Kung Fu Fighting

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Chapter Forty-One: Kung Fu Fighting

"I feel like I'm about to hit a wall." I muttered under my breath as I followed Meredith and Cristina down to the ER to meet an incoming trauma.

"Yeah, well, it fits." Cristina commented. "You look like you've already hit one."

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Seriously, what's bugging you?" Meredith asked me. "You've looked like shit the past couple weeks."

"Yeah, can we go back to badass Beth?" Cristina suggested. "I liked her. She had Three scared to death of her after just one day."

"Her name's Lexie, and I wasn't that mean... was I?" I frowned.

"Did me proud." Cristina smirked at me as we began to pull on trauma gowns. "Oh, heads up. Mr. Incredible, twelve o'clock."

"Hey." Meredith smiled at Derek as he walked past us.

"Hey." He returned the smile, causing Cristina and I to share a look before we both adverted our gazes back to Meredith.

"What the hell was that about?" Cristina asked.

"That was about a date we have later in the on call room." Meredith informed us. "It's nothing."

"Well, you sure seem to be losing sleep over a whole lot of 'nothing'." Cristina pointed out before she glanced at me. "You and Beth both."

"I'm fine." I assured them as we headed outside, finding Alex already there.

"This is it- Hahn is in the hospital, freakin' Izzie is on her service again." Cristina shook her head as she started to change the subject. "I'm gonna ride this trauma train straight back into cardio."

"Okay, what do we got?" Callie asked as she came out behind us.

"Uh, two ambulances, multiple traumas." Meredith told her.

"Any chance you need a resident's help, Dr. Torres?" Alex asked.

"As long as you want to smash bones into dust while people cry." Callie said before she hurried off to one of the incoming ambulances.

"Sweet. What do you got?" Alex asked the paramedic.

"Chest pain, tamponade, ruptured aorta?" Cristina tried guessing.

"Uh, more like a clown car." The paramedic shook her head. "Jackie Escott, twenty-five years old- dislocated shoulder, lac to her thigh, vital signs are stable. And Helena Boyd, twenty-six years old- also stable with obvious nasal fracture facial lacs and a chunk of missing scalp."

"She ripped out my hair." Helena said as they were unloaded from the ambulance.

"She ripped out my shoulder!" Jackie accused.

"You ripped out your own shoulder when you were trying to push me off of the platform!" Helena yelled.

"Who let go of the dress?" A guy asked. "Did anybody let go of the dress?"

"Hang in there, honey." Another guy told Helena. "Don't let her psych you out, all right?"

"Okay, what the hell's all this?" Callie asked.

"It's a store contest. I'm the judge." A third man informed us.

"Last one to let go of the dress-" The first guy started.

"Wins the weeding of my dreams." Jackie finished.

"Of my dreams." Helena argued.

"All right, enough." Callie snapped at them. "You two are injured, okay? You need to get your priorities straight and let go of the- let go- let go of the dress so we can treat you. All right, let go now. Now."

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