Save Me

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Chapter Eight: Save Me

"Eight hours, sixteen ounces of chocolate, and thirty-two cupcakes, and they still don't taste right." Izzie shook her head, practically glaring at the cupcakes that littered the kitchen island.

"No, these are good." George assured her as he ate one. "Martha Stewart would be proud."

"Yeah, look where it got here." The blonde muttered.

"Seriously, Iz, Joel's turning six." I reminded her. "He's not going to care if the cupcakes aren't up to your standards. They're chocolate, he'll think they're perfect."

"There's something missing, some specific ingredient." Izzie insisted, not listening to me. "Why can't I remember?"

"Look, just call her." George told her. "Call you mother and ask."

"I don't want to call my mother." Izzie refused.

"I regret asking her to do this." I groaned, resting my head on the kitchen table.

"Good morning." Derek greeted all of us, causing me to glance up to see him and Meredith walking into the kitchen. 

"Hey. You guys want a cupcake?" George offered. "Izzie made 'em."

"You know, I like it here." Derek told us as he made his way around the kitchen, getting himself some breakfast as we watched. "Her, you said so yourself- you liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed."

"You're like a health nut, aren't you?" George guessed. "You eat Muesli every morning."

"No I don't." Derek argued.

"Yeah, you do." I agreed with George. 

"The last seven day, at least." Izzie nodded.

"Oh, come on." Derek frowned at us. "I haven't been here for a whole week, have I?"

"See? Even they think it's weird." Meredith smirked at him. 


"Okay, Mr. Walker. Does that hurt?" Derek asked our patient as he ran a tool up and down his legs.

"I can't feel anything until you get to my thigh." Mr. Walker told us. 

"Try wiggling your toes." Derek told him. We both watched his feet for any sign of movement, but there wasn't any.

"Are they moving?" Mr. Walker asked us.

"No." I shook my head.

"Damn." Mr. Walker swore. "I would about ten minutes ago."

"Well, your spine X-rays look clear." Derek told him. "You feel rock climbing?"

"In Snohomish." He nodded  the best he could in his neck brace. "Just a small drop. I was belayed. My wife and boys are on the way. What's wrong with me, anyway?"

"Hold your legs up." Derek took Mr. Walker's legs in his hands by the ankles, releasing them with his hands underneath. I watched as Mr. Walker's legs fell each time Derek released them, unable to stay up on their own. 

"Should I be scared now?" Mr. Walker asked us, seeming to realize our silence didn't provide any good news.

"Just try and relax." I advised him. 

"Bethany, find Meredith and have her take him down to MRI right now, rush it." Derek instructed me. "Take over with her patient, the psychic."

"Right away." I nodded.

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