Oh, the Guilt

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Chapter Thirty: Oh, the Guilt

"Be careful with that, Alex!" I couldn't help but wince as he put a box of down on the floor while the others moved around us, everyone having come to help Lucas and I move into our new apartment. Even Meredith was here after having had her appendix removed last week. 

"What's the big deal?" Alex rolled his eyes at me as I opened the box to make sure that nothing was broken.

"The big deal is, I don't think Lucas would be very happy if you went and broke his stuff." I shook my head as I got back to my feet, having confirmed that nothing broke. "Remember, he has a gun, he could shoot you."

"If he does I want to watch, and I want to be the one to operate on him afterwards." Cristina said as she sat down on the couch. 

"Don't worry, Alex, I only shoot criminals." Lucas assured him. 

"And my dreams are crushed." Cristina huffed. "And to think, I was starting to like you."

"I have a question," George said as he came out of the room that we were setting up for Joel. "Can I move in with you guys?"

"George!" Meredith smacked him.

"I'll share a room with Joel." George tried to convince us.

"Aren't you taking my room at Meredith's house?" I pointed out. "That gives you a bigger room there."

"Izzie's taking it." George shook his head. 

"She's also talking about buying a hotel." Meredith reminded him. 

"An eight million dollar check, just sitting in the house." I sighed. "I'm sorry, but if I didn't know you guys, I so would have robbed you by now."

"You're not the only one." Alex agreed.

"Maybe I should have ran background checks on you guys." Lucas joked. 

"Hey, you're the one that picked up a random girl in a bar." I shrugged. "I tried telling you it wasn't a good idea."


"She's losing it." Meredith shook her head as we all got ready in the locker room the next day. "She almost battered and deep fried an eight and a half million dollar check this morning."

"That kind of money, I'd buy my own hospital and stock it full of sick people." Cristina smiled at the idea. "Valvuloplasties and ruptured aneurysms...mm."

"You're a psycho." George told her. "You know that, right?"

"I'm not the one with an eight and a half million dollar check that I won't cash." Cristina pointed out.

"Stop talking about me." Izzie spoke up from where she sat on the other side of the lockers, cleaning out her own locker. "I'm fine. I am cleaning out my locker and I am going home. Mer is the one with the problems."

"What's wrong with me?" Meredith frowned.

"Well, you haven't told McDreamy that you dumped McVet." Izzie pointed out as she walked around the wall of lockers to join us. 

"Oh, you haven't done that yet?" Cristina raised a brow at Meredith.

"Dude, tell him already." Alex shook his head.

"She's scared." George said as he looked over the paper.

"I am not scared." Meredith denied. "Derek walked away. He walked away. And maybe that's a good thing. I mean, maybe he's happier. Maybe he's moved on. He's got Addison here. He's got Mark here. He's got a lot to deal with. And I'm not gonna make him feel guilty. I mean, I am being an adult here. I am not going to drag him into our whole...Izzie is the one with the big check."

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