Chapter 12: Good Always Prevails

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  Crystal Calamity Arc Finale 

  Back to Helga.....

Helga: "Recovers from her fall, takes out her flare gun, and points it right at the red dirigible" Nothing personal.

And with that said and done, she pulled the trigger and the flare flew right into the balloon, dealing a great amount of damage. As the fire kept spreading, you and Rourke still clashed as the slowly burning airship makes it's way towards the ground.

Rourke: "You and him clash" You fight well, you should've joined us kid.

You: "You punch him in the face, causing him to step back a bit" No thanks. "You taunt him" I'm good.

Taking the taunt you did earlier, Rourke ran towards you in hopes of hitting you, but you simply stepped aside and he fell of the platform. Then, just as you thought that the battle was one, Rourke came out of nowhere and grabbed your leg, causing you to go to where Kida is currently at. Once he had you in his sights, he started to swing his axe at you in hopes of landing a deadly blow. As you kept dodging his attacks, the two of you soon came to the metal container that is holding the crystal.

Rourke: "You dodge his attack" What's the matter kid? You tired already? "You dodge another attack"

You: "Rourke takes out his axe from the glass and you see it glowing" I wonder.... "You grab a piece of the glass and Rourke grabs you by your neck"

Rourke: Sweet dreams kido.

Milo: "Surprises him by grabbing his axe" You've already taken a life, and I won't let you take another.

You: Darn straight.

You then used the the piece of glass to cut Rourke's arm, causing him to both let go of you and the axe he was using. While he was distracted, you and Milo used this time to escape. Then, out of the blue, Rourke's arm started to turn into crystal and in a few seconds, he was no longer human.

"You and Milo look back at Rourke and see his crystal form"

Milo: "Sighs in relief" Thank heaven.

"You two feel something tugging on the chain and you see Rourke climbing after you two!!"


Milo: "The two of you climb as fast as you can to avoid Rourke" Almost there!!

You: "You look at Rourke, then at the rotating propeller above you, and an idea pops into your head" Time to finish things.

While Milo kept climbing, you climbed towards the rotating propeller to lure Rourke there. As for the mercenary, he saw you going the wrong direction and decided to go after you instead. Unaware of what your about to do.

"You made it to the propeller and Rourke climbs to your level"

You: Hope you have a, "smashing time" Rourke.

Rourke: Hm?

You then jumped off the chain and grabbed the metal support ring, making Rourke go closer to the spinning propeller. Upon making impact, the mercenary turned into a million pieces and broke the chains that were holding Kida's prison afterwards. Soon, you and Milo finally got back onto the ground with the crystal intact.

Milo: "Rubs the back of his head" I guess we're safe now.

You: "You look up and see the burning dirigible headed towards you guys" You had to jinx that one Milo.

The two of you stood up and pushed Kida's container somewhere else, just before the dirigible crashed where you two were before. From there, you thought it was all over, but things are about to get even worse.

"Ground begins to crack and shake"

Milo: "Realizes what's going on" THE VOLCANO!! "Gasps" SHE AWAAAAAAAAKES!!

Vinny: "Looks at them with a lit dynamite" Hey, I had nothing to do with it.

Cookie: This here is not a good place to be. "Vinny puts out the dynamite"

Milo: No wait!! We gotta get out of here or the whole city will die!! "Puts a metal hook onto Kida's container"

Audrey: And if we don't get out of here we'll die!! "Takes the chain from Milo"

Milo: It's the only way to reverse this. JUST DO IT!! "Throws the chain to Vinny and then she connects them"

You: "You, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker transform your keyblades into their vehicle forms" Let's get out of here!!

Agreeing to your suggestion, Milo and his friends got onto their vehicles and you all flew away from the awakening volcano. Then, just when things got worse, the hook that was connected to Kida's container snapped out of place!!

"Milo grabs onto the chain and uses it to go back to the ground"

Audrey: MILO NO!!


Milo: "Makes his way through the field, makes it to Kida's container, and secures it" GO!!

Doing what he asked, you all started flying away while he jumped onto the metal container and hung on with his life. Then, the dormant volcano had finally awakened and a wave of hot magma started to pursue you all. Soon, all of you made it out of the cave and went straight for the city.

"You all land onto the ground"

Yulier: I'm glad we made it out, but we still got a lava tsunami headed this way!!

Milo: "Atlantean guard hands him a spear and plunges it into the container's door"

Mole: "Looks to the wall" The fissure!! IT IS ABOUT TO EJECT IT'S FULL BLAST OF FURY!! "Wall starts to break faster"

Sweet: Milo!! Mole says the walls gonna blow!!

And with one last tug on the spear, Milo finally opened the container and set free Kida. Sensing the incoming disaster, the whole city started to glow all around you guys. The energy Kida released soon came to the stones of the previous rulers of Atlantis and they were enlightened with life. After that, they flew towards the surface and joined Kida as they fly above Atlantis. As you all kept watching this, the stones around the princess spun around and then it released a beam of energy towards a submerged object.

"You and Thinker go check it out and then watch the object rise from the water"

Thinker: W-Woah!!

You: Should we worry about this thing Yui?

Yui: There's nothing to be afraid of, their on our side.

