Chapter 9: Keyblade Wielder VS. Guardian Of Atlantis

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  "Explosions occur in the background"

You: "You land after dodging another attack from the Leviathan" This is really getting on my nerves right now!!

Yui: Watch out daddy!! Incoming!!

You: "You see the Leviathan getting ready to fire" OH NO!! "You jump out of the way as the monster fires afterwards"

A few minutes have passed since you left the group and engaged Atlantis' Guardian. Right now, all you did was dodge the monster's rays of pure destruction to avoid getting killed, but you knew running away won't help win this fight. After dodging yet another attack from he beast, you ran behind some rocks so you and Yui can come up with a strategy to defeat the Leviathan.

You: "You look behind the rock and then go back into hiding" There's gotta be a way to get up close and deal some damage on that thing.

Yui: But if you just ran towards it, the Leviathan can just see you and kill you right on the spot.

You: I know. "You think for a moment" If I'm gonna beat this thing, I need to be fast. Really fast.

"You and Yui stay quiet for a few seconds"

Yui: "Has an idea" I got it!! "She catches your attention" Daddy, remember the files I gave you before KHO was released?

You: Yeah, I always read them after school. Why bring it up now?

Yui: Remember the one that talked about keyblades and how they worked in the previous games?

You: "You remember instantly after she reminded you" Ooooh, I get what your saying.

Back to the Leviathan, it was looking all over the area for you after you went into hiding. Then, a flash of light caught it's attention and it came from where you were too!! Once the Leviathan knew where you were, it started to charge high amounts of energy so it can kill you with one shot. Just before it fired, you suddenly flew up into the air on a vehicle that looked like your Oblivion Keyblade!!

You: This is awesome!! Now that I'm faster than ever, I can finally deal with Killer Larry the Lobster here. "You dodge an incoming attack from the Leviathan"

Yui: "Sits on your shoulder and hangs on tight" Go get him daddy!!

You: Here we go!!

Without hesitation, you drove right towards the monster to fight it. Once you were up close, the Leviathan tried to squish you with it's gigantic claws, but your vehicle was too fast for it to keep up. Seeing an opportunity to strike, you summoned Oathkeeper with your right hand and begin attacking the giant crustacean's body.

Leviathan: "Feels you damaging it's skin" !!ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!

Yui: "Sees the monster's first health bar go down" It's working daddy!! Keep it up!!

You: You got it!!

Swing after swing, blow after blow, you didn't go easy on Atlantis' guardian at all. There were times that it would come close to killing you, but the ended up failing anyways. Soon, it's second health bar had finally come down and the battle is close to being finished!!

Yui: This is it daddy. If you clear it's last health bar, you'll win!!

You: Yeah, but when it comes to boss fights, they'll be harder to beat when their health is low.

And you were right. Knowing that it's close to being defeated, the Leviathan started to fly as well and looked at you with pure rage. Once it started flying towards you, you started to fly away from it. As the two of you took the battle to the skies, the Leviathan began shooting you with it's energy attacks. Some would miss, but there were some that were close to hitting you.

You: It's no use, I can't get close now that the Leviathan's flying.

Yui: You'll need to finish it with one blow.

You: "An idea pops into your head" I got an idea, but it's a crazy one.

Yui: As long as it can help defeat the Leviathan, then I won't object daddy!!

You: "You smile" Then let's do this.

You then drove your vehicle straight into the air and then transform the keyblade back to it's original form, causing you to free fall towards the ground. When the Leviathan finally caught sight of you, it began to charge up another energy attack in hopes of ending the fight.

"Leviathan fires it's energy attack at you"

You: "You dodge it, charge up a fire attack, and then point your keyblades right at it" Taste this!! "You fire two giant balls of fire right at it's face"

Leviathan: "Fireballs explode on it's face" !!ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!

You: "You transform Oblivion into it's vehicle form and go straight for the Leviathan" Your mine!!


You: Finishing move...."Leviathan's last health bar goes zero"....Zantetsuken!!

With that final blow, the Leviathan started to glow and then it exploded into millions of blue crystals, symbolizing that it's been killed. Once the battle was over, you went back to the ground and put away your keyblades.

You: "Icon appears in front of you" Hm?



You: "You sigh in exhaustion" Man, that was probably the toughest boss fight I ever had.

