Perfect Little Accident

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Chapter Sixty-Two: Perfect Little Accident

"Hey, what'd I miss?" I asked Meredith as I joined her and Cristina, the later mumbling to herself. "Did she have a stroke or something?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Meredith chuckled.

"I misdiagnosed Harper Avery in front of Harper Avery." Cristina informed me, her words making my eyes go wide.

"H-Harper Avery?" I stuttered slightly.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Do you know what that does to my chances of one day winning a Harper Avery?"

"Well, he could die before then." Meredith tried to cheer her up. "He could die today even."

"I just need to operate on my motorcycle daredevil guy, and I'll be fine." Cristina shook her head.

"Is it true Harper Avery is here?" Lexie asked as she joined us.

"Is Watley here acting like a braindead fish?" Cristina rolled her eyes. I glared at the brunette at her comment.

"So Derek walked in on her naked this morning in Alex's bed." Meredith informed Cristina and I.

"Meredith!" Lexie glared at her sister as Cristina broke into laughter, but I stayed silent as I walked with the three. It seemed as though my thoughts were going a hundred miles a second. If Harper Avery was here that meant my grandfather was here in the hospital, a grandfather that I had never met before. That I had never planned on meeting.

"Oh, I'm just cheering her up. She's having a bad day." Meredith shrugged. "Be generous."

"You know what? You can't having feelings for Karev." Cristina told the younger Grey sister. "He's like Meredith three years ago."

"I said that." Meredith chuckled.

"I don't have feelings for Alex." Lexie denied.

"Yes, you do." Cristina scoffed. "Your heart's, like, in your vagina."

"I said that." Meredith nudged her best friend.

"Oh, my God." Lexie shook her head. "You are both monsters."

"I need to go." I excused myself before hurrying down the hall, away from the three.

"What's her problem?" I heard Cristina ask as I rushed into the nearest bathroom. I hurried into the first empty stall I saw and threw up into the toilet.

"Beth?" I groaned at the sound of Derek's voice.

"This is the lady's room." I reminded him as I flushed the toilet. I exited the stall and found him leaning against the sink, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Figured I'd make sure you were okay." He said as I craned my neck under the faucet. I took in a mouth full of water and swished it around before spitting it back into the sink, ridding my mouth of the taste of vomit. "So, I take it that you heard about Harper Avery being brought in."

"Yeah," I let out a long breath.

"Did you know that Jackson was related to him?" Derek asked, clearly curious.

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p'. "Any other questions for me? 'Cause I'm supposed to be on Arizona's service today."

"Two." He nodded. "Are you going to go and see him?"

"Of course," I faked a smile. "As soon as pigs come flying out of my ass. Second question?"

"Have you talked to Jackson about all of this?" He asked. "I mean, I'm sure he has questions for you and-"

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