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Chapter Forty-Five: Freedom

"Every page goes in every set of documents. Miss one, you're on scut." Meredith warned her interns as I rounded a corner, finding her monitoring her interns at a nurses station as they did paperwork. "These are the most promising trial patients. I don't want any mistakes."

"Hard-ass." George commented as he and Izzie joined us.

"Where were you?" Izzie asked Meredith.

"I had to stay with Cristina." Meredith told her.

"And you?" Izzie looked at me.

"I had my son." I reminded her.

"Couldn't Lucas watch him or something?" She frowned, clearly annoyed.

"He had work." I lied.

"That's so nice." Izzie gave Meredith and I both a tight lipped smile, clearly annoyed. "Rebecca's at the house. I needed you guys. One of you, at least."

"She's crazy." George chimed in.

"We've had this discussion, and decided it's not appropriate to call Izzie crazy." Meredith shook her head. "She's spirited."

"Spirited." George repeated the term, only earning an eye roll from me.

"Yeah. Not me!" Izzie shoved George. "I'm not crazy. Rebecca's crazy. Alex is pretending she's not. It's..."

"Hello." Cristina greeted the rest of us.

"I was just helping Meredith collate." Lexie told her resident, clearly afraid of getting in trouble with her. "I'm on my way to check your patients."

"That's fine. Take your time." Cristina waved her off, making all of us look at her, confused.

"You seem cheerful." Izzie noted.

"I'm gettin' my groove back." Cristina nodded as she leaded against the counter. "I'm gettin' piggy with it. I'm gettin' down with the get down."

"I'll have whatever you put in her drink this morning." I whispered to the dirty blonde by my side.

"Meredith gave me the sparkle pager." Cristina pulled the brightly colored pager from her pocket, a wide grin filling her lips.

"What?" Izzie exclaimed while I only stared at the brunette with wide eyes.

"She needed it for her mojo." Meredith tried to explain to us.

"Ever think I needed it?" Izzie asked.

"You'd waste it." Cristina shook her head. "You and Watley both would."

"You're lucky we're friends, or I'd kick your ass." I shot her a glare for her comment.

"I need it to get out from under Hahn." Cristina ignored me. "I won't have to beg her for O.R. time if I have the pager. She's not gonna teach, I'll teach myself."

"She's just gonna use it for evil. I... I would use it to do good." Izzie tried to convince Meredith while I simply stood back at watched the three, amused by this conversation. Though I would like to have the sparkle pager for myself, I wasn't going to start begging Meredith for it. "And besides, the pager is sacred. Sacred sparkle. You can't just give it away. She can't do that."

"I think it's nontransferable." George sided with Izzie.

"You don't make rules." Cristina argued.

"But I am the Chief's intern." George reminded her.

"You're the Chief's bitch." Cristina scoffed.

"She's got a point." I agreed with Cristina, earning a nod of thanks from her.

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