Yui: You can say that again.

You: "You sit down immediately to catch your breath" Out of all the bosses I've faced back in ALO, this one can probably cream them all with one strike.

Yui: "Giggles" I guess your right.

You: Well. "You stand up" We should probably head back. Don't wanna worry the others.

After saying this, you left the area and began running back to the lake where Asuna, Yulier, Thinker, and possibly Kida and Milo, should be.
Back at the lake.....

"Milo comes out of the water, swims to land, and sees one of his crew mates in front of him"

Rourke: Had a nice swim? "Sees the rest of his comrades wielding guns"

Milo: Oh, he-hey guys. What's, what's with all the guns?

"They stay silent"

Milo: Guys? "Silence still occurs and then he figures something out" Such an idiot!! This is just another treasure hunt for you, your after the crystal!!

Rourke: Oh, you mean this? "Brings out a piece of paper and shows it to him"

Milo: The Heart of Atlantis.

"You finally come back to the lake and then immediately see what's going on"

You: What the heck is going on!?

Yui: Daddy, get down!! "You do what she says and you get yourself hidden"

You: I don't understand, those people are Milo's friends. Why would they turn on him?

Yui: Let's listen to what their saying first.

Rourke: I had to make sure you were one of us. "Puts away his gun and offers his hand to Milo" Welcome to the club son.

Milo: "Rejects the offer" I'm no mercenary

Then, when Kida came to the surface, one of Rourke's soldiers grab her by her hair. Milo tries to intervene, but was forced to stay still when guns were pointed at him. Knowing that she;s in danger, Kida grabbed the soldier and then threw him into the water before facing the others in hand-to-hand combat. Once she had the upper hand, she took out her knife and was about to kill one of the soldiers, but was unfortunately interrupted by Rourke when he shot the girl's weapon out of her hand. Once Kida had no weapon to fight with, two soldiers grabbed her arms while she kicked the fallen one's privates.

Rourke: Mercenary? I prefer the term, adventure capitalist. Besides, your the one who got us here and lead us to the treasure chest.

Milo: You don't know what your tampering with Rourke!! "Comes out of the water"

Rourke: What's to know? It's big, it's shiny, and it's gonna make us all rich.

Milo: You think it's some kind of diamond, I thought it was some sort of battery, but we're both wrong. It's their life force. That crystal is the only thing keeping these people alive and if you take it away, they'll die!!

You(In head): What does he mean by that!?

Yui(In head): And what is this crystal Milo's talking about?

Rourke: Oooh, this changes things. "Looks to Helga" Helga what do you think?

Helga: Knowing that, I'd double the price.

Rourke: I was thinking triple.

Milo: Rourke, don't, do this!! "Gets blocked by Vinny"

Rourke: Academics, never want to get your hands dirty.

You: "Rourke keeps talking and you get real pissed" That's it, he's going down. "You summon your keyblades"

Yui: Daddy no!! There's too many of them. Plus, they have hostages with them.

You: What? "Points to where the hostages are"

When you looked to where Yui pointed, there you saw was Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker, tied up in ropes with armed soldiers behind them.

You: Darn. "You put away your keyblades"

Rourke: Besides, I've already got a buyer who wants the crystal, so I can't stop now.

You: Buyer? The only people here are the Atlanteans, him, his crew, Milo, and us. Who could possibly want a crystal?

Yui: It's possible he met this buyer before they arrived here.

You: Yeah, you might be right about that.

Yui: What should we do now?

You: For now, we'll have to play this one very carefully. One wrong move and Milo and Kida will be finished.

Soldier: "Points his gun at your head" Hey!!

Yui: D-D-Daddy!!

Soldier: Stay where you are.

You: "You summon your Oathkeeper and knock his weapon away from him" Nice try bub.

You then transformed Oathkeeper into it's vehicle form and everyone in the lake could see it. When Rourke saw this, he and his men began to fire at you, but this proved useless when you managed to escape unharmed.

Rourke: "Puts away his gun" We can deal with fly boy later, right now we gotta a diamond to find.

Helga: You heard the commander, let's move!! "All of them do as their told"

Kida: "Looks to the sky and watches as you fly to the palace" (M/n), please, do not let these men get away with this.

(Back to you.....)

You: They'll pay for this....  

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