Chapter 20: .....Nobody gets left behind or forgotten

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  Tropical Paradise Arc Finale 

(Back to Gantu)

Gantu: This is Captain Gantu, requesting immediate jump to hyperspace.

Computer: Awaiting clearance for hyper jump, please hold.

Two hours have passed(In-game) since Lilo got abducted by the nefarious Captain Gantu. As of now, you and the others are already on your way to rescue her. But by the looks of things, time is running out fast. Thinking that this might be the last time she'll be at home, Lilo took out her damaged photo of her family before burying her face into her arms to cry. From there, she thought all hope was lost, but not for long. All of a sudden, the tip of a huge wing emerged from the clouds and a few seconds later, revealed to be a giant airplane-like ship, far larger than Gantu's itself. When Lilo looked through the cockpit's window, she saw Stitch on board.

Computer: Clearance is granted on Sector C-12. "Jumba drives the ship to the right"

Gantu: Connect me to the Grand Council Woman.

Grand Council Woman(In call): Gantu what's going on?

Gantu: I thought you'd like to know that the little abomination is-"Jumba honks his horn and catches Gantu's attention" Is....

Stitch(In cockpit): Woo-hoo. "Rubs his bottom against the window in front of Gantu"

Gantu: DAA!!

Grand Council Woman(In call): Yes, Captain?

"Jumba bumps his ship against Gantu's and this angers the captain"

Gantu: I'll call you back. "Transmission ends"

Cause of this, the real fun began. After getting his attention, Jumba drove his ship back down while Gantu followed him. As for you, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker, the four of you stayed hidden so the captain is only focused on Jumba. Once Gantu's ship has lock on the red vessel, he activated his ship's weapon systems and began firing on them. Seeing this, Jumba began evasive maneuvers to ensure his ship doesn't deal lethal damage.

Nani: "Looks at Jumba" So what exactly are we doing?

Jumba: Oh don't worry, is all part of plan. We are professionals. "Stitch pulls out a lever and Jumba notices this" Hey!! Get that out of your mouth. "Picks up Stitch and begins shaking him vigorously"

(Back to you and the others)

Thinker: Well, we caught his attention, what should we do?

You: Until we can find a way to get Lilo out of there, our main priority is to prevent that ship from leaving the planet.

Yulier: If that's the case, how do we do that?

Yui: The only way it can leave the planet is through a hyper jump. If we destroy the ship's hyperdrive, the pilot will be stuck here.

Asuna: Giving us the chance to break Lilo out of there, of course!!

You: "You see the Jumba and Gantu getting farther and farther" Alright guys, let's kick it up a notch.

All of them: Roger.

With that said and done, you and the others continued following Jumba as he kept dodging Gantu's plasma rounds. Seeing an opening on Gantu's ship, you summoned Oblivion and fired a fare ball at the vessel to deal some damage. It was a direct hit, but one shot wasn't enough. After enduring this attack, Gantu looked behind him and saw you four, but decided to ignore you since he's only after Stitch.

Pleakley: "Plasma round goes through the ship and spooks him" WAAH!!

Jumba: "Sees this and then notices that the ship is slowly descending" Hold on!!

Thanks to his piloting skills, Jumba managed to keep the ship from hitting the ground and from colliding with one of the land's mountains. As for you and the others, you stayed high in the air so you can get a good look on what's going on.

Asuna: Are they alright? I saw smoke coming from their ship.

Thinker: Their fine. At least that plasma round didn't hit their engine or something important.

You: Stay on that ship, we can't let it escape this world with Lilo. "You and the others continue following the captain"

(Back with Stitch and the others)

Jumba: Okay, iiiis show time!! "Looks at Stitch"

Stitch: HAHAHAHAHA. "Goes to the door and waits for the signal"

As Jumba's ship continues flying through the mountains, a fat guy wearing shades was about to eat his mint ice cream when he saw the vessel coming towards him and it's right wing knocks his cool treat off of his hand. Once Jumba's ship was back in the open, it really is show time.

Jumba: "Looks to Stitch" This is it!! "Looks back at the front while Nani hung on tight"

"Jumba turns the ship around and surprises Gantu by hitting his vessel hard"

Stitch: GO!! GO!! "Pulls the safety on the door and flies out of the ship" GOOOOOO!! HAHAHAHA!!

After free falling for a few seconds, Stitch managed to land on Gantu's ship. Once he was on board, he moved to the very back where Lilo is currently at and began breaking her glassed prison upon arrival. But when Gantu noticed this, he wasn't happy about it at all.

Gantu: Little savage!! Get out of my ship!!

Without noticing, Gantu drove his two engines right on Stitch and forced the little blue dude to let go of Lilo's glass capsule and head for the ground.

Lilo: STITCH!!

