Make Me Lost Control

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Chapter Twelve: Make Me Lose Control

"What is she doing?" Cristina asked as we all got ready for rounds. I glanced up from my shoes to see her, Meredith, and George all watching Izzie and Alex as they had some coffee and talked .

"She's hanging out with Alex." George frowned.

"Why?" Cristina scrunched her nose up, as if in disgust.

"Because Alex actually isn't that bad when you get to know him." I told them, causing all three of their gazes to shift upon me, disbelief in all of them. "What?"

"You, Bethany Watley, are defending Alex Karev? Evil Spawn?" Meredith questioned me as though I were crazy.

"So?" I shrugged, getting to my feet. "It's the truth. If you guys actually sat down and got to know him you'd see that he's actually a nice person, underneath his hard snarky shell."

"It's official, Izzie and Bethany have lost it." Cristina shook her head as we all headed out into the hallway.

"Izzie, come on." George waved her over. 

"Why are you fraternizing with Evil Spawn?" Cristina questioned her as soon as she joined us in walking down the halls to follow Bailey, Alex going ahead of us to walk at the resident's side. 

"You guys are wrong about him." Izzie told them. "Once you get to know him, he's really sweet."

"He's Alex." George said, as if that were enough.

"Punk-ass." Cristina added.

"Hey, Grey, Izzie was telling me you have tapes of your mom preforming surgery." Alex called over his shoulder at Meredith. "I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action."

"Hey, you know what? Maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together, right?" Izzie suggested.

"Oh, yeah, if this were a hell dimension." Meredith nodded.

"Run away, pig boy." Cristina told him.

"Do you have a thing for Alex?" George asked Izzie.

"No." Izzie shook her head.

"Are we saving lives or having a tea party?" Bailey called back to us. "Walk faster, people."


"Mr. Gaston is scheduled for a resection non-small cell carcinoma today." Cristina began to say once we had started our rounds, the first patient being on of Burke's. "He did well overnight, has remained afebrile. He's had a dose of ceftriaxone this morning. His pre-op labs are unremarkable. His chest X-rays are unchanged from the previous."

"I own a couple of dry cleaning stores." Mr. Gaston told us. "I never believed what they said about inhaling the chemicals, but..."

"We're gonna do everything we can for you, Mr. Gaston." Burke promised him. "Did oncology see him yet?"

"They're waiting for the surgical path." Cristina told him. 

"Thank you, Dr. Yang." Burke told her as Bailey led all of us out of Mr. Gaston's room, leading us to the next room. In the next room I found a young blonde haired woman laying in the hospital bed, her eyes fixated on her hands in her lap.

"Kelly Roche, twenty-three year old, in for a scheduled ETS for treatment of erythrophobia with hyperpyrexia." Alex presented.

"Blushing?" Cristina frowned after looking up the definition for hyperpyrxia.

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