Valentine's Day Massacre

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Chapter Sixty-Two: Valentine's Day Massacre 

"Hey, what's going on?" Bailey asked when she, Arizona, and I found Callie clearing the surgical board. 

"Grandinetti's roof collapsed." She informed us. "We'll be getting more than a dozen. All scheduled procedures are pushed."

"Ugh. On Valentine's Day?" Arizona shook her head as we all started to head down to the ER. "God, Grandinetti's must have been packed."

"Well, tonight's out." Callie told her girlfriend. "I told you this would happen."

"Well, that's why we went to dinner at four and exchanged gifts. Look." They both showed Bailey and I the matching necklaces they'd gotten each other. 

"Just special. Original. Magical." Bailey said. "Squeals of joy."

"Wow. Scrooge." Arizona shook her head.

"Scrooge is Christmas." Bailey pointed out. "That's a holiday."

"She's got a point." I nodded in agreement, never having got the point of Valentine's Day.

"Dr. Bailey. Our hemicolectomy's pushed." Ben, one of the hospital's anesthesiologists, said as he hurried down the stairs, to catch up with the shorter woman. "That's a shame. I was- I was really looking forward to that."

"Well, as... you know..." Bailey seemed to struggle to find the right words as Callie, Arizona, and I trailed behind the two. It was clear that Ben was trying to flirt with Bailey, though she was either oblivious or just not interested.

"Well, maybe we could make up for it." Ben suggested. "Dinner tomorrow?"

"No." Bailey shot him down. "Um... just... I'm... busy. I have surgeries most nights. I always have surgery."

"Right. Well, um, maybe see you in the OR then." Ben nodded before walking away, leaving the four of us to step into the elevator together. As soon as we did, Arizona laughed. 

"Oh, my God." Callie shook her head as the doors slid closed. "She likes him."

"Ooh, you like him?" Arizona raised a brow.

"Oh, my God. You should totally go out with him." Callie told the older surgeon. "You have to say yes."

"Oh, no. It's Valentine's Day. You have to." Arizona insisted. 

"Okay, see, that- this right here, what's happening, the giggling... the girl talk, the OMGs- Okay, it has to stop. I am busy." Bailey shook her head. Callie and Arizona only continued to giggle while I stood there silently as the doors slid open again. "This is why Watley's my favorite."


"Chart, please." Derek requested as he joined me in trauma one, the neuro consult for my guy's head wound. 

"Here." I handed him the chart for him to look over before he looked at the man's head. 

"It's a depressed skull fracture with a subdural hematoma." He told me. "All right? Let's book an OR."

"Chief." Arizona was quick to grab Derek as he went to leave the trauma room.

"One second," he told her before looking back at me. "Watley, you and I need to talk later."

"Great." I muttered under my breath as he hurried out with Arizona. I turned my attention back to the man I was working on, still pressing a piece of gauze to his bleeding head. "Just great."

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