his keys and frees Stitch of his handcuffs"

Pleakley: Fine? Your doing what he says?

Jumba: "Grumbles a little bit" He's very persuasive.

Pleakley: Persuasive!? What exactly are we doing?

You: Easy as pie. "Pleakley looks at him" We go after that ship and get our friend back.

Nani: We're gonna get Lilo?

Stitch: "Nods to Nani's question" Ih.

Asuna: "Walks up to you and you look at her" You sure we can do this (M/n)?

You: Lilo's our friend, and friends don't abandon those they care about. Besides. "You look to Nani" I don't want Nani to go through the pain I dealt with wen my dad left my life.

Asuna: "Smiles" This is one of the reasons why I love you.

You: "You smile and then look at the others" Alright, enough chit chat. We got a friend to rescue.

Agreeing to what you just said, you all left the area to go after Lilo and save her. You've been through worse before, so what difference can this have?
A few minutes later.....

A few minutes later, you all followed Jumba to his ship. Upon arrival, he began to take out some forest vegetation he used to keep it hidden from anyone who'd come there.

"Stitch gets real excited when he sees the ship"

Jumba: What? You think we walked here? "Car unlock sound occurs"

Nani: I hope we're not too late.

You: Don't worry, it's never too late. We'll get her back, I promise.

Nani: You know, you would make a great brother for Lilo.

You: Really? I never imagined myself being a brother before. "You look at her" But after hearing you say it, it actually doesn't sound bad at all.

Jumba: Hey. "Catches you and Nani's attention" You two coming in ship or what?

You: Me and the others have our own way of flying, Nani we'll stay with you guys.

Jumba: Suit yourself. "He, Pleakley, and Stitch enter the ship"

Nani: Be careful you four, okay?

You: We will, this isn't the first time we've been in this situation before.

Nani: "Smiles and then goes to the ship"

Asuna: "Walks to your side and you look at her" Ready?

You: Sure am.

"You, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker summon your keyblades and transform them into their vehicle forms"

Thinker: So, how do we find Lilo?

You: Just follow the big ship, they'll lead us to her.

Yulier: Are you sure we can trust them?

You: Don't worry, if they pull up any trick up their sleeve, Stitch we'll deal with it.

Thinker: "Shrugs" You have a point.

Yulier: Come on, let's go and get our friend back.

With that said and done, Jumba's ship rose from the ground and flew off with you four following it afterwards.

You(In head): Hold on Lilo, help's on it's way.  

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