I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me

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Chapter Fifty-Five: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me

"I talked to Callie last night about the residents at Mercy West. She said they don't suck." Cristina told Meredith and I. I only rolled my eyes. Everyone in the hospital was on edge right now because of Webber's announcement about us merging with Mercy West Hospital, meaning jobs were on the line. "I mean, you're safe because of Derek. Izzie's safe 'cause of cancer. Alex is Bailey's new favorite. Watley, you're safe 'cause of Sloan."

"And the women's movement has been set back twenty years." I muttered.

"You know, even George would've been spared, 'cause he's Owen's guy." Cristina continued her rant, not seeming to hear me. "Cardio has been a revolving door around here, and no one's got my back."

"So Arizona is your cover?" Meredith asked.

"She's merger-proof." Cristina nodded. "She keeps little kids alive. No one likes a dead kid. Plus, they're under anesthesia half the time. How bad can it be?"

"This is why I never let you watch Joel." I told her.

"You know, we should really get some sleep before rounds." Meredith suggested.

"Sleep is for wimps. Sleep is for Mercy West residents." Cristina shook her head. "Let's, uh, fit in another trauma before rounds."

"Don't say anything about the wig." Alex warned us in a quiet voice as he hurried over to join us. Before any of us could question him, Izzie came around the corner, answering any questions we may have had.

"I'm back. Yes, I am early." Izzie smiled widely at us, but I could only find myself focusing on the wig she was wearing. It went past her shoulders and was a light red color, completely different from her naturally light blonde. "But whatever. I'm back. And because I've been gone so long, the first trauma that comes through those doors, it's mine. Got it?"

None of us answered her, instead Meredith, Cristina, and I all stood there with our eyes trained on her wig. Izzie seemed to realize this, another smile filling her lips.

"It's amazing, right?" She asked.

"What?" All three of us asked at the same time.

"The wig." Izzie said.

"Oh, it looks so real, I couldn't even tell." Cristina told her, lying through her teeth while Meredith nodded in agreement.

"Really makes your eyes pop." I added.

"I've always wanted to try out being a redhead, so I just thought, now's the time." Izzie shrugged.

"Well, what's wrong with your own hair?" Alex asked her, clearly not a fan of the wig.

"That's peach fuzz chemo hair, and I really wanted to put my patients at ease, make 'em feel comfortable." Izzie told her husband.

"She looks like a Stepford wife." Cristina whispered to Meredith and I. "You've gotta tell her."

"She can't handle it. Just don't stare." Meredith whispered back to us.

"MVC who do I have?" Bailey asked us. We all started to speak at once, all of us wanting on the case. "Hey, I'm not your chief resident anymore. Figure it out." This only led to us starting to argue between ourselves. "Karev, let's go."

"Oh!" Cristina glared after Alex as he hurried outside after Bailey, just as a group first year residents, our old interns, joined us.

"You're back." Harper smiled at Izzie.

"I am." Izzie nodded.

"My mom's whole church prayed for you." One of them told her.

"Thank you." Izzie thanked her.

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