What a Difference a Day Makes

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Chapter Fifty-Three: What a Difference a Day Makes

"Is it wrong that I don't want to go to Meredith and Derek's wedding?" I asked Mark as he and I walked through the hospital, heading down to the ER to meet incoming traumas.

"Why don't you want to go?" He asked.

"I just don't do weddings." I told him. "I mean, I went to Cristina's, but the wedding didn't really happen seeing as how Burke left her at the alter. I didn't even want to go to that wedding, Meredith just convinced me by saying that she needed my help kicking Cristina's ass down the aisle."

"Weren't you a bridesmaid?" He recalled. "And a bridesmaid for Meredith, too? And Stevens made your son the ring bearer?"

"Technicalities." I shrugged. "My point is, I don't like weddings. All you do is sit there and listen to two people promise and swear to love one another and be faithful until they die, when there's a small chance that'll be true. Don't get me wrong, I love Derek and Meredith, but it's a fact that most marriages end in divorce, often due to infidelity. So why kid ourselves?"

"You know what my favorite thing about you is?" Mark raised a brow at me. "Your sense of optimism."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes as we reached the ER, finding chaos as patients were being wheeled in. Mark and I went separate ways as I hurried over to meet the paramedic that was wheeling in the newest patient.

"Becca Wells, twenty-one-year-old restrained backseat passenger." The paramedic told Callie and I. "Vitals stable en route. Some shortness of breath, but good breath sounds."

"Okay, take her to bay two for now." Callie instructed as I followed Becca.

"David, is that you?" Decca called out, her eyes wide at the sound of her friend talking to George.

"Becca, are you okay?" Her friend, David, asked as the paramedic and I transferred Becca off the stretcher and onto the hospital bed.

"I-I think so." Becca cried. "I don't know. How about you?"

"I'm talking." David stated the obvious. "It can't be too bad if I'm talking, right?"

"Right." Becca squeaked.

"Is my girlfriend here?" A guy asked as he was brought in. "She was in the backseat."

"Jordan!" Becca called out at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Becca?" The guy, Jordan, called out. "Becca, have you seen Dana? You were sitting next to her."

"Can you check on our other friends- Dana, M-Michelle, and Pete?" Becca asked me as I started to listen to her breathing.

"Eight of them, piled in an SUV?" Callie shook her head. "A-Are they all this bad?"

"These are the healthy ones compared to the rest." One of the paramedics said.

"Okay, uh, I need, uh, beds and blood and interns, and- and Owen Hunt." Callie told everyone. "Where is Hunt?"

"V-tach." George called out as his patient started to flatline. "BP's dropped out. I need the crash cart. I'm gonna cardiovert."

"David!" Becca cried out for her crashing friend. "What's wrong with him?"

"Charge to one hundred. Clear." George told the nurses helping him before he shocked David.

"David!" Becca screamed for her friend.

"Becca, what's wrong with David?" Jordan asked from his bed.

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