Asuna: Are you sure Yui?

Yui: One hundred percent.

In a matter of seconds, more of these gigantic statues appeared from the water and they all started walking to very edges of the city. Once they were there, they clapped their hands and released what appears to be an energy shield. Soon, this field covered the entire city, just before the wall burst open and let the lava free. The magma started to go all over the massive energy field and when it finally covered the whole thing, the crystal glowed and instantly solidified the hot liquid into obsidian. A few seconds later, the crystal began to cut through the tough rock and the material started to fall off the energy field and onto the ground.

"Cloud forms everywhere and a bright light catches you and Milo's attention"

Milo: "You two look closely and see Kida float slowly to the ground" Kida....

You: What are you waiting for dude? "Milo looks at you and you look at him" Go to your girl, she's waiting for you.

Milo: "Smiles and nods to your suggestion" Sure thing.

Without hesitation, the linguist ran towards where Kida's landing and caught her when the light disappeared. Soon, the sleeping princess awakened and saw Milo before her.

Milo: Milo? "Looks to her left hand and sees a small bracelet"

Filled with joy and relief, Kida hugged Milo and he hugged her back. In a long time, the linguist never felt this happy in his entire life. After the two hugged each other, you all directed your attention to the land before you. With the danger averted and the crystal returned to it's rightful place, Atlantis is once again safe.

You: Now this, is a view I'll never get tired of.

Milo: You and me both. "Holds Kida's hand"
A few days later.....(Hours in real world)

(Que epic finale music>>>>)

After the battle against Rourke, Audrey and the others decided to go back home and never tell anyone of what happened in the past few days. As for Milo, he stayed behind and helped Kida in her rule as queen and teach the people of Atlantis how to read and write. Right now, you and the others were with them as their about to place King Kashekim's stone with the others above to honor him for being a great and wise ruler.

"Kida blows into her crystal, places it onto her father's stone, and the object slowly floats to the crystal above"

Thinker: This is probably one of the best ways to honor a great person.

Yulier: Me too.

Kida: "Walks up to you and Asuna" As queen of Atlantis, I would like to thank you and your friends in returning the crystal back home.

You: All in a day's work Kida.

Asuna: Yeah.

Kida: "Atlantean approaches her with four crystal necklaces" Ah, their finally here.

You: "You look at the necklaces" Hm?

Kida: "Picks up one of the necklaces and looks at you" As a sign of our gratitude, we'd like to give you these necklaces for your great heroism and going beyond the call.

Then, all of a sudden, the necklace she was holding started to glow and fly to the sky. When you and Yui saw this, you knew exactly what this meant.

Yui: It's time daddy.

You: "Asuna looks at you" I know Yui, I know.

Asuna: What do you mean it's time?

You: "You look at her" You'll know when you see it.

You then walked towards the middle of the square, summoned Oathkeeper and Oblivion, and then closed your eyes. Upon doing this, energy started to surround you and formed a keyhole up in the sky. Once you saw it, you spun your keyblades around, aimed them right at the object, and a small beam of light went into it before disappearing into nothingness.

Milo: "He and Kida look at you" What did you do?

You: "You turn to them" Don't worry guys, it's nothing to worry about. I locked away the heart of this world so the Heartless can't reach it.

Yulier: And is that a good thing?

Yui: Sure is!! Once a world's Keyhole is locked, it can never be opened again.

Kida: So what will you do now?

You: "You inhale and then exhale" Unfortunately, this is where we part ways Kida.

Thinker: Wait, you don't mean-

You: Yes, we're leaving. Now that this world is safe from the Heartless, it is time that we move onto another to make sure it's safe.

Milo: Sure you don't wanna hang around for a bit? There's a big party that's going on after this.

You: "You smile and look at him" I appreciate the invite Milo. But as Keyblade Wielders, we don't have the luxury to party as the Heartless keep attacking worlds.

Milo: "Sighs and walks up to you" It's gonna be pretty dull without you guys.

You: I know, but this isn't goodbye my friend. I'm sure we'll meet again someday.

Milo: "You shake hands with him" Safe travels (M/n), and good luck on your journey.

You: Thanks. And good luck with your new life here too.

Asuna: "Walks up to Kida and catches her attention" Your father would be so proud of you if he was here.

Kida: "Smiles" I'm sure he would. "Hugs Asuna" I'm gonna miss you.

Asuna: I'm gonna miss you too.

Thinker: "Sniffs"

Yulier: "Looks at him" Aw, are you okay hun?

Thinker: "Looks at her" I'm fine Yulier. "Sniffs" I just really love happy endings.

Yulier: I know you do. "Gives him her hankee and he blows into it"

"You, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker transform your keyblades into their vehicle forms and fly away"

Asuna: "Waves to Milo and Kida" Goodbye!!

Yulier: See you soon!!

Thinker: We'll miss you guys!!

Milo: "He and Kida wave them goodbye as well" Think they'll be alright?

Kida: I'm sure they will. And I believe they will do great things for the worlds they visit too.

Milo: Same.

(Back to you and the others)

Thinker: So leader, where shall we go next?

You: "You look to Asuna and Yui" Let's find out.



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