Asuna: Oh no!!

You: Hang on buddy!! I'm coming!! "You turn around and head for Stitch"

Yulier: HURRY (M/N)!!

(Back to Stitch)


You: Whew!! That was close.

Stitch: Thanks fren.

You: No problem. "Stitch goes to your back and hangs on" Now let's get Lilo out of there.

Stitch: "Nods to your reply" Ih.

After rescuing Stitch from becoming a blue pancake, you directed your vehicle towards Gantu's. When the captain saw that Stitch was with you, he began to fire numerous rounds of plasma on you, but you managed to dodge them.

Gantu: Abomination.

Stitch: Stupid head. "You two look at each other and nod"

You: "You charge up Oblivion and thrust it forward" SONIC BLADE!! "You two fly faster than ever before because of this"


Once you were getting close to Gantu's ship, you transformed Oathkeeper back to it's original form and then you and Stitch crash into the alien's ship.

Stitch: ALOHA!!

Gantu: "Begins to attack you both by plunging his fists on top of you two" YOUR VILE!! YOUR FOUL!! YOUR FLAWED!! "Lands his fists on top of you both, but you managed to catch them"

Stitch: Also cute, and fluffy!!

You: Enjoy your flight blubber butt!!

With one strong throw, you and Stitch threw Gantu out of his ship and make him land on Jumba's. After recovering from that, the captain brought out his plasma gun and began to fire at his own ship in hopes of eliminating you while your on board. Once you saw this, you and Stitch moved to the rear and break Lilo from of her prison.

Lilo: "Stitch gets Lilo out of the capsule and puts her into his arms" You came back.

Stitch: Nobody gets left behind. "Lilo kisses him on the nose"

You: "Stitch jumps onto your back while holding Lilo tight" Hold onto your butts.

After saying this, you all jumped off of the ship just before it exploded into a million pieces. After the explosion, a thick cloud of smoke engulfed Jumba's ship, preventing the others from seeing you, Stitch, and Lilo. From there, they thought you were goners, but once the smoke cleared, they saw you three hanging on while Stitch held the unconscious Captain Gantu tight.

Thinker: That's what I'm talking about!!

Yulier: Way to go guys!!

Asuna: "Smiles" That's my (M/n)

After succeeding with your rescue mission, Jumba landed his ship on a beach not too far from town. Once his vessel touched the ground, you, Lilo, and Stitch got off of the wing while shaking after what you experienced back in the air.

You: Man, that was crazy. Wouldn't you agree?

Stitch: Ih.

UGF Soldier: "Grabs onto Stitch and handcuffs him" We have 626.

Grand Council Woman: Take him to my ship.

Lilo: Leave him alone.

Cobra Bubbles: "Stops her" Lilo.

Gantu: "Stands up upon seeing the Grand Council Woman" Grand Council Woman!! I-I can explain.

Grand Council Woman: SILENCE!! I am RETIRING you Captain Gantu!!

Jumba: "Gulps and slowly turns around" If you will excuse me, I'll be just uh-

Grand Council Woman: YOU!! "Stops the evil genius from walking away" You were the cause of all this!! If it wasn't for your Experiment 626 none of this-

Stitch: Stitch.

Grand Council Woman: "Turns to the little blue dude" What?

Stitch: My, name, Stitch.

Grand Council Woman: Stitch then. If it wasn't for Stitch- "Stops talking for a moment and looks at him again"

Stitch: Does Stitch have to go in the ship?

Grand Council Woman: Yes.

Stitch: Can Stitch say goodbye?

Grand Council Woman: "Nods to his request" Yes.

Stitch: Thank you. "Walks to Lilo and she hugs him in goodbye"

Grand Council Woman: "Looks at Lilo and Nani" Who are you?

Stitch: "Looks at the Grand Council Woman" This, is my family. I found it, all, on, my own. It's little, and broken. "Looks at the sisters" But still good. Yeah, still good.

After finishing what he has to say, Stitch walked towards the ship so the Grand Council Woman can take him back to prison. When you all saw this happening, it was really sad knowing that this will be the last time you'll ever see the little guy, or so you thought....

Pleakley: Does he really have to go?

Grand Council Woman: "Sighs" You know that our laws are absolute. I cannot change what the council has decided.

Cobra Bubbles: "Looks to Lilo" Lilo, didn't you buy that thing in the shelter?

Lilo: "Brings out her ownership paper and then runs up to the Grand Council Woman" Hey!!

Grand Council Woman: "Turns around and then sees the little girl"

Lilo: Three days ago, I bought Stitch, in the shelter. I paid two dollars for him. "Unfolds the paper and shows it to the alien" See this stamp? I own him. "Grand Council Woman takes the paper and looks at it" If you take him, your stealing.

