Winning a Battle, Losing a War

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Chapter Three: Winning a Battle, Losing a War

"Augh!" I heard a loud thud from the room next door to my own. At the sudden noise I looked up from my shoes, that I had been in the middle of tying, and glanced at the sleeping figure in the small bed across the room from my own. A small breath of relief left me when I saw Joel still fast asleep, only his dark brown hair peeking out from beneath his blankets.

"I have more clothes- I should have the bigger room." I recognized Izzie's voice coming from the hall. 

"I got here first." George argued as I stepped out into the hallway to find them both trailing Meredith down the hall. 

"Could you guys keep it down?" I hissed at them as I closed my bedroom door softly. 

"Why aren't you attacking Bethany about this?" George frowned at Izzie, seeming to ignore me entirely. "Her room's bigger than mine!"

"Because I am sharing it." I reminded them both.

"I still can't believe you have a son." Izzie glanced back at me before returning her attention to Meredith. "It's Meredith's house, George, Meredith should decide."

"My room is like two inches bigger than yours." George followed both women downstairs as I trailed behind, wanting to get myself some coffee from the kitchen. 

"Your closet is bigger." Izzie argued. 

"Why is everything a competition?" George asked as they headed into the laundry room.

"This is why I wanted to say no." I called out to Meredith as she headed back upstairs, both following behind her again as I poured myself some coffee. As I did so there was a knock on the front door and I hurried over to answer it, finding a familiar face standing on the front porch. "Ashley, hey, good morning."

"Good morning." Ashley, Joel's babysitter, smiled widely at me as she stepped inside, eying the place. "Nice house."

"Uh, thanks, it's a friend's." I nodded. "Joel's still asleep upstairs, the second to last door on the left, across from the bathroom. He'll probably be asleep for a couple more hours, but I need to get going for work. Meredith, Izzie, and George are all upstairs, I told them about you but if they forget then just remind them. I should be back by eight tonight, but I'll call you if anything changes."

"Okay." She nodded as I grabbed my thermos of coffee, my bag, and keys before hurrying out the door, not wanting to have to witness anymore of Izzie and George's drama. Within minutes I was driving towards the hospital, but found myself stopped at a stoplight when I was only five minutes away from the hospital. 

"Come on," I muttered as I stared up at the red light. A small sigh escaped me as I glanced out my window to see Derek and Bailey standing at a crosswalk. Derek must have noticed me because he sent me a small smile and wave before returning his attention to the short woman beside him. I only flashed him a smile before the light turned green and I started to step on the gas. As I started to pull out of my stop though people on bikes seemed to appear out of nowhere. My eyes widened as several came right at my car from my side while another car came towards me at the other. For a moment, my whole world seemed to slow down before it sped right back up, everything then becoming a blur until it fell black.


"I swear, I'm fine." I insisted as a paramedic unloaded me from his ambulance and began to wheel me into the ER. 

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