The Heart of the Matter

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Chapter Forty: The Heart of the Matter

"Grey!" I yelled the next morning as I made my way into the ER after meeting an ambulance. At hearing her name being yelled Lexie spun around from where she'd been talking to George. Since one of my interns were out sick Cristina had given me one of hers, Lexie. "Incoming, let's move."

She only nodded as she followed me into a trauma room, finding Derek already waiting inside for us with a nurse.

"What's your name?" I asked the boy as we transferred him onto the bed.

"Adam." He told me as an older man made his way into the room.

"He got his during a scrimmage." The man informed us as we began to carefully remove the mask on the Adam's helmet.

"Are you the coach?" Derek asked.

"He's my dad." Adam informed us.

"And his coach." The man added. "He was charging the receiver after the kickoff. He got blocked, had his head down, couldn't see the other guy coming."

"I had my head down because the guy blocking me was holding it down." Adam corrected his father, clearly frustrated.

"You could've gotten past that guy." His father told him as I placed glasses over the Adam's eyes, planning on cutting the helmet off rather than trying to pull it off and risk further damage.

"I need you to leave the room." Derek instructed the parent. Only once he was leaving did Derek speak up again. "Okay, let's cut him out of his equipment. Dr. Grey, I need you to help me stabilize his neck and his head, please. It's very important, Adam, that you not move your head. I need you to keep perfectly still."

"Just stay calm." I advised him as I took the saw and began the process of cutting him out of his equipment.


"I can't believe that kid's dad." Lexie shook her head as she, Derek, and I all looked over Adam's CT scans. "I mean, his son is paralyzed, and the guy's still riding him."

"Try to focus more on the medicine, less on their family problems." I advised her.

"Really?" Derek raised a brow at me. "What's your problem?"

"Not the time nor the place." I shook my head, not wanting to get into it with him right now.

"So how would you proceed, Dr. Grey?" Derek asked Lexie, seeming to let go any suspicions he had about me, for the time being.

"Oh, um... you won't be able to operate unless you realign his spine, would you?" Lexie seemed to be guessing as she looked over the scans once more.

"And how would you do that?" Derek nodded.

"Traction halo?" Lexie suggested.

"Very impressive, Dr. Grey." Derek complimented her before he looked at me. "Your intern year's off to a good start. How's it going? How are you and Meredith?"

"It's weird, the whole family thing." Lexie admitted. "And plus, I think she might still hate me."

"She doesn't hate you." Derek assured her.

"Really? Did she say that?" Lexie asked.

"You know, why don't you go see if Mrs. Cooley's dressings need changing?" I suggested, not in the mood to discuss or hear about personal problems.

"Watley, why don't you go see if Mrs. Cooley's dressing needs changing?" Derek countered.

"Certainly." I rolled my eyes before I began to make my way out of the room.

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