Thinker: Clever girl. "Yulier agrees with him"

Cobra Bubbles: Aliens are all about rules.

Grand Council Woman: "Looks at him" You look familiar....

Cobra Bubbles: CIA, Rosewell. 1973.

Grand Council Woman: "Remembers him" Ah yes, you had hair then. Take note of this.

Grand Council Woman: "Walks up to Stitch and picks him up" This creature has been sentenced to life in exile. "Uncuffs him and walks towards Nani and Lilo" A sentence that shall henceforth be served out here. "Puts the little guy between the sisters" On Earth.

Grand Council Woman: And as caretakers of the alien life form Stitch, this family is now under the official protection of the United Galactic Federation. We'll be, checking in now and then.

Cobra Bubbles: I was afraid you'd say that. This won't be easy to explain back at headquarters.

Grand Council Woman: I know what you mean. "Walks towards her ship and then waves to Pleakley and Jumba" Don't let those two on my ship.

UGF Guard: "Nods to her order"

With the complications dealt with, the Grand Council Woman and Gantu boarded their ride and left the planet as you and the others watch the ship exit the atmosphere. Once the ship was no longer in sight, Stitch's Wayfinder started to glow!! When our little blue alien saw this, he took it out and the object started to float into the air. Lilo and the others didn't know what this meant, but you, Yulier, Asuna, Yui, and Thinker know.

Asuna: "Looks at you" It's time.

You: I know.

Nani: "Looks at you" What's going on?

You: It's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of. "You summon your keyblades" There's just one more thing left to do.

Lilo: What is it?

You: "You look at her" Just watch and see. You...might wanna stand back a bit.

After doing what you asked of them, you walked towards the the object and closed your eyes. Upon doing this, energy started to surround you and then the world's Keyhole appeared in the sky. Once you saw it, you spun your keyblades around, aimed them right at the object, and a small beam of light went into it before disappearing into nothingness.

Pleakley: Uh, what just happened?

You: Nothing to worry about, I just did something to make sure this world is safe from an evil force.

Jumba: What kind of evil force are you speaking of?

You: That my friend, is a story for another time.

Lilo: Wait, are you leaving?

You: I'm afraid so Lilo.

Asuna: "Walks up to her and crouches to her level" But don't worry, this isn't goodbye.

Thinker: We'll come back and visit once we finish some other stuff, right Yulier?

Yulier: Of course hun.

You: "Stitch walks up to you and notice him" Hey Stitch. "You crouch to his level" What's up bud?

Stitch: "Stays silent for a few seconds and then shows you five star shaped objects in his hands"

You: "Your eyes widen upon seeing them" What are these?

Stitch: Wayfinders. Stitch made these so (M/n) and his other new frens will always find each other.

You: "You smile and then get your Wayfinder" I'll treasure this forever. "You hug him"

Stitch: Stitch gonna miss you.

You: Me too bud, me too. "You stand up and walk towards the others to give them their Wayfinders" Hey guys, Stitch made us presents.

Asuna: Really? What are they? "You give them their Wayfinders, including Yui"

Yulier: "Looks at it in awe" Ooooh.

Thinker: Me like.

Asuna: "Puts her Wayfinder in her pocket and then looks at you" Ready to go to our next stop?

You: Yup.

"You all summon your keyblades and transform them into their vehicle forms"

Lilo: Wait a minute guys.

You: "You look at Lilo" What is it?

Lilo: No matter where you go, you'll always be a part of our Ohana. "Looks at Stitch" Right Stitch?

Stitch: "Nods to her question" Ih.

You: "You smile" Thanks Lilo.

Asuna: "You all fly away" Goodbye!!

Yulier: See you soon!!

Thinker: Take care!!

"Stitch, Lilo, Nani, and the others wave goodbye as you all fly off into the sunset and go to your next destination"
A few days later(In-game)

Nani: Lilo, come on!! Your gonna be late for school.

Lilo: Coming!! "She exits her room and goes to her older sister"

Stitch: "Gives them their lunches" Have a nice day.

Lilo and Nani: Thanks Stitch.

"They head for the door and leave the house"

Stitch: "Hears some knocking coming from the back door" Hm?

"Walks towards the door, opens it, and sees a man with spiky light brown hair"

Ventus: Hey Stitch, long time no see.

Stitch: V-V-Ven? "Surprise hugs him and Ven hugs him back"

Ventus: I missed you so much my friend.

Stitch: Me too. "Looks at him" What happen to you? You look older.

Ventus: "Giggles a bit" Eh, puberty did this. "Puts him down" How about we go inside? There's so much I want to tell you about these past few years.

Stitch: "Nods to his suggestion" Ih.

After saying this, the two of them went inside and Stitch closed the door before talking to the now older Ventus.



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