Chapter One

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Tord looked at himself in the mirror, his hands gripping on the sides of the sink. His knuckles were covered in dry blood from punching the wall out of anger and confusion. He looked back into the cracked mirror, tears daring to fall from his eyes.

'Don't let it take over again, Tord. You got this..just calm down..'

Tord felt a faint chuckle escape his chapped lips. He brought his hand to muffle the laugh. He quickly refocused on the mirror, horrified. It was back, and of course he knew it. Because whenever it came back, his eyes would change a shade of greyish-blue.  Tord's face started turning a pale color as a loud chuckle escaped his lips, an evil one. He clasped his sides, letting the laugh echo through the house. It got louder, and louder. Soon, it stopped.

"Guess who's back?" That thing laughed, smirking as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I bet ya missed me, didn't you Tordy?"

"N-No.." Tord barely whispered, feeling himself starting to loose control of his body.

"Oh, don't be such a downer. You know you can't get rid of me~" The monster smirked, walking out of the bathroom. "Hmm.." He glanced at the clock.


The thing, who went by Red pouted. "Well, early killings isn't bad." He walked over and grabbed it's blood-stained red hoodie, which was good since it was red. And no one knew but him there was blood. He grabbed a knife from the kitchen, it shined in the light as Red shoved it into his hoodie pocket. Walking to the door, he slightly stumbled, crashing into the wall. 

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Tord. You know what happens when you try to fight back." He warned, tsking. Tord let out a whimper, but it was soon disguised by a chuckle. The monster opened the door, looking both ways as it pulled up his hood, walking down the street. Red smirked as he looked into a store's window, his reflection showed exactly what he wanted.

No grey, his eyes were all blue.

"Red is back, baby!" The voice taunted, with a chilling smirk.  He walked down the side of the store, noticing their was an alley.

Where his next victim was surely waiting, smoking a cigarette.

Tom woke up, pulling off the covers as he stepped onto the cold floor. He looked to his side, seeing his boyfriend not there. Until, the smell of bacon hit his nose. He smiled, immediately dashing down the steps. In a flash, he was behind his smaller boyfriend.

"I smelled bacon." He smirked, wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

Edd giggled, flipping over a piece of bacon. "Morning to you too, babe." He blushed.

Tom smiled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek, which made him blush darker. 

"You slept in late, thought I'd make breakfast late." His boyfriend commented, sliding the bacon onto a plate with pancakes.

"What do you mean slept in late?" He glanced at the clock, seeing it was 2:24PM. "Oh."

"Yeah, I tried waking you up. But, you wouldn't so.." He placed the plate down. starting to clean up after himself.

Tom looked at the plate, a rush of hunger spread through his veins as he quickly gobbled down the food with a gulp, now working on the bacon as he chewed it. He sat back against the chair. "Have anything planned for today?"

"Well, no. But your computer went off a few times. Which woke me up, thanks by the way." He took Tom's empty plate. "Thought it was your boss or something." Edd rolled up his sleeves, washing the dish.

"Fuck.." Tom groaned, getting up. He hoped it wasn't his boss, that would be terrible. He rushed upstairs, opening his laptop. It was a message from his old friend, Tord.  He opened his skype, reading the message.

'Help me'

Tom raised a brow, why would Tord need his help? They haven't spoke in awhile either way. Tom did miss him though, and he did have concern over his friend. He pondered, thinking it could be serious. He clicked the video button and it rung

And rung.

Until, Tord picked up.

"Hello, old friend." Who he thought was Tord smirked deviously. 

"Hey Commie, what's up with the message? Is everything alright?" Concern laced Tom's voice.

"What message?"

"The one that said 'Help me' What did you need help with?"

"What do you m-"

His friend was cut off as he grasped his head in pain. Tom's eyes widened, as his friend lifted up his head, tears now falling down his face.

"Tord? Tord? What's wrong?"

"T-Tom..I..I need your help! P-Please..come.." His voice slightly faded as it was stretched into a smirk. "I- Forget it old friend, everything is perfect." Red let out a bone-chilling laugh, ending the call.

Tom's eyes were still wide. "What just-...happened?" He was about to call back when Tord disconnected. Now, there was only one thing on his mind. Tord.

Red turned around in the seat, tsking. "You had to tell him, didn't you Tordy?"

Tord shivered, Red may have control of his body, but there's something about Tom that makes him stronger. 'I had to! He can help me...and you know that.' He whimpered, talking from inside his body. 

'And that's why, I'm going to make him hate you.' Red taunted, as Tord cringed.

Now, Tord wishes he never met Tom. Because all this is because of him. Once Tom met Edd and started drifting away from Tord. Tord's anger got the best of him, and that's where Red came from. He didn't expect it to come this far, Red killing for his own selfish ways, scaring his friends away, robbing and raping.

Tord would keep himself isolated, but everytime Tom called, and they talked, Tord felt stronger, he felt like he could get of Red forever.

But we all know how that worked out.

Tord was so consumed in his thoughts he didn't notice Red got up, and starting heading to the kitchen. Tord knew exactly what that meant once he snapped back into reality.

He opened the knife cabinet, taking out the sharpest he could find as he placed it onto Tord's skin. Tord had used his strength to push the knife out of Red's hand. This was kind of an advantage, whenever he had enough strength, he could fight back for his body, and sometimes stop Red from doing stupid things. Red let out a chuckle, picking up the knife again.

"This is what you get for trying to fight back." He smirked, running the knife over his skin as he winced. The other winced in double pain.

"This is what you get for telling Thomas." He cut a little deeper, under the cut before.

"And this is for trying." He slit the skin, watching the blood pour out onto the ground. "Night, Tordy." He smirked, letting Tord have control, making him black out as blood spilled onto the yellow tiles on the floor.



hope you liked it~


red is a bitch asf i wanna eat him.


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