Losing My Religion

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Losing My Religion

"I cut the LVAD wire." Izzie told Webber as we all stood in front of him in his office, even Karev stood to my right as I stood between him and Cristina.

"Actually, I cut the LVAD wire." Meredith said.

"No, I did it." George shook his head. "I'm the one who cut the wire."

"Fine." Cristina sighed after I nudged her in the side. "I cut the LVAD wire."

"I cut the LVAD wire." I told Webber without wasting a second.

"I didn't do anything." Alex shrugged. "I'm totally innocent."

"Alex." Meredith shot him a look.

"That's not the point." George said.

"We made an agreement." Cristina reminded him of the deal we'd all made. We were all to take responsibility for cutting the LVAD wire in order to save Izzie's job.

"I didn't even-" Alex began.

"I told you guys this was a bad idea." I shook my head as everyone bickered and argued with one another.

"People!" Webber yelled, silencing all of us. "I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know."

"With all due respect, sir, if you knew, you wouldn't be asking us." George pointed out.

"I did what I-" Izzie began.

"You have you suspicions, but you don't actually know." Meredith cut Izzie off.

"Not for sure." I agreed with her.

"And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir." George said.

"Well, one of you compromised a patient's life." Webber stood up from his chair as he looked us all over. "One of you told an organ. One of you jeopardized the integrity of this hospital and of UNOS. Now you tell me, and you tell me right now!" All of us stayed silent and watched as he sat back down. "All right, fine. No surgeries."

"Sir?" Cristina questioned his last statement.

"No one scrubs in, no one watches from the gallery, no one so much as goes near the OR floor." Webber ordered us. "Until someone confesses, the six of you will hare a single patient, Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, the six of you will provide it. Now get the hell out of my sight."

We all left Webber's office without a word, walking through the halls and downstairs together, all of us silently sulking at his decision.

"I will go back." Izzie offered. "I will tell him it was me."

"No." Meredith shook her head. "And get kicked out of the program? You will keep your mouth shut. We all will keep our mouths shut."

"This is crap." Alex muttered. "I'm turning her in."

"Alex." Meredith warned him.

"What?" Alex stopped walking and looked around at the rest of us. "You were the one who said we had to stand by Izzie."

"I am sorry." Izzie apologized. "And I really do appreciate what you did for Denny."

"Oh, shut up." Alex snapped at her. "Look, the only reason I lied to Burke is 'cause I wanted in on that transplant surgery. I don't care about Denny, and I hope you get thrown out on your ass."

"Hey, we stick together." Cristina glared at him. "You know, we all did this. Nobody's a victim. We stick together. Damn it."

"Thank you." Izzie, said seeming to be just as surprised by Cristina's words as the rest of us.

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