Chapter 27: Muddy and marshy

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  The Big Easy Arc 

SAO Survivor School

September 2nd, 2026

"School bell rings"

Klein: "Stretches a bit" Man, I thought class would never end.

Lisbeth: Like you never said that a hundred times Klein.

Silica: How many levels are there in the story mode of Kingdom Hearts Online again?

You: Eight levels. We cleared three worlds so far, so we only have about five more to complete.

Lisbeth: Wonder what the last level will be though. Could it be some sort of boss fight or something?

You: Not sure, but it has to do something with the Hooded figure.

Klein: "Looks at you after hearing what you just said" So you encountered that guy too?

You: Yeah, you?

Klein: Same. Kinda hard to believe he's a Keyblade Wielder even if he uses dark powers.

Silica: What makes me concerned the most is what he wants.

Lisbeth: We don't know what it is, but it sure ain't good at all that's for sure.

You: Yeah. "You stand up and pick up your bag" Well, I better get going. I promised Asuna earlier today that we'd be eating lunch together at the school grounds after class.

Silica: Say hi to Asuna for me.

You: Sure thing. "You turn around and exit the class room" See ya guys tomorrow!!

All of them: You too!!

A few minutes later, you arrived at the school's grounds and meet up with Asuna. After that, the two of you settled down at a nearby bench and ate your lunch together like you always do. Sure some people would prefer to eat at the cafeteria, but on a lovely day like today makes the meal even better. Especially when you spend this time with the ones you care about.

You: So, how's your dad doing? With finding a job and all.

Asuna: He's doing fine. He just found a new line of work a couple of days ago and is working very hard as we speak.

You: "You smile" That's good, but you better make sure that he doesn't work too hard. Wouldn't want anything bad happening if he does that.

Asuna: "Giggles" I will. "Scooches a little closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder"

You: You know, whenever we spend time together, I never felt relaxed in a long time.

Asuna: Same here.

"Awkward silence occurs"

You: Asuna.

Asuna: "Looks at you" Yes (M/n)?

You: I was wondering. Maybe if someday, would you like to travel somewhere off country with me?

Asuna: Really?

You: Yeah. There are so many places I really want to check out like Venice, Paris, Ireland, anywhere where we can have loads of fun.

Asuna: "Smiles" I'd really like that.

Yui(In phone): And can I come a long too?

You: "You look at your phone and then to the sky" Of course. We'll all go together, as a family.

Yui(In phone): I can't wait!!

You: Me too Yui, me too.

Asuna: "Looks at you and then kisses you o the lips" I love you.

You: I love you too.
Later that day.....

(Inside Kingdom Hearts Online)

After having lunch with Asuna, you and the rest of the gang went back home so you and your girl can play KHO with Yulier and Thinker. Once you got home and dressed into your normal home attire, you put on your Amusphere and logged into the game.

"You, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker arrived at your new world"

You: Well, we arrived.

Yulier: "Looks at the scenery and realizes where they are" Is this a swamp?

Thinker: Sure looks like one.

Asuna: "Looks at you" What do we do now (M/n)?

You: Let's go to the ground and land so we don't miss any Heartless that might be here.

Agreeing to your suggestion, you all drove towards the ground and transformed your keyblades back to their normal forms. The swamp looked different from above, but when your at the ground, things just got really spooky and scary. Right now in the games time, it's night and the whole place is mostly covered with mist, making it almost impossible to identify which is a living thing or not.

Yui: "Shakes upon looking around the swamp" This place is scary daddy.

You: It's okay Yui, you'll be safe as long as your with me and mommy.

Yulier: "Lifts her foot and sees some slimy substance stuck on her boot" Disgusting.

Thinker: You know, I think this is the first time we've been to a swamp biome. Right?

Asuna: Yeah. Before we never encountered anything like this before.

You: "You turn to the others" Alright everyone, let's get a move on. And remember, if you see something suspicious, call out quietly.

All of them: Right.

With that said and done, you all continued walking on foot. The terrain wasn't that easy to maneuver on, but you all managed. Along the way you all haven't encountered any Heartless until-


Thinker: "You all look around after hearing that scream" What was that?

Yulier: Sounds like it came form that way!! "Points to the left"

You: Come on!!

Agreeing to what you just said, you all ran to the source of the scream. Upon arriving, you saw a gator with a firefly and two frogs being surrounded by seven Heartless!! Knowing that their in trouble, you and your friends ran towards the sinister creatures and engaged them immediately.

Asuna: "Dodges the Heartless' attack and then slices him in half" You should be ashamed for harming innocent creatures!!

You: "You charge up Oathkeeper and thrust it forward" SONIC BLADE!! "You go towards a group of Heartless with great speed and cause some to fly into the air"

Thinker: "Points his keyblade at them" Taste it. "Fires many fireballs at them and kills the creatures instantly"

Heartless: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!! "It turns around and runs away with it's other remaining allies"

Yulier: Let's go after them.

You: No. Let them be, their a lost cause. "You all put away your keyblades and look to the animals" You all alright?

Louis: Yes we are, thanks for the rescue.

"Awkward silence occurs and cricket chirping sounds in the background"

Thinker: Is it just me? or did that gator just talk?

Yulier: No, your not the only one who heard hun.

Naveen: "Steps forward and clears his throat" Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Naveen of Maldonia.

You: "You crouch to get a closer look at him" Uh, you sure about that? Cause from my perspective, your just a frog.

Tiana: Just let him be. "Walks up to you" I'm Tiana, nice to meet you.

You: "You shake hands with the female frog" Nice to meet you too, I'm (First Name) (Last Name). "You turn to the others" And these are my friends, Asuna, Yulier, and Thinker.

All of them: Hello.

You: "You stand up and look to the gator" And you are?

Louis: Louis, just call me Louis.

Ray: "Flies up to you and you immediately see him" And I'm Raymond, but my friends call me Ray.

You: Ray, pretty easy to remember.

Asuna: Anyways. "Walks up to Tiana and Naveen and crouches" What are you guys doing here?

Tiana: We're on our way to meet a friend of Ray's so me and Naveen here can go back to being human.

Yulier: "Go back to being human"? What do you mean by that?

Ray: Eh, Naveen made a deal with da Shadowman in hopes of being rich again, but ended up turnin into a frog instead.

Louis: And the only way we could now how to get him and Tiana back to normal is to talk with Mama Odie.

You: Mama Odie?

Louis: She's the Voodoo Queen Of the Bayou and knows everything about magic.

Asuna: Oh, so she's like Yin Sid.

Thinker: Pretty much, except this person is a girl.

Tiana: Anyways, what are yall doing in the middle of the bayou?

You: Let's just say we're here to prevent a dark force from taking over this world.

Tiana and the others: WHAT!?

Thinker: We'll explain later.

Asuna: Would you like us to come along with you? It's better to stick with us since there might be a chance those monster might come back.

Naveen: I think we can go with that.

Ray: Come on yall, let's get a move on!!

Agreeing to his suggestion, you all followed the cheery firefly to Mama Odie's hut. You weren't sure who this person was, but if what Louis says about her is true, then they might be able to solve their problem with Tiana and Naveen.
Somewhere out of the Bayou.....

?????: So let me get this straight. "Turns to the Hooded figure" Your telling me that if I capture the girl frog and give her to you, you will help me in taking over this town?

Hooded figure: Yes.

?????: How do I know if I can trust you?

Hooded figure: We're both on the same side Dr. Facilier. Besides, I'm only here to extract this world's Princess of Light.

Dr. Facilier: If that's the case, then why don't you just get her yourself?

Hooded figure: As much as I want to, I am a busy man. "Turns around" Remember, I need her alive. If you kill or fail in capturing her, the deal is off.

Dr. Facilier: Yeah yeah, I get the picture.

Hooded figure: Good. "Opens a portal" Good luck. "Steps into the portal and disappears" 

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